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A Plea For Excommunicaton


didn't see graphite
Apr 30, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds
A missive was delivered addressed to the High Reverend of Regalia and the Synod of the Unionist Divine. A copy of this letter was made in open display where applicable in the city. The author had not publicly stated his name on the document but a short paperwork traill the postal office lead back to Jules-Maximillien du Pont, brother to the Grand Revain.

The letter that was displayed on the notice board did not have the signatures included as it was a copy of the letter.

To the collective Holiness of the Regalian Synod, High Reverend of the Unionist Divine and holders of holy office.

Begrudgingly and with great concern for the wellbeing of our Empire and faith do we, the signatories of this plea regret to inform your Holiness to bring attention to spiritual corruption within the House d'Ortonnaise

The matriarch of the aforementioned House and Baronness of Ville Truiquis has by yet to be uncovered means become a true witch. By avoiding the attention of his Imperial Holiness and the imperial court has she attempted to normalize her nature by guising her affliction as a disease. With her non-human abilities has she convinced many that her nature remains unchanged but we, the faithful and pious, have seen through her schemes and found the true origin of her curse.

She has gained boons that are unexplainable by corporeal means and exercised them to her own gain. In exchange has she given up her immortal soul and stability of her mind. A likely unintended side-effect of making a deal with the demon. As of current the ruler of Ville Truiquis is a woman whose rationality is slowly decaying and giving in to her unholy affliction.

Thus, to prevent bloodshed among Ailor and to maintain stability in the realm do we appeal to the Unionist Divine to deliver holy judgement upon this matter. If the Baroness truly is beset by heresy, we have no choice but to implore the Regalan Synod to consider excommunication by writ of sin.

as warning for the faithful that she is a witch. May it be known that the following houses will not stand for corruption of the Empire and sign this plea to the Holy Divine in good faith and mind for the stability and security of Regalia, within or without. The Immortal Imperial Spirit watches and protect us all.


<>- House du Pont
Beneath was the signature of the Grand Revain of Cresille, Edmond du Pont.

<>-House Howlester
Beneath was the signature of the Palast Archduke of Galloy, Rodderick Howlester.

<>-House Ravenstad
Beneath was the signature of the Grand Archduke of Michellons, Vulmar Ravenstad.

<>-House Harhold
Beneath was the signature of the Grand Archduke of Vlissinghelm, Hengest Harhold.

<>-House Tyrannian
Beneath was the signature of the Duke of Carroburgen Gallus Tyrannian.

<>-House Kehlen
Beneath was the signature of the Duke of Redde, Wulffram Kehlen.

<>-House Drache
Beneath was the signature of the Count of Dragenhurst, Dietrich Drache.

<>-House d'Vaud
Beneath was the signature of the Count of Ertaubleierwald, Benedict d'Vaud

<>-House Miramonte
Beneath was the signature of the Baron of Cortaghena, Benjamin Miramonte.

<>-House Everhardt
Beneath was the signature of the Baron of Allemariënstadt, Roland Everhardt

<>-House Bolshekov
Beneath was the signature of the Baron of Thessalonikos, Radoslav Bolshekov

<>-House Viduggla
Beneath was the signature of the Baron of Ingetingerlän, Garth Viduggla

<>- Digmaan Cro Vazziss
Beneath was the signature of the Baron of Vezzeel, Digmaan Cro Vazziss

<>-House Alaire
Beneath was the signature of the Dame of Collen-Bas, Roesia Alaire

<>-House Kostalansky
Beneath was the signature of the Ser of Derevna-Moktoboy, Bohdan Kostalansky

<>-House Celyreos
Beneath was the signature of the Ser of Côte Plessis, Enzo Celyreos

<>-House Morgann
Beneath was the signature of the Lady of Locarnio, Marissa Morgann

<>-House dei Termini
Beneath was the signature of the Ser of Termini, Deo dei Termini
Houses that are not signatories but denounce Ortonnaise:

<>-House Haagenvig

<>-House Sorenvik


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