✍the Crown Isle Culture Club✍


repairing the gens
Staff member
Jun 5, 2016
Reaction score
Korok Forest
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Layout credit goes to @BillyTheScroofy

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The Crown Isle Culture Club is a group established and led by Katriane Howlester as means of inviting both nobles and commoners alike to come together and experience the various forms of arts and literature that exist within the Crown Isle. Extending beyond one's base culture provides chance to appreciate varying styles and fashions found across the map. Familiarizing with the other cultures does not solely matter to the aristocrats or high nobility, but even holds importance among the commoners so they might appreciate their commonwealth like-bloods and the noble houses alike. For such to occur, The Crown Isle Culture Club has a few general goals:

Encourage appreciation for the arts.
Study the various forms of literature.
Raise morale for self-improvement.
Stimulate creativity and self-expression.

The Crown Isle Culture Club often sections its focus into four main subjects:

Reading, discussion, creative writing.

Singing, playing, composition.

Choreography, theory, performance.

Drawing, painting, pottery.
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Katriane Howlester @MantaRey

Vice Chairwoman
Vivienne Harhold @Ryria

Members, Advocates
Rodderick Howlester @BillyTheScroofy
Godwyna Harhold @HeyoFreyo
Juliette Villeneuve @AtticCat
Valbrand Haagenvig @Jouster
Roselyne Howlester @Femma
Aline Peirgarten @Plutopup
Rosalina Howlester @JennaLikesCoffee
Alexandre d'Vaud @Donnarumma_
Warren Howlester @Brycea111
Hengest Harhold @Jonificus
Helena Kind @MrsCripple
Rosette Tucker @RandomTheChosen
Amelina Peirgarten @seoulmate
Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne @GoldWolfGaming
Isaac MacBhigean @NarfTheGoat
Nindrol Xyrnorin @Ludicro
Marie Peirgarten @mochalattes
Cressida Thiel @Nellaphise
Eloen C'Aelrith @Dreamaxia
Ul'rog Bolrok @Empaul
Marianna Pierlot @Galakskija
Orianne Peirgarten @Jareth
Marcello Vis-Vegcht @dboy_101

All members will receive a Culture Club uniform which adorns the group's selected colors of orchid blue, dusty lavender, and dovetail white; gold accessories and detailing is often allowed.
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The Crown Isle Culture Club is an open group, one that accepts both nobles and commoners regardless of gender, and will even accept certain Outsider-ranked individuals so long as they prove to be good in nature. Since this is not a charter, the Club has no explicit rights dedicated to them. However, it is an explicit goal for the group to hold events when available as means of inviting more people and getting them together to enjoy RP.

Currently, the headquarters for the Culture Club is the Regalian Museum, redecorated and refurbished to better suit the group's needs. We will also host meetings at other locations, such as the Howlester Castle and Vivienne Harhold's Hands of Gold Salon and Spa when we'd like to shake things up.

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All applications can be sent to Katriane Howlester for overall review on this thread. To note, I will do what I can to apply as quickly as possible, though may be delayed in my response time due to both IRL and IC business. Please follow the following OOC template in order to receive a proper response IC.
IGN: MantaRey.
Character Name: Katriane Howlester.
Character Race: Velheim/Leutz-Vixe Ailor.
Character Age: 28 years old.
Character Profession: Writer, artist.

Character Sheet (if applicable):
IC Letter:

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IGN: HeyoCantaloupe
Character Name: Godwyna Harhold
Character Race: Anglian
Character Age: 33
Character Profession: Physician/Surgeon
Character Sheet (if applicable): Not yet.
IC Letter:

Dearest Lady Katriane Howlester,

I'd love to join your Crown Isle Culture Club, as I myself, enjoys a bit of dancing.

Spirit Guide,
Lady Godwyna Harhold
IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Juliette Villeneuve
Character Race: Ithanian/Anglian Ailor.
Character Age: Twenty-one
Character Profession: Guard/Dancer
Character Sheet (if applicable): Link
IC Letter:

To Kaja Howlester,

It's been a mighty long time since we spoke- the last time we did I was a Wodenstaff until following events. Nevertheless, I'd love to join your club as I have a grand love for dancing and other subjects you offer. I hope you'd be willing to accept me, hope to speak again soon either way.

Best of Wishes,
Juliette Villeneuve
IGN: HeyoCantaloupe
Character Name: Godwyna Harhold
Character Race: Anglian
Character Age: 33
Character Profession: Physician/Surgeon
Character Sheet (if applicable): Not yet.
IC Letter:

Dearest Lady Katriane Howlester,

I'd love to join your Crown Isle Culture Club, as I myself, enjoys a bit of dancing.

