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This character is actively played.


Local Music Taste Stealer
Oct 25, 2024
Reaction score

Maryna Yovenko

A chained penitent with a constantly anxious nature.

Character Information

Full Name: Maryna Yovenko
Heritage / Culture: Ailor [Krainivayan]
Age: 18
Gender / Pronouns: She/Her, Cisgender(?) Woman
Character Occupation: Chained Penitent within the Lothar Order
Occult: Mageborn [The Eidolon aligned]
Religion: Devout Unionist, preferences for Grace, Elia, and Ness

Appearance Information

A younger and once very bright personality that now holds a constant look of shock in her eyes. Her hair goes down to just above her lower back, often tied into a neat ponytail for both aesthetics and airflow. She's on the paler side, but clearly has gotten outside enough to garner a more lively look. A pair of silver glasses are sat upon her nose."

Eye Color: Dark teal
Skin Color: Pale, cool toned
Hair: Medium brown, medium length
Height: 5'5 or 159.10 cm
Body Type: A thinner frame, boxier shoulders and round face
Additional Features: Silver glasses, slightly downturned eyes, scarring from fingertips to elbows in a spiral pattern on her right arm, intricate vine like scarring on her left wrist in a bracelet shape, permanently black dog-like nails on her left hand (filed down), a burn scar that extends from the base of her neck to the whole right side of her face

Backstory & Plothooks

- The Heart of Novhorod
Maryna was born and raised in a town deep within an incredibly anti-magic based area. As such, the town she resided in left many mages to hide their magic from everyone, including family members. Maryna only knew the horrors of magic and the afflicted and how utterly hated they were by most of the people around her. The Lothar Doctrine only cements this belief in many cases.
- Maryna still appreciates and accepts her Krainivayan heritage. Even if she never plans on going back home.

- #1 Lothar Fan
After some rather unfortunate happenings in her youth, Maryna did as much research on the Lothar as she could with the little resources she had. When she speaks of the Lothar and the people within it, an unnatural fondness washes over her voice. She believes to owe everything to them. Her life, her soul, her ability to exist. All because of them.
- However, this opinion seems to be morphing. While, yes, Maryna is still infatuated with the Lothar (and specific people within it,) she knows of the horrors they have committed and is not quick to deny them. Maybe she is learning. But, then again, her ideals and morals are entirely skewed. Progress isn't linear.

- Mama's Girl
Maryna's mother was a mageborn herself, although having hid this from everyone in her life. When she found Maryna using magic unknowingly, though, she quickly explained everything to her daughter in an attempt to ensure no harm could come to her. This bond led Maryna and her mother to become incredibly close. As close as they could be before her mother was no longer around.
- This has seemed to lead to Maryna finding comfort in any parental figure she can get her hands on, for better or for worse.

- Spineless
Unfortunately for her, Maryna is known for her rather easily-frightened nature, though it is something she wishes to work on. She can often find herself taking the latter option between fight or flight. If she is not running, she is frozen in place with only her words to keep her safe. Having a stuttering problem doesn't exactly help her case. This does not make Maryna defenseless, however, as she is both a mage in her own right and has made some rather strong allies.
- Due to this, Maryna has taken on another route to her fear. Fawning. Compliments. Going along with whatever horrifies her in hopes of just being left alone. It works. Sometimes. But it also lands her in deep and hot waters. Especially with being, well, naïve at best.

- The Moth and the Flame
After an encounter with a Demon who maimed her and briefly kidnapped and took control of the soul of a Lothar Squire she cared for deeply, Maryna has gained a hatred. A terrible, burning hatred. For all things demonic. While her natural empathy may peek through for demons with a less dangerous nature, the memory of seeing somebody akin to a brother being taken out of existence for a time will never leave her mind. She must see it dead at any cost.
- This hatred seems to almost entirely exclude Bound Demons or Belialus Godborn. Whether it be her deeming them safe, or simply being unable to see them in the same way that she saw the Demon Duke, there's a specific soft spot in her heart for them. That is until a Bound Demon decides to abuse her trust.

