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A Lambent Letter, A Faithful Cry.


TikTok kid
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Reaction score


A lavender-encrusted letter is affixed to the boards of Floral Court and Root Court, secured by a pristine metallic petal.
──────── °˖✧✿✧˖°────────

" Grace within our speech, and ardour in our verse,
Shall we your wisdom share, a varied blessing, rehearsed.
In Aseia's sacred name, our prayer, our parchment.

Bestow strength on our word. "


To my esteemed Estelley worshippers,

In these recent days, chaos and harsh words have beset our devout congregation, and it is with a heavy heart that I emerge from the tranquil recesses of obscurity, thrust into the harsh glare of the sun's scrutiny. I shall keep my words brief, for there is no need to squander precious ink recounting the trespasses committed by my sister, nor the projectile she unleashed days prior.

I stand before you as an innocent diplomat, though my hand is compelled to extend itself to convey the following message:

Upon my unblemished soul, your librarian was presented with two grievous choices by the Purger knight, Lord Protector Riftans Mekrov. To submit to arrest or witness the desecration and conflagration of our beloved Estelley temple.

I have elected the latter.

With fervent zeal, I implore you to heed this missive, for if, Lord Protector Riftan Mekrov, it is your intention to set foot upon our sacred soil, know that you shall be met with the warmest embrace, a kiss of tempered steel, and the harmonious strains of a song, for you may be well-fed, but your knowledge is meager. A monument to intellectual mediocrity, a storyteller of thy own madness.

May your tongue be seared as you read and bid farewell to this letter,

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To Floral Court,

I rarely entertain letters with responses - I put my thoughts into my blade. However, this has brought up an urge to write some thoughts - thoughts I believe a few of you under that great tree can relate with. To both our amazement, Wisteria thinks that this decision is a wise one. Perhaps she keeps her nose buried in fiction more than any historical books. But, let me put into clear perspective for you all what she has done:

Wisteria committed a crime, proven by multiple witnesses and her own sister.
Instead of accepting punishment for said crime, she turned her back on all of you to leave your temple to be raided.
She willingly accepted your pain and suffering, over doing the right thing.

Frankly, I implore those of Floral Court to leave her standing alone on that faithful day, to face the mass of steel by herself so she can truly understand the gravity of her actions. I know many of you will not, but I implore you to think of what she has done to you all the same. Think of how easily your safety and health were cast aside by your own. Knowing you gave her plenty warnings and wise words that she did not heed. She did not sacrifice herself for you and now expects you to make sacrifices for her.

All I can say beyond this is - good luck. I think our presence in the city has proven enough what we can do. Proceed with caution.

Lady-Protector Estlin von Kepler
Baroness of Ressel
Darkwald Confidant of the Lothar Order
Narla Netollihua looked at the notice, still wearing a gaze that bore silent defeat.

It was trembling hands that held the publishing, for the Maraya only thought to whisper "How could you do this?"

How could Wisteria do this to her..
A seal from a Reliquary of the Chatellane chapter is stamped by the letter, indicating that it has been read and noticed by them.
Aeda collected a copy of each letter from one of Floral Court's notice boards, the parchment crinkled by the tension in her colourless hands. Soon, a handwritten reply was pinned nearby the previous.


We do not abandon our own, even despite their worst mistakes.
Mana show you mercy,

The Ordvaan was seen making preparations in the hours and days that followed.
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It was inevitable that this letter caught the attention of a raging inferno - and of course, he would leave this charred letter behind in Floral Court.



Addressed to the Estelley Faithful & the Knights of the Lothar Order,
Both options that Wisteria was presented with would have resulted in pain & suffering, something that she is well familiar with by now. I had my qualms with the faith of Estelley that I moved on from. I want to put something into perspective:

Wisteria is a Librarian, and I have not seen her fight once, only accompany those who do fight. She could have surrendered and been arrested by the Lord-Protector Riftan Mekrov - who is known to take matters into his own hands rather than allow Occult criminals to be punished by the law itself - & deliver excess punishment,

or she could have allowed the holy grounds of the Estelley Temple to be desecrated because she trusts all of you to fight with everything you have - while she cannot. You are all united - and as seen by Ordvaan Aeda's reply, she will not leave the Faithful of her faith behind even if she is upset. The Purger Knight Riftan Mekrov would have more than likely removed a limb of hers rather than allow the Metropolitan to deal with her transgressions - as seen by his past.

To the Lady-Protector Estlin von Kepler: You will not manipulate this situation in your & your Order's favor - not when I have seen the actions of your soon-to-be husband that resulted in much more pain & suffering than you could possibly fathom.

May Mother Mana smile on your pursuits,

Descendant of the Serpent's Hollow