Spirit Guide,
Lady Godwyna Harhold
IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Juliette Villeneuve
Character Race: Ithanian/Anglian Ailor.
Character Age: Twenty-one
Character Profession: Guard/Dancer
Character Sheet (if applicable): Link
IC Letter:

To Kaja Howlester,

It's been a mighty long time since we spoke- the last time we did I was a Wodenstaff until following events. Nevertheless, I'd love to join your club as I have a grand love for dancing and other subjects you offer. I hope you'd be willing to accept me, hope to speak again soon either way.

Best of Wishes,
Juliette Villeneuve
Accepted! I will get you both added to the Skype chat ASAP.
IGN: Jouster.
Character Name: Valbrand Haagenvig.
Character Race: Ailor.
Character Age: 32 years old.
Character Profession: Warrior.
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vaughn-haagenvig.53380/
IC Letter:

To Kaja,
Evening, Kaja. Thought I'd apply for this order, because it wouldn't hurt to get a chance at meeting new people. Can't say I'm a fan of the majority of the activities this club dabbles in, but I can enjoy art, literature, and music.​
Spirit's Blessings,
Valbrand Haagenvig​
IGN: Jouster.
Character Name: Valbrand Haagenvig.
Character Race: Ailor.
Character Age: 32 years old.
Character Profession: Warrior.
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/vaughn-haagenvig.53380/
IC Letter:

To Kaja,
Evening, Kaja. Thought I'd apply for this order, because it wouldn't hurt to get a chance at meeting new people. Can't say I'm a fan of the majority of the activities this club dabbles in, but I can enjoy art, literature, and music.
Spirit's Blessings,
Valbrand Haagenvig​
IGN: Yigit
Character Name: Edward Jarsdel
Character Race: Colonial Ailor.
Character Age: 32 years old.
Character Profession: Politician, diplomat.
Character Sheet: Click me.
IC Letter:
To Kaja Howlester
My name is Edward, patriarch of the noblehouse Jarsdel. I am an avid reader and enjoy the literature and philosophy of our society. I'd like to partake in the activities of the Crown Isle Culture Club to expand my line of social interactions and to meet new people.
Best regards,
Edward Jarsdel
IGN: Spoopmelon
Character Name: Kimberly/Kimmie Peirgarten
Character Race: New Ceardian Ailor
Character Age: 25 years old.
Character Profession: ..Doesn't really have one
Character Sheet (if applicable): Sorry nope.
IC Letter:
To Lady Katriane Howlester,
I would love to join the culture club you have formed, as I have interest in the arts myself and am in need of a hobby.

Spirit protect,
Kimberly Peirgarten
IGN: Plutopup
Character Name: Aline Peirgarten.
Character Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor.
Character Age: 20 years old.
Character Profession: Veterinarian.
IC Letter:
A letter was sent, addressed to Lady Katriane Howlester. A magenta wax sigil imprinted on the back, Peirgarten Crest.
It read;

"Dear Lady Katriane Howlester,
I send this letter in regards to the Crown Isle Culture Club and express my wishes to join, I am a member of the peerage and so wish to seat with others and enjoy find company as well. Many of the hobbies I undertake are homed within this club of yours and I would dearly love to gain expertise from those whom are already members.

Deepest regards, and spirits bless:
IGN: Yigit
Character Name: Edward Jarsdel
Character Race: Colonial Ailor.
Character Age: 32 years old.
Character Profession: Politician, diplomat.
Character Sheet: Click me.
IC Letter:
To Kaja Howlester
My name is Edward, patriarch of the noblehouse Jarsdel. I am an avid reader and enjoy the literature and philosophy of our society. I'd like to partake in the activities of the Crown Isle Culture Club to expand my line of social interactions and to meet new people.
Best regards,
Edward Jarsdel
IGN: Spoopmelon
Character Name: Kimberly/Kimmie Peirgarten
Character Race: New Ceardian Ailor
Character Age: 25 years old.
Character Profession: ..Doesn't really have one
Character Sheet (if applicable): Sorry nope.
IC Letter:
To Lady Katriane Howlester,
I would love to join the culture club you have formed, as I have interest in the arts myself and am in need of a hobby.