CW: Loss of family member, religious trauma implications, brief mentions of domestic disputes

Maryna was born in a town deep within the heart of the province of Novhorod in Zemlya Obitovana. As such, the town was heavily anti-magic and hosted a large force of anti-mage police to ensure no magic tainted their 'peaceful' lands. This did not mean there were no mages. It only meant they had to conceal every part of their magical identity to stay alive. As such, Maryna's mother- a mageborn herself- had never told a soul of her unfortunate circumstance. Even when she married a mundane Ailor tailor and anti-mage and had Maryna with him, she did not tell a soul. That was, until, she saw her own daughter mending a papercut on her finger with a small flash of brilliant hues of blue and silver. Her panic led her to explain the ordeal to a young and utterly clueless Maryna. The two made a promise of sorts. Maryna's mother would ensure her life to be as mundane and normal as possible with the new revelation, and neither of them would tell Maryna's father of the incident. They didn't want to know what would happen if he found out.

Unfortunately, a mundane life was never as simple as it sounded. A small but potent series of Sanguine attacks plagued the town in the years following Maryna and her mother's promise. The timing would have almost felt comical if it weren't for the fear in their minds. Maryna's father shifted his focus to his work as part of the anti-mage force, which had moved their focus onto the Sanguine attacks and ensuring their end for the time being. The tension in the family's lives rose to breaking points on multiple occasions. At one point, Maryna's mother stormed out of the house after a long-winded argument on how her husband was putting his life in harm's way. Though, she didn't come back that night. Or the next. Or the one after that.

Maryna's mother was found dead after a week of her absence. Her body showed obvious signs of having been fed on by the Sanguine and subsequently killed for being infected. A fire sparked itself in the young Ailor that day. A hate. A disgust at the very idea that something- someone could simply take a life for selfish desires. Not just anybody, but a group of people. A group of people with a terrible curse that turned them cruel.

Her father's immediate change in demeanor toward anything related to the occult only solidified that idea. While he not only drove the idea that all those afflicted with something as terrible as a Sanguine curse should be put out of their mercy, he also expressed extremist views on magic itself. He claimed it a curse of its own. A terrible condition that should either be leashed or torn away from this plane of existence. Through any means necessary. Maryna did not question a single word. She blindly followed his anger. His dogma and the attitude of the town itself was all she had known. So she made her decision. She would seek out a way to use her nature for a good cause.

The attacks ceased within time and with the efforts of the militia. With that, however, the name of a certain Knight order had begun to spread throughout the town. The Lothar Order. Maryna thought it might as well have been a sign from the Everwatcher itself. She took her search to libraries and neighbors, newspapers and letters, anything to find out some type of information, anything that would explain to her who these vampire-slaying magic suppressing guardians were. Maryna's manic investigation brought her enough information to form a single goal. Become a Chained Penitent in Regalia. She sent a letter explaining the basic details of her situation, and was sent a letter back that told her where to go for her schooling as a Penitent.

Only a week after her 18th birthday, she gathered the few things she needed and had brought with her to the school and wrote a few small letters to the neighbors, asking them to inform her father she would not be returning. With a carriage awaiting her, she made her way to Regalia proper in the cold of the night.

Skill Information

Hobbies and Talents:
- Magical Talent
- Reading
- Tailoring/Sewing
- Medical Studies/Research/Practice
- Amateur Alchemy (Related to Medical Practice)
- Amateur Baking

- Fishing (Too much Isobel's Lake Trauma)

Ailor Mechanic i - Ailor are masters of languages, which is expected given their habit to culturally divides. Because so many of their languages are inter-connected, various words become more obviously related, and they also take more effort to learn other languages. If someone insults an Ailor, even in a language they do not speak, the Ailor would know, as they know most curse words or words by which to speak ill of others in all languages.
Ailor Mechanic ii - Ailor are the masters of the Regalian Empire, and while it has equality between all peoples and heritages, Ailor are just by virtue of being Ailor considered preferential for most government positions and judicial situations. Where possible to do with the Nobility, with Government, or with Palace decisions, Ailor will be treated preferentially over other peoples, even if their qualifications might be lesser than the other options.
Ailor Mechanic iii - Ailor when using Syncretism can worship up to 3 Gods of their sub-dominant Religion, instead of just 1 or 2. Additionally, when Syncretizing, they gain the Mechanic of the sub-dominant Religion (except for Evolism, where only one of the Mechanics can be chosen). If your Character does not Syncretize, they gain +1 Attack Stat (Breaking Cap up to 11) against Characters that have Syncretized their mono-faith.

Languages: Kriv [Native], Common [Fluent], Calem [Learning - Bordering on Conversational], CSL (Common Sign Language) [Learning], "I apologize/I'm sorry" in various languages.

