Archived A Calendar

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Jun 27, 2013
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Have a page on the forum that shows the day, month, and year in Aloria. Have cool new names for the days and months. This way you could track how old your character is getting.
No convincing needed, aye?

As an expanded idea, include important events that are coming up.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I'm actually making a write-me lore on Alorian Calendars right now, this sounds like a great idea!
SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA! I wanna know what be happenin' in da world!
I don't think this would work. As great as it sounds, some people time skip and such, and that's allowed [last I checked]
Other than that, give it a shot man~!
I like the time and the dates!

but i haven't figured out a birthday :(
I don't think this would work. As great as it sounds, some people time skip and such, and that's allowed [last I checked]
Time skips are allowed, but you can always skip a few years and still be around the same time period. The thing about time skips is that not everyone does them, and if people do, not everyone does them at the same time. Your character could talk to a person who was 12 the day before and today, they might be 16 while you're still the same age, which doesn't make sense at all. Having this feature wouldn't affect time skips too much seeing as there's still a time that does exist (seasons changing in Regalia) but it's not defined. It would just add definition to something that's a bit vague.
Having the date somewhere in Aloria is nice to refer to RP-wise, or just to know.
I just get confused. For instance, when you are locked up in prison, thirty days is only 12 or so hours IRL, but then you have the Harvest Festival that lasts an IRL week in both reality and Aloria. It's confusing to me and I'm always very hesitant to leap ahead with any of my characters. I'm never sure what's reasonable. :o
I can't seem to get an actual answer on this either, but it seems a lot of people time-skip with their characters, or when something goes wrong they just age them up. As, @Eliza_Nightly, stated that we can time-skip in jail, but when an actual event is going on we can/can't; that's what's confusing. What about the people who were imprisoned during the harvest festival would they be voided during the whole time, or it just counted IRL time? I can see if people time-skip for a kid to develop to an adult; who wants to wait five years for an age advancement?

My thoughts on this idea are almost all a positive one, but I seem to pull away when the whole jail-time-thing is discussed.

Might I put out an idea for month names, if they aren't already thought up. Took like 10 minutes.
Youra, Ouura, Ur-a, Rahne, Earaene, Ahnae, Frao, Ao, Grauro, Guaru, Oaeru, Tei'ru.
Might I put out an idea for month names, if they aren't already thought up. Took like 10 minutes.
Youra, Ouura, Ur-a, Rahne, Earaene, Ahnae, Frao, Ao, Grauro, Guaru, Oaeru, Tei'ru.
If only we had 13 months, then you could add an apostrophe month to make it grammatically correct.
I support this Idea, Yet I do find some flaws;
You see, They'd need to make a mark on when the day changes, and since That can't really happen untill 12:ooam or whatever, that means they'd have to implement time, Which to some may be a hazard, such as maybe their Characters like the day, Yet the only times they can really get on is when Aloria is going through the night, Or Maybe someone plays a Vampire Character, yet, the times they can only really afford to play is when aloria is going through day. A hazard, isn't it.
Though I do like this Idea, It has many flaws, But with a bit of tweaking and sorting out, I think it Might fit all in.
I definitely agree that we need a calender, I've always wondered what year it is in Aloria and only just recently found out that its 302AC. However, it would be easier if we did have a calender on Massive and maybe extend more on Time and Dates in Aloria. I might have a solution for this, this is something that another RP server I go on did and it works surprisingly well on that server.
Basically, we have the days, months and time and so on but there is a plugin f some sorts where the days and nights are longer and there is time arrangement for days and weeks from arranging RL time and Minecraft time into a fitting soultion. I know I haven't clearly explained this but it's better for me to show it to you. Basically, down below is how this server manages the time and making sure that one whole day on Minecraft isn't worth one whole day in Real life.

  • 60 minutes in-game is a full day in Alorian time, counting day/night. (30 minutes of day and maybe 30 minutes of night?)
  • 7 hours in-game is a week in Alorian time.
  • 1 day in-game is a month in Alorian time.
  • 7 days in-game is a year in Alorian time.

Lastly, the plugin allows you to know how old your character is (there is another plugin that allows you to create personas ((characters)) and you can record the official age of your character) and can automatically update their age after 7 days have passed, meaning these two plugins work perfectly with each other. It also allows you to see the current date, whatever the days of the week will be called in Aloria, by the command /date.
The advantages of this is that it allows us to keep track of our character's ages, as well as doing something like training, journeys, etc. Lastly, it may be easier to arrange events.
There may be a few minor drawbacks like time moving too fast or people not wanting their characters to age too quickly. This is just something a server did and it would be quite useful to have in Massivecraft, although it is up to the staff whenever or not to implement this into the server. This is just a small solution I remembered.