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    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
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A Metropolitan Statement


monastery guardian
Jan 6, 2022
Reaction score

Flyers are handed out and placed on noticeboards across the city of Regalia.
To concerned citizens of Regalia,

I will not keep the truth from you, the people deserve to know the happenings of their city.

An attack took place at the city's curing chamber this week. The Metropolitan alongside several Knights escorted a prisoner by the name of Viola Sylphryalhn from the shop you may know called the 'Arcane Affinity'.
After arriving at the chamber, government officials were ambushed and attacked in an attempt to free the vampire prisoner and conspire with her fiancée, Valenia.

A group of now-wanted conspiring criminal traitors are at large, retreating to the city's sewers where they can hide, plan and conspire against the state, most certainly planning future attacks.

The Metropolitan would like to thank the Knightly Orders who have assisted and defended constables in their engagements in the capturing of lawbreakers.

If you wish to see order and justice preserved, we must stand together and rally our cause, visit your local constabulary today to sign up.

A compiled list of known lawbreakers.
Viola, Kelemvor, Sempronia, Llewyn, Valenia, Hy'riss, Raoul.

If you have any information that may lead to the arrest of those wanted, come forward immediately.

Until further notice, on good authority by the Lord Commissioner, the Arcane Affinity is hereby closed until further notice.

The Office of Lin Senira,
Sergeant of the State Metropolitan.

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From a noticeboard; a hooded figure wearing baggy clothes is seen quickly tacking up a bold three-worded letter. Lumps were in the baggy hood, resembling a certain crown of small, sharp horns. Those who would spot the figure's face would recognize them as none other than Morkhaar's wielder; Llewyn Omaberos.


Viola caught sight of the notice, after a certain Isldar near her read the important bits out. She grumbled, murmuring spiteful words.

"They really will ruin an innocent's life to smoke me out. Some heroes they are."

She glanced to the pair with her, scoffing.

@Saaber @Faith_Bug
With aid in her deciphering of the message plastered about the city, the Greedling gave a scowl, vigorously scribbling her message down- no. She practically carved it. The charcoal leaving behind a thick coat of dust in some areas, in its wake a single response; simple in nature.

Gripping a copy of the notice with some frustration, a demonic looking Haat Maraya grumbled to someone that simply wasn't there before setting off to lurk through the sewer tunnels below.

"Why weren't WE included?!"