Combat Proficiencies & Abilities

Attack Stat: Magic [1d10+7]
Defense Stat: Wisdom [1d10+5]
[15/15 points spent]

[ Proficiency Points ]

Magic: 8

Safeguard Pack [Magical]
Wardrobe Pack [Magical]
Arcane: Counter
Arcane: Aura
Arcane: Warp
Arcane: Snare
Arcane: Healing
Arcane: Cleanse

Wisdom: 5
> Medical Stance
Medical: Buff
Medical: Revive
Medical: Purging
Medical: Resist
Medical: Rescue

Charisma: 1
Hosting Presence

Dexterity: 1

Gallery & Misc.

Imgur Link
Pinterest Board

Relationships Key
Most Favorable - ◆◆◆◆◆
Least Favorable - ◇◇◇◇◇

  • Erwin Braunschweiger - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [BeetrootSalad]
    "Too much to say in a single sitting. But, at the very least, he is a good person. A very good person. ...At heart. He is a wonderful man who does what he believes to be right, and I will die under his command. That I know for certain."
    Adagio von Rolanthe - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [Vulnyacura]
    "Incredibly cunning! Well, I couldn't say anything poorly about him if I wanted to. Not that I want to! I think he is very kind. Smart. I think. And far too formal toward me."
    Aceline Ripley - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [Justhattie]
    "My sister, if not by blood. She is the only person I trust to be as vulgar as she is. I don't mind it, and I would go to the ends of Aloria for her. Don't tell a Paladin I said that, please."
    Bancroft - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [IGutTheMidasTuch]
    "Senior Penitent! Like another sibling to me, although a bit...terrifying? No, no. I think he's wonderful. Maybe a bit unnerving to some..."
    Merion Baeddan - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [GhostArchitect]
    "Another brother! I.. seem to have a lot of those. He works with technology that horrifies and amazes me. As long as he has fun with his machines. He makes tea, too! Good tea. I worry for him. A lot."
    Anichka Sokolov - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [Platesy]
    "I am proud to have come from the province she owns, even if- I will never go back. That isn't her fault, and I appreciate all she's done for me. Not to mention how strong of a Captain she is."
    Rodriguez Novar - ◆◆◆ - [Fruitmeister69]
    "Silly ears... in a nice way! In a nice way. They look like a wolf! An odd wolf, but a wolf! I hope he becomes a wonderful Knight some day. Hah. Hah."
    Dirk van Acker - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [Jamsoap]
    "I'm sorry I let this happen to you, Cardinal."
    Nikolay - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [Jamsoap]
    "I let it happen again, but I won't fail him any more. I'll keep him safe, no matter what it takes. No Demon or Beast can tear us apart again."
    Yihan - ◆◆◆◆ -
    "A truly devoted soul. I think she means well, and she has a great taste in food! She knows what is best for me and.. I hope I know what is best for her."
    Mila Braunbecker -
    ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Arcanus01134]
    "Is it rude to say somebody is intimidating? Well, uhm, I hope not. She is. She knows a lot of things, she sees a lot of things. But she's very nice! Maybe..a bit paranoid."
    Kreiger von Karlisle -
    ◇◇◆◆◆ - [ShipIt]
    "Very, very kind! I can not help but feel like he's always putting on a mask. I'm sure it's nothing. Anyways, his jams are wonderful, yes? Hah! Hah."
    Valeska von Katerwald - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Ang0re]
    "Mysterious in a way! They helped with my Calem studies, and I haven't any issue or qualm. Even if I did, I could not voice it. Not that that is bad! Penitent... things."
    Charles Vasilev - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Yoitsking]
    "I did not know a man of the peerage could be so humble. It's refreshing in a way! That, and he's a great Knight. Almost too optimistic, though."
    Esther Alou - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Sparrower]
    "Your magic is so peculiar. Regardless, though! Thank you for the lunches! Make sure you care for yourself too. I don't want to see you starving."
    Marnix Giessen - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Umbralunaelucem]
    "He is a wonderful Grauwald. He is everything a Grauwald should be. That- That is all. Sorry."
    Wulf Grofsmid - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Rimacutem]
    "He has been through a lot, and I do not blame him for his opinion of me. I forgave him for everything, but I don't think he wishes for my forgiveness. He is a Knight Captain. That is all that must matter."
    Valentino Monterossa - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [_TheTheocrat_]