Spirit protect,
Kimberly Peirgarten
IGN: Femma
Character Name: Roselyne Howlester
Character Race: Ithanian Ailor
Character Age: 25
Character Profession: Scribe for the Vigilant Shield.
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/roselyne-howlester.43826/
IC Letter: It's not like I have much else to do.
IGN: Plutopup
Character Name: Aline Peirgarten.
Character Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor.
Character Age: 20 years old.
Character Profession: Veterinarian.
IC Letter:
A letter was sent, addressed to Lady Katriane Howlester. A magenta wax sigil imprinted on the back, Peirgarten Crest.
It read;

"Dear Lady Katriane Howlester,
I send this letter in regards to the Crown Isle Culture Club and express my wishes to join, I am a member of the peerage and so wish to seat with others and enjoy find company as well. Many of the hobbies I undertake are homed within this club of yours and I would dearly love to gain expertise from those whom are already members.

Deepest regards, and spirits bless:

Accepted! I'll get you all added to our chat ASAP.
Character Name: Rosalina Howlester.
Character Race: Ailor, Ceardian.
Character Age: 23.
Character Profession: NA.
Character Sheet (if applicable): [Link]
IC Letter:


Such an incredible and thoughtful idea for a club. Consider me interested.


Character Name: Rosalina Howlester.
Character Race: Ailor, Ceardian.
Character Age: 23.
Character Profession: NA.
Character Sheet (if applicable): [Link]
IC Letter:


Such an incredible and thoughtful idea for a club. Consider me interested.

Character Name:
Jorge Monataigu.
Character Race
Daendroque Catala.
Character Age
Fourty four.
Character Profession
Diplomat and Doctor.
Character Sheet
Currently a WIP.
IC Letter

"To the most esteemed Lady Katriane of House Howlester,

I would firstly like to commend you on this club of yours, and the timing of which it was established. It is my hopes that the club will flourish in these trying times of internal and external strife of our great empire. With that being said, I would most certainly be interested in becoming a member of your society. I can assure you that with my commoner status notwithstanding, I am more than well versed in proper etiquette being a former diplomat of the Realm. And, of course, I wholeheartedly support the goals of your organization and will duly carry out any sort of tasks you've in mind to accomplish them.

Que l'Esperit us guiarà pel camí,
Doctor Jorge Monataigu,
House Patriarch of the Monataigu,
Former Diplomat."

Character Name:
Jorge Monataigu.
Character Race
Daendroque Catala.
Character Age
Fourty four.
Character Profession
Diplomat and Doctor.
Character Sheet
Currently a WIP.
IC Letter

"To the most esteemed Lady Katriane of House Howlester,

I would firstly like to commend you on this club of yours, and the timing of which it was established. It is my hopes that the club will flourish in these trying times of internal and external strife of our great empire. With that being said, I would most certainly be interested in becoming a member of your society. I can assure you that with my commoner status notwithstanding, I am more than well versed in proper etiquette being a former diplomat of the Realm. And, of course, I wholeheartedly support the goals of your organization and will duly carry out any sort of tasks you've in mind to accomplish them.

Que l'Esperit us guiarà pel camí,
Doctor Jorge Monataigu,
House Patriarch of the Monataigu,
Former Diplomat."
IGN: ZiggyStarDusted
Character Name: Rosette Tucker
Character Race: Champagnard Ithanian and Modernized Velheimer
Character Age: 27 years old
Character Profession: Hatter and chatter. (No proper job.)
IC Letter: "Dear madam Howlester,

I reckon this club would be a good way for me to meet some new people, seeing as how new I am to this city.

Spirit bless,
Rosette Langlais-Tucker."
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IGN: Brycea111
Character Name: Warren Howlester
Character Race: Ailor
Character Age: Probably like 40 fuck hes probably old.
Character Profession: Drinking, Talking, Sparkling
IC Letter:
Dear Katriane Howlester
News of your Culture Club has rang to my ears quite a few times my dear Niece, and to be quite fair, I too am interested in seeing what this Club is all about. I may be getting old, but Uncle Warren still has his brawn and beautiful stature, I feel younger by the day! All jests aside, It would be quite a pleasure to join in on this Culture Club, I find it might be a new pace for my life, a slower and calmer one hopefully.

Signed, Warren Howlester
IGN: Brycea111
Character Name: Warren Howlester
Character Race: Ailor
Character Age: Probably like 40 dance hes probably old.
Character Profession: Drinking, Talking, Sparkling
IC Letter:
Dear Katriane Howlester
News of your Culture Club has rang to my ears quite a few times my dear Niece, and to be quite fair, I too am interested in seeing what this Club is all about. I may be getting old, but Uncle Warren still has his brawn and beautiful stature, I feel younger by the day! All jests aside, It would be quite a pleasure to join in on this Culture Club, I find it might be a new pace for my life, a slower and calmer one hopefully.

