House Grimaldi (being Rewritten)


Jan 31, 2016
Reaction score
sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes

~House Grimaldi~

rewriting this later

Culture: Dressolini, with small Ithanian influences.
House Colours: Black, red, and blue.
House Sigil: A flying owl, symbolizing knowledge.
Religion: Unionism
Business: Alchemy and hair products.
Political Party: Lemtos Lethargic Centrist.
Magic Types: Most commonly, Lyre and String Magic.

Genetic Information:
Full-Dressolini members of House Grimaldi will typically have tanned skin, brown eyes, and brown hair, however black hair is not impossible. For chars with parents of different cultures, you may pick and choose genetic traits from each culture, just keep in mind which are dominant or recessive. Full Dressolini women typically stand at 5'2-5'6, being rather short, and men born into this family will have a general height range of 5'6-5'10. For characters of mixed culture, just take both this height range and the range of heights for the other culture into consideration. Characters that married into the family do not need to follow this guideline.
(Probs gonna be edited yep)

Family tree-
Playable Characters:
Marcelle Grimaldi: Full Citoyen Ithanian. She is eligible for expert magic. She is 61 years old.
Oliviero Grimaldi: Full Dressolini. He is 65 years old. He is eligible for expert magic.
Demetrius Grimaldi: Full Dressolini. He is 70 years old, and requires a special perm for expert Dream and Deafening Lyre, with caster Preservation Lyre. Demetrius also has a county in Montania, and he will be under special application due to this. On trial with @DockedRelic.
Lavinio Fiano: Full Dressolini. He is 38 years old. Played by @Eternal_Wrath.
Rosita Fiano: Full Dressolini. She is 40 years old.
Alida Fiano: Full Dressolini. She is 19 years old. I would like her and her twin sister Zelinda to be played by people who are good friends oocly, since these two will require coordination. I'd prefer if they were applied for at the same time. Played by @Streako.
Zelinda Fiano: Full Dressolini. She is 19 year old, and Alida's twin. See above. Played by @SpamanoTomato aka moi.
Vidone Grimaldi: Full Dressolini. He is 31 years old.
Dianora Grimaldi: Full Dressolini. She is 34 years old.
Auberto Grimaldi: Full Dressolini. He is 12 years old, and currently under special application as good child rpers are hard to come by. You do not need to go by the personality and appearance stuff set by Korg at all, btw.
Alcina Grimaldi: Half Citoyen Ithanian, half Dressolini. She is 34 years old.
Ellis Grimaldi: Half Citoyen Ithanian, half Dressolini. He is 34 years old. Played by @Ebrima.
Serafina Grimaldi: Full Dressolini. She is 59 years old.
Juelien Grimaldi: Half Citoyen Ithanian, half Claith. He is 60 years old.
Marisa Grimaldi: Half Dressolini, Quarter Citoyen Ithanian, Quarter Claith. She holds a County, and leads Ricchezze di Spirito as of now. Played by @SpamanoTomato aka moi.
Fabrizio Grimaldi: Half Dressolini, Quarter Citoyen Ithanian, Quarter Claith. He is 25 years old. Played by @CzarVander

(This is all gonna be changed and inactive people will be kicked much more easily from now on)

Please do tell me if I missed anyone.~

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Member Application:

Any IG Punishments?:
Anyone who can vouch for you?:
How long have you been roleplaying?:
Reason for joining?:
Character you are applying for?: (Special Application chars are reserved for people whom I have rped with extremely frequently in the past and know very well.)
Brief physical description of character?: (One paragraph minimum.)
Brief description of character's personality?: (One paragraph minimum.)
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level:

You are to keep on your best behavior oocly. If I hear that someone in here is excessively rude or salty, with proof to back it up, they will be warned. After three warnings, they will lose their char.
Absolutely no metagaming or letting ooc bias slip into rp. After three warnings of misconduct, you will lose your char for a month, or until I think your rp is up to par. During this time, other people can go on trial for control of your char, and if their rp is better, then they can take your character. Be warned. Same goes for powergaming and excessive win rp.
I expect grammar in rp to be excellent. OOCly, talk however you want- heck, I never capitalize things outside of rp and forum posts such as this. But in rp I expect capitalization, grammar, and spelling to be nearly perfect.
After a two week trial, if I decide to let you into the family, you are expected to start a character application, which you will have one week to finish.
Know your lore. Please, oh dear god please, do not make a preservation lyre mage in this family only to emote "~Rosita Fiano: seductively plays the flute, using her Preservation Lyre to induce a sense of trust in Bob, making him want to be her friend." or whatever. It paints the whole family in a bad light when one person doesn't know the lore. Magic lore is sometimes confusing, but honestly if you choose a magic and then don't know how to properly rp it, you shouldn't be playing that type of magic. Or you could read the wiki thoroughly and take questions to lore q&a.
Please just don't use this as an excuse to make edgy Mary Sue assassin characters. These are not Assassin's Creed type people who do bad things with good intentions; 99% of the time they act in self interest with little care who they may be hurting so long as their duties to the family are fulfilled.
I expect your Grimaldi char to be a main. You should play them at least eh, 50% percent of the time. While I won't be angry if you get into an rp with another char and it lasts ridiculously long, please do make an effort to play these chars as often as possible while fulfilling other obligations you may have.

