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A Decree Of Vassalage


Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score

The notice would be posted publically for the ability for all to read. It would be a humble piece of parchment featuring a yellow wax seal that depicted a crossbow. Beneath the wax lay a single length of green ribbon. The paper read as follows:

I, Lord Giovanni Dominico dei Termini, hereby pledge the banner of House dei Termini to the
House du Pont under the grounds of vassalage. We pledge to serve them in times of
strife, and in times of peace.
In times of prosperity, and in times of hardship.
May our two Houses stand together in union until such a time as the dei Termini
attain the title of County.


The paper was quick, and to the point in that regard. The dei Termini swear vassalage to the House du Pont until the title of County is attained for the former.