• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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A Call To The Secretary Of Law!

Posted upon the noticeboards and tavern doors of the city would hang a visibly 'Ravenstad marked' document.
To My Noble Peers,
As a member of the peerage, I call upon the Secretary of Law to explain himself in public light. In his time as Landesgericht Inspector, the Secretary was tasked with overseeing the Court Martial of Nathaniel Bigge - a task he failed. We will not question the Secretaries motives, but inspect the
facts at hand. Nathaniel Bigge stands unmarred by the incident which lead to his calling to Court: 27,000 sailors dead - 26,000 bales of supplies costing a total of 4,000 bales of gold (The difference in our surplus). Nathaniel Bigge, upon avoiding this justice of the Regalian people, continued to retain his close friendship and alliance with House Coen. Corruption in Government is one of the many curses the Archduke wished to rid us of, when he took his position as Commander of the Violet Guard - yet here we find ourselves in introspection. Now, upon the official calling of Nathaniel of House Bigge, the Archduke defends the very man he was tasked to prosecute.

Give the People
That which they desire.


The Secretary in his new post, finds himself dealing in Common Law, as if it were Canon. His Inquisitors unqualified for their position, act as common guardsmen, rather than specialists of Canon Law. The Archduke enforces his agenda with coercion, maintaining political stability with the threat of false accusations. He usurps the lack of Government, to fulfill his motives unchecked by watching eyes, or legal supervision. The Archduke has brought the famed corruption of the Violet Guard, to the holiest place of all.

Spirit Guide us,
Duke Albaer Ravenstad
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