Why you should join:
You will receive immediate entry into Ricchezze di Spirito at a high rank, and you will receive a free skin from me, maybe art if you're lucky (As in, if I'm not lazy), and help with your char app. We will try to become prominent within both the noble rp scene and the sewer rp scene.

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Reserved: Auberto Grimaldi.

Child rpers may be hard to come by, but it's easier to find them if they're close to the character's age. (*cough cough*)
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IGN: KorgTheCool
Any IG Punishments?: Nope.
Anyone who can vouch for you?: You're the only person I frequently roleplay with, and I haven't roleplayed with Ghirko or Chrome_Eevee in a long time.
How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been doing silly light LARPing for as long as I can remember, and I have 6 months of strict rp practice.
Reason for joining?: 1) Fricking Mafia. 2) I want a child character, but as a crime rper, it's hard to find opportunities for it. 3) M A F I A
Character you are applying for?: Auberto Grimaldi
Brief physical description of character?: Auberto is rather thin with green eyes and dark brown hair. He stands at 4"11' weighing 76 pounds, being nearly underweight.
Brief description of character's personality?: Auberto tends to make sarcastic jokes and anti-jokes often though usually avoids making them in serious situations. Auberto is also rather overtrusting, sympathetic, hot-tempered, protective, and smart. Keep in mind his personality is closely based off of mine, with removal of stuff like pacifism.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: Student at Dressolini Fencing and a good grasp of the concept of String Magic.
IGN: KorgTheCool
Any IG Punishments?: Nope.
Anyone who can vouch for you?: You're the only person I frequently roleplay with, and I haven't roleplayed with Ghirko or Chrome_Eevee in a long time.
How long have you been roleplaying?: I've been doing silly light LARPing for as long as I can remember, and I have 6 months of strict rp practice.
Reason for joining?: 1) Fricking Mafia. 2) I want a child character, but as a crime rper, it's hard to find opportunities for it. 3) M A F I A
Character you are applying for?: Auberto Grimaldi
Brief physical description of character?: Auberto is rather thin with green eyes and dark brown hair. He stands at 4"11' weighing 76 pounds, being nearly underweight.
Brief description of character's personality?: Auberto tends to make sarcastic jokes and anti-jokes often though usually avoids making them in serious situations. Auberto is also rather overtrusting, sympathetic, hot-tempered, protective, and smart. Keep in mind his personality is closely based off of mine, with removal of stuff like pacifism.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: Student at Dressolini Fencing and a good grasp of the concept of String Magic.
Accepted, you are now on a two week trial with this char. If I decide you're good to go (Which I almost definitely will), then I will give you a permanent skin and you will need to start on the char app.
Any IG Punishments?:Nope!
Anyone who can vouch for you?:Hmm, I've rped with Coroplayz,Silvminer101101,and BrammekeH which who are the main people ive rped with.
How long have you been roleplaying?:I started rping when i first got on mc, i rped on creative plots for a LONG time until i found massive craft a year and two months ago.
Reason for joining?:Well the family seems fun to rp, also im find with creating a character application.
Character you are applying for?:Well Zoey was adopted online, so im just doing this since i feel its more organized.
Brief physical description of character?: (One paragraph minimum.) Zoey wears a green dress that looks wrapped, the dress has a fabric ontop of the skirt in a darker green. Zoey green noble outfit.png she also sometimes wears a purple dress, 55990525afc407a1188e4b2c55c3acbe4b3e1591.png
Brief description of character's personality?: (One paragraph minimum.) Zoey is a 11 year old Cielothar,she grew up in a small village with two siblings and then followed them to the city. Zoey's goal is to be a medic so she studys medicine a lot and is being mentored by Bram Eversnow. Zoey is mainly a kind Cielothar but can be stubborn if ordered around repeatedly.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: Zoey studies medicine so that counts as one of her abilities.
Looking back on this I honestly cannot see the brother of a Count marrying a freaking Isldar. Maeralya is no longer part of the family, and she will be replaced by an Ithanian woman named Marcelle. For simplicity, Marcelle will be a lightning Mage so Ellis can retain his magic.