    "From our brief interactions, he seems to be a man dedicated to his Faith and his Oath. Both are something I can commend in full, and I wish to discuss our faiths one day."
    Avalon Ellis - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Nymphhbat]
    "..Bugs. But not actual bugs, mechanical bugs used for medical aid. I can't even begin to think of how I would do that- I don't even.. Bugs. Bugs. It is incredibly...cool. As they say."
    Madeline Lichtenko - ◇◇◇◇◇ - [Lovegoldie]
    "You will see what kind of woman you were on the Staircase, and I can not decide who that woman was. Doktor."
  • Avril Morselli - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [MasqueofMelody]
    Bailey Kravets - ◆◆◆◆◆ - [IGutTheMidasTuch]
    Kingsley Lykke - ◆◆◆◆ - [IGutTheMidasTuch]
    Nieve Lycoris - ◆◆◆◆ - [WateryOldSlime]
    Uriel Astalan - ◆◆◆◆ - [Broskiis]
    Lieven Thorner(?) - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Trackedpilled]
    Wisteria Nomëssa - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [TeaRoses]
    Hickory Holiday - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [JadeAtlier]
    Sa'Ronn Exeliin - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Asheristrying]
    Hexarra Gray - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [SorryNari]
    Mari Karlin - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [KatiePilot]
    Pazel Martirio - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Me (Ew)]
    Aoife Nemmíre - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [LightSeeker101]
    Neokarr - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Rowet]
    Eydís Annasdóttir - ◇◇◆◆◆ - [Ellereller]
    AH-7 'Hound' - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [SnappedFingers]
    "Skully" - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Lovegoldie]
    Calder Fenn - ◇◇◇ - [Retsag118]
    Dorothea Franke - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Ellereller]
    Nelli Li - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [CosmicLuminary]
    Rue Duveron - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Nymphhbat]
    Francis Byrne - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Rec3000]
    Viktor Acula - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Fruitmeister69]
  • Jannick von Rolanthe - ◆◆◆◆ - [Jamsoap]
    Sibylla von Rolanthe - ◇◇◆◆ - [Candlemouse]
    Immir Elliomiq - ◇◇◆◆ - [Umbralunaelucem]
    Dante Salvatore - ◇◇◆◆ - [Schnom]
    Henrik Osmont - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [HeyoBiggums]
    Signe Losnedahl - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Okanara]
    Julius Kirscht - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Umbralunaelucem]
    Bethan Annwyl - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Sparrower]
    Amira Iaantris - ◇◇◇◆◆ - [Thebestrandumb]
    Petrus Margaunt - ◇◇◇◇ - [Coratosh]
    Vespira de Seigneur - ◇◇◇◇◇ - [SnappedFingers]
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(11/27/2024) - Added a hobby of hers she would have for obvious reasons considering her father was a tailor[/ISPOILER]
(11/28/2024) - Forgot to change her faith from slightly agnostic to full send unionist after The Incidents.
(12/1/2024) - Swapped Exist for Eidolon and added tags
(12/6/2024) - Tweaked her backstory to keep lore-compliance, Maryna is now from a province associated with another Lothar in Zemlya Obitovana
(12/10/2024) - Had SnappedFingers help me in finally getting a good build down, and used all the points for her (basically redid her entire build)
(12/22/2024) - Added mentions of scarring because this world is fucked up and cruel </3, also put eidolon slash exist bc idk what is happenin anymore mannn
(12/23/2024) - Added a plothook after The Incident (2), and adding some fun lil stuff in her addition features!!! and also added her learning calem nowwww
(1/15/2025) - updated prof sheet (agony)
(1/31/2025) - rearranged prof sheet again (agony^2) + added a spoiler for mechanics so they look cleaner + height fix + hobby update + languages update
(2/5/2025) - minor backstory tweaks, maryna's father was always an anti-mage and worked for the official force, not a random ass militia. also she went to penitent school at like 16ish and thennn went to regalia proper
(2/8/2025) - slight formatting update + started opinions page wip
(3/2/2025) - adding more info and elaboration because i hate her
(3/6/2025) - finally added her like weekish old burn scar bc i didnt get rid of it, updated and rearranged her prof spread

(This is for my own personal memory and I guess to anybody who wants to know all the updates :-])
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