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A Call To The Finance Minister


Am I the only one here?
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
United States
Ladies and gentlemen of the peerage, and of Regalia,
It has come to my attention, through no small amount of concern and worry, that our dearest Finance Minister has raised the taxes of the nobility to an extortionate 85% of total income. No, that was not a joke, nor a lie; 85% of the income of each family has now been demanded by the Finance Minister, Randulf Howlester, to fund the war effort.

Do not misread my words; the war must continue until victory is reached, but this is unreasonable. Any family except for the higher-titled houses are plunged into literal and irredeemable poverty, even bankruptcy in some cases. Many will be barely able to feed their own families, let alone care for their holdings and lands.

I suggest an alternate route; lower tax to fifty percent or even forty percent again, and cut expenses where they are not needed. We are currently funding ten different armies for a grand total of 301,000 troops, and on top of that, 70 ships for the navy. There is plenty of room to cut corners in there.
Ever vigilant,
Sir Gallus Tyrannian
Lord of Marmora​
"It would work, if only everyone paid their the required taxes and helped out. Don't blame someone for doing their job. " Dianne said looking toward Chris.

Ladies and gentlemen of the peerage, and of Regalia,
It has come to my attention, through no small amount of concern and worry, that our dearest Finance Minister has raised the taxes of the nobility to an extortionate 85% of total income. No, that was not a joke, nor a lie; 85% of the income of each family has now been demanded by the Finance Minister, Randulf Howlester, to fund the war effort.

Do not misread my words; the war must continue until victory is reached, but this is unreasonable. Any family except for the higher-titled houses are plunged into literal and irredeemable poverty, even bankruptcy in some cases. Many will be barely able to feed their own families, let alone care for their holdings and lands.

I suggest an alternate route; lower tax to fifty percent or even forty percent again, and cut expenses where they are not needed. We are currently funding ten different armies for a grand total of 301,000 troops, and on top of that, 70 ships for the navy. There is plenty of room to cut corners in there.
Ever vigilant,
Sir Gallus Tyrannian
Lord of Marmora​
A rebuttal:

Lords and ladies of the peerage, the Finance Minister has set the State Tax rate to 70% and not 85%. Furthermore, the current costs of funding the navy are 3,500 bales of gold. Compare that to the current costs of funding the army, which are 45,150 bales of gold!

Do not cut the navy.

Christopher Black.