Hey look Nim and Ellis are first class citizens now.
Even if Nim is no longer part of the family.

Y'all are probably going to have to void Ellis speaking Elvish, since he wouldn't have much reason to learn it. Though Nimona might, given her backstory.
You'll have to do a minor redo of your character's appearance. However this will probably only extend to making their skin slightly tanner, as I purposely made Ithanians in the family have blue eyes and brown hair. You're welcome.

Tagging @Ebrima and @IGutTheMidasTuch
Can I reserve Demetrius until I get home in 3 hours? I'll make a proper application then.
IGN: Eternal_Wrath
Any IG Punishments?: Nope
Anyone who can vouch for you?: I wonder~ *stares at tacobae*
How long have you been roleplaying?: 2.5 years
Reason for joining?: Taco bae is best bae, I'm having fun with noble rp
Character you are applying for?: Lavinio Fiano
Brief physical description of character?: Standing in at 5'11 and 166lbs, Lavinio is a acrobat at its best. He is broad for a dressloni and is quiet toned ad muscular, with this is is quiet agile and fast. He generally wears clothing matching the colors of his family with a Spadi or Arming sword on his hip in combination of a parrying dagger. He tends to keep his oaken brown hair long and his facial hair kept short, think Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean. His eyes are of a very light and bright brown variety, almost a coppery tone.
Brief description of character's personality?:
Lavinio is a seemingly light hearted and fun person, though he has his downsides. He is always looking for a good fight, whether it be lighthearted and in good fun or serious and life or death. Lavinio seems to thrive on the rush of adrenaline that his lifestyle seems to provide him. He is loyal to a fault however and stemming from this is his courageousness and prideful actings.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: School of Turall - Warrior, Dressloni Fencing - Championa
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Y'know how 30 minutes of the family proccess...

Is just sitting at a random name generator for 10-45 minutes.
Can I reserve Demetrius until I get home in 3 hours? I'll make a proper application then.
I should specify; Special Application chars are reserved for people whom I have rped with extremely frequently in the past and know very well.
I'm sorry to say but, I have not rped with you at all before, maybe like briefly once. As such I would ask you to choose another character.
I'll edit that bit into the original post for clarification.
IGN: Eternal_Wrath
Any IG Punishments?: Nope
Anyone who can vouch for you?: I wonder~ *stares at tacobae*
How long have you been roleplaying?: 2.5 years
Reason for joining?: Taco bae is best bae, I'm having fun with noble rp
Character you are applying for?: Lavinio Fiano
Brief physical description of character?: Standing in at 5'11 and 166lbs, Lavinio is a acrobat at its best. He is broad for a dressloni and is quiet toned ad muscular, with this is is quiet agile and fast. He generally wears clothing matching the colors of his family with a Spadi or Arming sword on his hip in combination of a parrying dagger. He tends to keep his long and his facial hair kept short, think Will Turner from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Brief description of character's personality?:
Lavinio is a seemingly light hearted and fun person, though he has his downsides. He is always looking for a good fight, whether it be lighthearted and in good fun or serious and life or death. Lavinio seems to thrive on the rush of adrenaline that his lifestyle seems to provide him. He is loyal to a fault however and stemming from this is his courageousness and prideful actings.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: School of Turall - Warrior, Dressloni Fencing - Championa
This is honestly the most detailed application so far, and I trust your rp quite a bit (ebonheart squad yo). As such, this is Accepted.~
You are now on trial for the next two weeks. When the weeks are over, I will determine if I like you for this rp family officially accept you, let's be honest here, and you will need to begin a character application.
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Aight, so-
@KorgTheCool is giving up Auberto.
@IGutTheMidasTuch I am unfortunately revoking Nimona from you. The reasons include-
  • The large amount of other chars you have.
  • The fact that I've only seen you play her once.
  • The fact that she deviates enough from the general template for House Grimaldi enough that she isn't really part of the family. (because she isn't lmao)
  • The fact that you haven't yet started her char app yet.
  • The fact that her lore is barely compliant with the family lore.
Quite sorry about this, but I hope you can understand. You are free to join Ricchezze di Spirito with another char, though. Also, since Nimona was a char you seemed to be enthusiastic about, and also to avoid confusion, you may play her regardless, but with a different surname. Her spot in the family tree will be replaced with Alcina Grimaldi.