Signed, Warren Howlester
IGN: Jonificus
Character Name: Hengest Harhold
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Age: Late thirties
Character Profession: Stay at home Archduke
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/hengest-of-gaekraan.56478/ (to be reworked/updated)
IC Letter:
The Vice Chairwoman would likely instantly recognize that the handwriting belongs to Balfort's court scribe. Quite frankly, anyone would realize it's not Hengest's.

"Dear Katriane Howlester,

I need to prove to the peerage that I can actually read. And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to broaden my interests so I can count myself as an acceptably cultured man. After all, hunting gets dull.

His Excellency, Hengest Harhold,
Archduke of Vlissinghem,
The Baron of Laagwerpen."​
IGN: Jonificus
Character Name: Hengest Harhold
Character Race: Anglian Ailor
Character Age: Late thirties
Character Profession: Stay at home Archduke
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/hengest-of-gaekraan.56478/ (to be reworked/updated)
IC Letter:
The Vice Chairwoman would likely instantly recognize that the handwriting belongs to Balfort's court scribe. Quite frankly, anyone would realize it's not Hengest's.

"Dear Katriane Howlester,

I need to prove to the peerage that I can actually read. And I suppose it wouldn't hurt to broaden my interests so I can count myself as an acceptably cultured man. After all, hunting gets dull.

His Excellency, Hengest Harhold,
Archduke of Vlissinghem,
The Baron of Laagwerpen."​
IGN: MrsCripple
Character Name: Helena Kind
Character Race: Ailor Silven
Character Age: 14 years olf
Character Profession: Servant
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/helena-kind.60680/
IC Letter:
To the Esteemed Lady Katriane of House Howlester,

I would like to thank you again for your hospitality during the first meeting of the Crown Isle Culture Club. Please accept this letter as my formal application for membership. If my presence is at all a burden to your or the guests in your home, I fully understand and will not be offended if this letter is promptly ignored.

May the spirit bless you,
Helena Kind
IGN: MrsCripple
Character Name: Helena Kind
Character Race: Ailor Silven
Character Age: 14 years olf
Character Profession: Servant
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/helena-kind.60680/
IC Letter:
To the Esteemed Lady Katriane of House Howlester,

I would like to thank you again for your hospitality during the first meeting of the Crown Isle Culture Club. Please accept this letter as my formal application for membership. If my presence is at all a burden to your or the guests in your home, I fully understand and will not be offended if this letter is promptly ignored.

May the spirit bless you,
Helena Kind
IGN: ZiggyStarDusted
Character Name: Rosette Tucker
Character Race: Champagnard Ithanian and Modernized Velheimer
Character Age: 27 years old
Character Profession: Hatter and chatter. (No proper job.)
IC Letter: "Dear madam Howlester,

I reckon this club would be a good way for me to meet some new people, seeing as how new I am to this city.

Spirit bless,
Rosette Langlais-Tucker."
Also accepted!
IGN: Optimalfriskies
Character Name: Horace Jarsdel
Character Race: Colonial Ailor
Character Age: 45 years old
Character Profession: Chef and Restaurant owner
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/horace-jarsdel.63037/
IC Letter:

To the esteemed lady Katriane Howlester,

We have had the pleasures of exchanging names before, though you may not remember it. My name is Horace, and my travels have lead me to experience many of the finer cultures of Aloria. I would be delighted to partake in this club, and perhsps mske dome new friends.

Horace Jarsdel,
Head chef and daily leader of the Jarsdel Jarrot pub​
IGN: Optimalfriskies
Character Name: Horace Jarsdel
Character Race: Colonial Ailor
Character Age: 45 years old
Character Profession: Chef and Restaurant owner
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/horace-jarsdel.63037/
IC Letter:

To the esteemed lady Katriane Howlester,

We have had the pleasures of exchanging names before, though you may not remember it. My name is Horace, and my travels have lead me to experience many of the finer cultures of Aloria. I would be delighted to partake in this club, and perhsps mske dome new friends.

Horace Jarsdel,
Head chef and daily leader of the Jarsdel Jarrot pub​
IGN: HobblingHobbit
Character Name: Elias Loveridge
Character Race: Qadir
Character Age: 28 years old.
Character Profession: Ministrel, Dancer
Character Sheet (if applicable): Here
IC Letter:

To a Most Esteemed and Respectable Lady Katriane Howlester,

As a man of muse myself I couldn't resist the opportunity to request permission to partake in your "Crown Isle Culture Club." It seems like a fascinating way to gather the peerage and the common together to discuss the identity we Regalians share through our musics, arts, and dance.

