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A King In Times Of Crisis


The Storyteller
Sep 7, 2013
Reaction score

The Proceedings of the Court of Rats on 5/1/2018:
With the revelations shaking the world of Unionism, a building bubble of tension in the Slums finally popped. For those who witnessed the so-called miracles of the Union unfolding before them and the dissolution of the position of Emperor, they were equally terrified by the new powers bestowed upon the devout. The others heard what they could only among the grapevine, and the shift from simple tension to palpable fear was nearly instant. The Rat Court, especially, was shaken with not only the ongoing conflicts with the Sanguine, but now also had the looming presence of empowered Unionists tearing down their bending the rules way of life.

In the early hours of the morning the Caretakers, the High Court, and the gangs of the Undercourt all met together in an emergency meeting to discuss the ongoings of the Slums. From around the courtroom every member raised a different proposal and, in a moment of silence and contemplation, Sloan Perrot stood and presented the Court Congress with an idea. The appointment of a Rat King had been pushed off while the Court was restructured, and ultimately would have been pushed off for another month. Sloan, though, remarked that the Court of Rats ought to have an emergency appointment to transition through this time of crisis. Thus began the conflict between the Undercourtiers. Each of them with their seconds or thirds in command standing to pitch to the Caretakers and the High Court their bids for the throne. For hours, well into the afternoon and with individuals from all over the slums having filed in, the discussion on who was and wasn't fit persisted until all eyes slid to a single figure. A member of the Undercourt who had been relatively silent, for the most part, remarking only when she found it necessary too. Moji Shimizu, it was decided, faced the least amount of opposition or resistance. An odd way to appoint a Rat King, of course, but the only one that could be settled with the least amount of total opposition.

This news would spread quickly throughout the Slums. Moji would take the mantle of Rat King while Theos Veer and Soryn Draachter stepped up to lead the Red Rooks. Officially she was appointed, and ceremoniously she would be officially presented before a General Congress the following Sunday.


A notice was posted by the Oracle and the Secretary:

The Court of Rats has appointed its first King. The leader of the Red Rooks, Moji Shimizu, has been elected to lead us through this time of Crisis as we prepare for what may come in the following days.

Long Live the Court, Long Live the Slums.

A secondary notice was also posted:

The Caretakers of the Slums are also looking for individuals who can present ideas on how to handle the Vampire Crisis in the Slums. Should you have such an idea, please submit a letter to the Court of Rats.


OOC Notes:

  • Moji Shimizu, Athelois, is taking the mantle of Rat King for two weeks on trial. After this period of trial is over she will either remain in this position or return to leading the Rooks.
  • You can use this link to apply to have your character listed as a Notable Individual on the Crime Mastersheet. Notable Individuals can act by themselves in Slum Progressions. More information on the application form is listed. Link is here: https://goo.gl/forms/NkN1Cw8ckaKNyciR2
  • Anyone may say they witnessed this meeting, but only members of the High and Undercourt, as well as Undercourt +1's, can say they actively participated.