@Eternal_Wrath Since you have played him wonderfully well, and the char app is currently finished, I am pleased to admit that Lavinio is officially yours, as if we didn't see that coming.
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ACTUALLY. expect some rewrites to the family, no one's characters will be affected luckily, except for my own.

This family was originally made to be a bunch of sewer-dwelling mages, and it still shows. They weren't even originally Unionists. nevermind nobles. As such, I doubt that Teresa would have been infected with vampirism in the first place, and I don't think some high-and-mighty Ailor-supremacist nobles would ever intermingle with Cielothar, or any nelfin for that matter. Especially considering that I'd written the Cielothar side of the family as hardcore Estel in an old character's backstory.
Due to this, I'm rewriting some basic background of the family, in a few minutes. Teresa will probably end up shelved, and I'll have a new char lead this family and replace her. I'll probably wind up making them a baroness and the leader of Ricchezze di Spirito and pretend Tere wasn't as important as she is.
hey uh I'm desperate for ppl to join so ye apply y'all
any character without elven heritage is fine, but elf or half elf chars are being removed/rewritten, and another couple members are being added
You can still play her fam, that's why I removed her from the family tree :3 You'll just need to change her surname.
And this also means she'll have a better chance off joining Ricchezze di Spirito since she has a clean record now.
NAh i liked being in the actual family, not the gang- i wasn't even apart of it, XD
Do you know how hard this is to do with a cat?

Any IG Punishments?:Nope
Anyone who can vouch for you?: Depends mainly, you know my roleplay style, its hard to put this down.
How long have you been roleplaying?: One and a half years, I also roleplayed on creative servers.
Reason for joining?: I rped Elizabeth before voiding it, also i think it'd be a fun expirence to try out. I dont want to do it for popularity of the cat i just want to keep on rping in House Grimaldi but as something I'm adept with.
Character you are applying for?: (Special Application chars are reserved for people whom I have rped with extremely frequently in the past and know very well.) I was wondering if you would allow a Cat to be in the family? I'll try to be a good cat for the job.
Brief physical description of character?: (One paragraph minimum.) A sleek well fed black tuxedo cat with blue cyan eyes and a long tail, they have a soft short hair pelt with strong muscles in their hind legs to jump high. They also have a little white tuff of fur on their neck in front.
Brief description of character's personality?: (One paragraph minimum.) The cat will most likely be welcoming to any guest and spend time outside exploring, they enjoy being petted, but if annoying,attacked, ect they would most likely claw at the person and then sprint off to the estate.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: Not for a cat.​
Do you know how hard this is to do with a cat?

Any IG Punishments?:Nope
Anyone who can vouch for you?: Depends mainly, you know my roleplay style, its hard to put this down.
How long have you been roleplaying?: One and a half years, I also roleplayed on creative servers.
Reason for joining?: I rped Elizabeth before voiding it, also i think it'd be a fun expirence to try out. I dont want to do it for popularity of the cat i just want to keep on rping in House Grimaldi but as something I'm adept with.
Character you are applying for?: (Special Application chars are reserved for people whom I have rped with extremely frequently in the past and know very well.) I was wondering if you would allow a Cat to be in the family? I'll try to be a good cat for the job.
Brief physical description of character?: (One paragraph minimum.) A sleek well fed black tuxedo cat with blue cyan eyes and a long tail, they have a soft short hair pelt with strong muscles in their hind legs to jump high. They also have a little white tuff of fur on their neck in front.
Brief description of character's personality?: (One paragraph minimum.) The cat will most likely be welcoming to any guest and spend time outside exploring, they enjoy being petted, but if annoying,attacked, ect they would most likely claw at the person and then sprint off to the estate.
Abilities and Magic Type(s)/Level: Not for a cat.​
Ehhh,,,, I'd rather you chose an actual character rather than a cat. Update your application if you're willing to switch to an actual char, but if you absolutely must play a cat, I guess you can play a cat. Still, I mainly want an actual character since I've been trying to get this family out into actual roleplay, however you can make a char with a pet cat, and roleplay the NPC cat that they have with them in environmental chat, if you wanted. :3
That moment you realize you have to start calling someone something new instead of the sarcastic "my dear sister"..