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A Formal Address To The Grave Robber Knights.


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
Alright, I think I've got it working now. It's marking down everything. This would be a lot easier if I could read.​

A formal address to Lynmar Lomstedt and Natalia de Whatever,
formally recognized Knights of the Bloodcast order,
informally recognized dickheads,

You have, without a doubt, made complete and total fools of both yourself and the order we hold so closely to our heart. Routinely, without fail, you have capitalized on what little trust has been given to you, ignored all attempts at diplomacy given, and lied continuously to the face of everyone who cared enough to speak with you.

I write this as but a humble member of the order we have-- Alban, what's the word? Cultivated? The order we have cultivated, together. The Bloodcast Order is beautiful not because of some farce unity or ultimate creed, but because of its ability to display the nature of humanity. Kindness. Our stories, our hopes, our dreams are all different. But together, as an order, we always seek to do what is right. We are a guild forged to give honor back to the people that gave it to us in the first place, and yet…

When you were given honor, you saw a tool. A tool with which to snake into spaces you shouldn't be, claim a reputation you do not deserve, and hurt people for "justice", which for you, might as well be a synonym for "selfishness". I don't speak on behalf of the Bloodcasts. No man can. But I speak to the Bloodcasts, to every Crimson Cape that cares enough to read and finds themselves able to. Condemn Lomstedt. Condemn Natalia.

For it was them who opened up the Crypt of our beloved Ser Carloman Perdammen, who sullied his grave in the search of riches! And when confronted by both the honorable Oranjens, and even those within our order that they might refer to as kin, they lied! They claimed it was me and my best friend Alban ------ who were responsible for the--

What? You don't want me to write down ------? Alright, yeah, I'll scratch it out. My bad.

Where was- Yeah, okay. Mid-way. They claimed it was me and my friend and fellow Knight, Alban, who were responsible for the attempted grave robbing. When confronted with consequence, they lied. We as Bloodcasts have no tenants, but we have expectations; and the expectation is that someone will always do what is right.

You broke that expectation. So Alban and I challenge you, Lynmar and Natalia. Next you show your faces on the streets, we shall challenge you then and there as Knights of the Bloodcast Order. And shall we claim victory, we will have your capes.

Best regards,
Harlow and Alban.
True Knights of the Bloodcast Order.

A Sihai Bloodcast, perhaps one of many read the notice, the letter, the declaration to the brother and sister of his order. His face turning shades of red as bright as his very cape. But.. as he looked and reread every single word, every single letter, his gaze concentrated on the four names listed on this letter ; Lynmar, Natalia, Harlow, Alban. He fished out a flat pendant, one engraved with two swords crossed over each other at a downwards and diagonal angle, tossing it up in the air as he closed his eyes. Moments passing by as he drew his dagger, stabbing the pendant with his dagger, piercing it and nailing it to the board where the letter was posted. He was told of this before but now.. he truly believed it.. He left with a downtrodden face, his hand reaching behind him to gently touch and rub his very own crimson Bloodcast cape before he went on his way, leaving his dagger and pendant pinned onto the notice board next to the letter.


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A Ward of Fae Knight stood leaning upon a white balcony, a sigg precariously perched between index and middle finger attached to the hand that rested against the railing, ash dropping every so often from its end. He drew the thing to his lips, puffing in a long breath before releasing it into the night air. He set down the proclamation with a left hand onto the table beside the balcony's edge, thinking on its contents for a long while as he stared out onto the neat rows of white flowers. Eventually he spoke, perhaps to himself, and perhaps to the dead- though he knew they wouldn't be there to hear.

"I protected you in life. Or-- mrn. Or I think I did. And I'm sorry I could not be there to ensure you were protected in death."

Another apology from the knight. But that was becoming the pattern, these days.
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A Villiers-Eclaire Knight stands at the notice board, his purple cloak wrapped around him as he sighs softly. He reaches out with an armored hand and gently lifts a pendant held in place by a dagger, before releasing it and leaving it where it hung. He studies it for a few minutes, before glancing back at the paper and shaking his head sadly.

"Those who desecrate the dead, regardless of who the dead are, are cowards."

He says to the quiet night, before pulling his hood back up over his helm and walking away, the sound of armor clanking fading into the night.
Haeddi van Hal, not a knight at all like many who inspected the letter, folded her arms across her chest while she considered the words written. Her brows knitted together, a frown apparent... and then a scoff. "Natalia and Lynmar, I hope you know what's best for you if you go showing your face around. We already know how much a snake one of you is." Her finger tapped against the ex-Ombre's name with such a moment before she turned in place to meander onwards.

Off to find her good friends.
"Hm. At least they are being held responsible for their actions by members of their order," The Shieldmaiden would utter towards a certain Oranjen. A soft cluck of her tongue also came and a slow shake of her head too. "Judgement shall be passed tenfold and if they do not come to take their punishment, they are guilty twice over."
The Viridian Knight just turned away from the young, eager page to the squire who ran in with the news,

"This isn't surprising in the least. They're all liars and vagabonds so naturally they'll rip and tear at each other like dogs. Now go on, boy, fetch your sword. We have more important things to do right now."
"How am I not surprised?" Novellia Reinard av Fristadvlom spoke out in the lounge of her home, reading the letter over. Her tone sounded uncharacteristic of her usual self. It was tired and worn out. Yet, any mention of that Ombre or was it Cendre? Cendre Nee? Yes, the mention made her feel more tired than normal. She looked to the pair of red fur kits on her lap. She pet them, before picking one of them up and nuzzling noses with the mischievous one. "Trouble is always afoot, isn't it, Anko? But at least, you steal my gloves," The small fox took one of her white gloves right then and there, "and don't pillage graves, hmn? What good behavior you have." She placed him down on the couch, showing him a treat and coaxing him to let go of her glove.

"Who is telling the truth? I have my expectations, but I'll ask to make extra sure. Still I have a feeling my guess has a good chance of being correct." She slipped the glove back on.