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A Message To Isldar


step off cuzzo
Jun 7, 2017
Reaction score
This message would be posted on respective announcement boards across Old Town, including one on the Church of Salvation

We apologize in advance to you, good folk of Old Town, for the rather hostile tone of this announcement.

To the Isldar Loyal to the Dead Priestess,

If you haven't noticed, the Church of Our Lady of Salvation is not only an institute of the Synod but one that is protected by ourselves from any and all who claim it for their territory and who would misuse it for their vile practices. This includes you bunch of white haired, magic using, Frisit loving pissants still loyal to your slain priestess. Apologies to the decent Isldar of this city.

It's rather humorous to us why you would think we'd allow a funeral ceremony of someone who was burned at the stake for crimes against the State, and most of all the Unionist Faith. Unless this ceremony is to be done under the light of the Spirit and you've all come to your senses and wish to learn of the Great Way, you will be evicted rather violently, should you set foot on Holy Grounds with the intent of honoring this ashen vagabond you call a leader under your repulsive faith. Should you also take up arms, we'll destroy what remains of your cult with the swing of a sword and the fury of the Spirit.

We've also noticed that little grave you've set up beside the Church. We are not so low as to desecrate one's resting place, even if they were burned for heresy and the such. However, we may not offer this immense amount of generosity for long; if you wish to not have the burned heretic's remains dug up and emptied in somebody's chamber pot, you'd do well to cease your actions and cancel your planned heretical funeral.

We do offer the ceremony to continue should you all convert and proceed with the funeral as Unionists, under the guidance of the Spirit. We will not allow anything less. This is your only warning, Frisit Isldar. Make sure you hear us and obey. Although she was servant of Frisit, and a heretic, may the Spirit have mercy on her soul.

The Order of Ezekiel

@Xref74 @Testl @Minty Jade @MrFluff1 @Sheeple_Herder @Jonificus @Borkwood

"They deny the ability for her friends to mourn her death with a proper funeral and burial ground because of her wrong doings in life- Despite her being of no harm in death- And finish it off by saying they 'hope the spirit has mercy on her soul,' expecting that to fix any of the bull that was spilled onto this sheet of paper despite them not following a spirit of any sorts, and this church being in old town..? How much of a bumbling idiot do you have to b—" And thus, a quiet yet passionate rant ensued from a particular figure as they departed. @Minty Jade
- - -
"Good!- Wonderful, even! Don't need them causing more chaos than they've already brewed.." Freya mused to no one in particular, remaining ecstatic and pleased that the church so close to her home was being openly defended against any more shenanigans.

Along all of the posts within regalia except very few left over, the location seemed to be scribbled out. In place of it, the new location would be written in a heavy cursive.

"Center of Hangroad, we will simply gather and move from there as to not disturb the peace of the Hangroad citizens."


With this, a note had been placed among few of the placements, mostly those around Old town.

"We ask Forgiveness on our behavior. We had dug a grave next to the one whom the Priestess had found herself close to for many times. We will move our gathering away from the church, and we will re-locate her grave if it has been possible within time. Once more, we apologize for our behavior and will not be hosting our time within the Church of Lady Salvation."


Taendross listened to Tiray ranting, placing a clawed hand against her shoulder and simply nodding. "Keep your words careful, young one..- I will say it many times and many more again, we do not have power within this city. If anything, we are digging ourselves a hole deeper by these acts. We will need to wait and see what the future holds.. But for now, we will look into moving Dear Siora's funeral. As tedious as it may be."

(This is a crap reply and it's short bc I wrote it in 5 mins. I'm heading to the lake and won't have signal for the weekend so Yeet. Will update when I get back!)
Azra grumbled under her breath as she read the notes, "Best keep that prick away from Dari."
"Tosser." The Beggar grumbled as he read, "To imply the Spirit can't handle some ash on his doorstep. You lot burn enough people I'd think hes used to it."