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A Denouncement Of House Ulfurtonn


Man of the People
Apr 5, 2015
Reaction score



There comes a time where a noble lord must be stalwart and stoic in his duty, even if it shows the flaws and downfalls of past friends and allies. Through interaction with one of my subjects, who I shan't name for their own good character, I have found out that the recently Imperialized Vidarr Ulfurtonn has defiled a Leutzwoman subject of my lands. With this, the bastardly Velheimer has broken the State Laws of Regalian Vow, the Regalian Sanctity and the Canonical Laws of Holy Marriage and that of Holy Traitor. Withstanding the many tales of bedding wild and unruly Shendar and other disgusting and vile acts which I cannot shame to mention.

It is no secret that I pursued the Imperialization of Vidarr for his own good soul and his family's well-being and I had taken pride in its supposed success. However with this news come to light, I make a swift condemnation to the supposed religious upstanding of House Ulfurtonn who supported the Krupp rebellion and constantly attempted to subvert Unionism.

I also make note of the cowardice presented by d'Ortonnaise troops in the weak and divisive murder of my men under the d'Vaud banner. With my duties as Duke comes to a responsibility for safeguarding my subjects and men under my command and I will not hesitate to enact an equal exchange with the d'Ortonnaaise. I give Patriarch Alexander a simple request, to present forth the officers responsible for this grievous crime so that justice may be dispensed.

As we walk along the way,

Glory to Regalia!

Tags: @BillyTheScroofy, @Mr_Ortonnaise, @MugKing.
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"I expect nothing less from one of Krupp's dogs." The Lord of Calemberg scoffed, sliding the parchment aside.
I give Patriarch Alexander a simple request, to present forth the officers responsible for this grievous crime so that justice may be dispensed.
"I wonder when the Field Commander is going to request a court martial. Perhaps in half an hour..." the minister thought.
Juliette gave a small scoff, "Goodness, and people were telling me that he was respectable. I think not."
"H tink kan exapse law bud vron. he gett wat disurvid sun, brohtur." Lord Hengest writes in reply to Duke Vulmar, proudly having dismissed his scribe for the day due to feeling confident in the results of his reading and writing lessons.

"Would you look at that, father. The point of contention, the entire reason behind the Krupp and Coen trial has just been denounced for being exactly the type of man you accused him of being" Rodderick chuckled along to his father, who really didn't seem to care too much for the situation. "Pity the Guards didn't hand the Ulfurtonn over when asked. Now it just makes it look like they covered something up. Well. Reynald Typhonus at the very least. Justice really does really get its due".

William glanced up from his drink, only to offer a single sentence reply: "I expected nothing less of a filthy, degenerate Drow lover"


VĆ­Ć°arr would have heard the news from his cozy village in Nordskag, laughing as he spoke to those with him, "Regalian law enforcement denounce me for the girl I didn't touch. Could have for the two Shendar, the two Isldar, Drowdar, the Avanthar, the fake Isldar girl, Alfhild, Alfhild's daughter, or even the Ithanian. But, a Leutz girl? Oh well, false charges are fun."
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Theodosia paused at the words she read, a fit of faint giggles slipping past her lips- Followed by a more hysterical fit of laughter. "Well!" She started, cheeky grin still present on her features as she glanced to a particular basket which laid on her couch. "All good things must come to an end, my loves. Especially when the proof rises from the water." With that, the giggling and cooing woman plucked up the large basket, muttering to whatever- Or whoever, was inside it.
Avynn turns to the members of her Northerner Social group, motioning to the post. "We will never fall as a return of the Nordmark. That I promise."
Harald Wolfzhan would just chuckle under his breathe, he heard of Drowdars, but never a Leutz-Vixe reading the news in his home.
Darcie frowned slightly as she accepted the mail from her courier-runner, Patrick who murmured to her softly of the postings upon the board. Her eyebrows went up slightly as she heard of this. "Well. That's certainly not surprising. Finally getting their dues."
An announcement would soon follow the proclamation of Duke Vulmar Ravenstad, from Courteaux, Loiree.


"I, Alexander d'Ortonnaise, acting patriarch of the House d'Ortonnaise, do not intend to stand up for the particular troops of Courteaux that have committed this vile crime. For those who were unaware, troops under the d'Vaud banner from my family's lands went out of their way to turn against their Empire and jeopardize the state of the Daen front, committing dozens of acts of murder on Hinterland troops. As acting patriarch of my family, and thusly Regent of Courteaux, it pains me to know that troops my family raised and trained would act out in such a way, despite our devout faith and everlasting loyalty to His Imperial Holiness and military law. It is because of this that I offer up the officers responsible for these murders to the War Minister, Dietrich Drache, to be court martialed accordingly for their crimes."

Benjamin Miramonte would read the statement from his study, the injured Daendroque letting off a scoff at the list against the Ulfurtonn. "Shame such a man defiles t'e great way and only now is brought to t'e light. May his lust be punished, and he be reborn amongst the outsiders he beds."

He'd scratch lightly at his chin as he read the further half of the statement, a frown upon his features. "I hope I see t'e d'Ortonnaise's do what is wise. T'is bloodshed and rivalry has grown childish." He'd remark, before passing the parchment and returning to further letter writing.
Frederica Norwood stared at the announcement with disdain, she lowered her head and offered a silent prayer for those murdered, before departing.

"Childish bickering never ceases in this city, spirit guide those who lost their lives."
Heads probably turned in sudden annoyance as Silver would've bursted into wild laughter. Literally jumping with joy as she flies about in a small stomping like dance, throwing about her arms in gleeful expression. Conjuring quite a ruckus will her yells of joy and chuckling before a passerby raises their voice for the heretical madwoman to cease her display. Devolving into happy giggles, the woman calms her rowdy behavior to instead skip her way to the nearest tavern. "What a lovely day! Perhaps I'll throw a party! Haha!".
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