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A Few Words From The Finance Minister


bigge mistake
Dec 5, 2015
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Folks Of Regalia,

Crikey. There has been a lot of misunderstanding. And I mean a lot. Let's get this out of the way first: The State Tax obligation is 70%, not 85%. I believe a few people got mixed up with the numbers, but no worries. People make mistakes, it happens. I don't blame them, really. I have introduced a somewhat complicated system with the Tax Score Ideal and such. I am willing to let that slide; it's no issue to me.

Anyway, onto my point. As much as it really, really sucks to have to give 70% of your money to a Government that's barely been running a week; there is a war on. That's probably not doing wonders to convince you that my choice was a needed one, but it is the truth. We are at war and we're not going to win it while in debt. I want the best for this Empire (I know, says the guy setting the tax so high) so I shall try my very hardest to ensure that we achieve the best.

I am the new guy in town. The fresh faced kid. Hardly any of you really know that much about me, let alone trust me. But, you're just going to have to stick with me on this. That's all I can ask from you. I just need your patience. I am working with the Logistics Ministry to work out where our money is being wasted. Once the problem is solved, I am willing to drop the tax back down again. Until then, I must stand by my decision.

Thank you all so much for allowing me this opportunity, I am truly grateful.

With many thanks and apologies,
Randulf Howlester
Finance Minister.​
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Gallus frowned, staring down at the paper in front of him. With a sigh and a shrug, he murmured, "Just cut the bloody expenses."
Gallus frowned, staring down at the paper in front of him. With a sigh and a shrug, he murmured, "Just cut the bloody expenses."

"I don't think he realizes that he just bankrupted half the nobility in one go. It's a wonder why the Ministers make such grand movements on their first week of office." Atria commented from the background in the room, then continued sipping her tea.
"Good on you, Randulf" Rodderick said, giving the order to the Howlester servants to prepare his tax return forms. "If these families are truly patriots of Unionism and the State, they will pay. And if they don't, well. They will be forced to pay under one Minister or another".