I eagerly await your reply,
Elias Loveridge
IGN: Mr_Ortonnaise.
Character Name: Alexander d'Ortonnaise.
Character Race: Ithanian.
Character Age: 25 years old.
Character Profession: Admiral, journalist.
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/alexander-dortonnaise.60943/
IC Letter:
To the estimable & admirable madame Katriane Howlester,
I like to consider myself a cultured, well read man, and in my off-time will indulge in literature and creative works of art, but find trouble discussing with men of my fleet. I would be delighted to be granted acceptance to join and participate in this refined club.

By the Spirit are we guided,
Alexander d'Ortonnaise
To a Most Esteemed and Respectable Lady Katriane Howlester,

As a man of muse myself I couldn't resist the opportunity to request permission to partake in your "Crown Isle Culture Club." It seems like a fascinating way to gather the peerage and the common together to discuss the identity we Regalians share through our musics, arts, and dance.

I eagerly await your reply,
Elias Loveridge
To the estimable & admirable madame Katriane Howlester,
I like to consider myself a cultured, well read man, and in my off-time will indulge in literature and creative works of art, but find trouble discussing with men of my fleet. I would be delighted to be granted acceptance to join and participate in this refined club.

By the Spirit are we guided,
Alexander d'Ortonnaise
IGN: Ludicro
Character Name: Nindrol Xyrnorin
Character Race: Drowdar Elf
Character Age: 22
Character Profession: Unemployed Servant
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/nindrol-xyrnorin.62024/
IC Letter:
In scribbled writing

To the respectable Katriane Howlester,
As a man who spent time on the seas, I experienced many forms of culture and would love to have your permission to take part in your "Crown Isle Culture Club" to further my knowledge of literature and music. This seems to be a lovely group, ripe with culture for all to enjoy. I hope you will consider allowing me to join your established club.
I hope to receive your reply soon,
Nindrol Xyrnorin​
IGN: Ludicro
Character Name: Nindrol Xyrnorin
Character Race: Drowdar Elf
Character Age: 22
Character Profession: Unemployed Servant
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/nindrol-xyrnorin.62024/
IC Letter:
In scribbled writing

To the respectable Katriane Howlester,
As a man who spent time on the seas, I experienced many forms of culture and would love to have your permission to take part in your "Crown Isle Culture Club" to further my knowledge of literature and music. This seems to be a lovely group, ripe with culture for all to enjoy. I hope you will consider allowing me to join your established club.
I hope to receive your reply soon,
Nindrol Xyrnorin​
Rejected due to Outsider ranks being barred from entry into the club.
Member list has been updated.
IGN: GoldWolfGaming
Character Name: Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne
Character Race: Anglian
Character Age: 81 years old
Character Profession: Reverend of the Sancella
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aelfric-hrothulf-aherne.60154/ currently in review due to Proficiency update.
IC Letter:

Lady Howlester,

I wish to request to join this wonderful group of your's. It would be an absolute honor and I believe I could contribute to the Club with teachings of the creeds, my vocals, and my skills with the piano.

Spirit Bless you,
Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne,
Reverend of the Holy Synod

IGN: GoldWolfGaming
Character Name: Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne
Character Race: Anglian
Character Age: 81 years old
Character Profession: Reverend of the Sancella
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aelfric-hrothulf-aherne.60154/ currently in review due to Proficiency update.
IC Letter:

Lady Howlester,

I wish to request to join this wonderful group of your's. It would be an absolute honor and I believe I could contribute to the Club with teachings of the creeds, my vocals, and my skills with the piano.

Spirit Bless you,
Aelfric Hrothulf Aherne,
Reverend of the Holy Synod​
Accepted! I'll be starting a Forum conversation with you shortly.
IGN: TrashPirate
Character name: Isaac MacBhigean
Character race: Orc/Ailor mix, specifically Northern, Claith, and Orc.
Character Age: 34
Character Profession: Currently none
IC Letter:

Dear Lady Howlester,
I became aware of the group after it was announced by the tavern, I became quite curious and decided to investigate
just for the sake of it. My name is Isaac MacBhigean and it is much to my interest to learn of the cultures of the archipelago.
IGN: Ludicro
Character Name: Nindrol Xyrnorin
Character Race: Drowdar Elf
Character Age: 22
Character Profession: Ravenstead Servant (Not currently working)
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/nindrol-xyrnorin.63944/
IC Letter:

Dear Lady Howlester,
After attending the first event at your castle, I found myself more interested in the culture and arts. I figured that it would be good to broaden my knowledge of the arts and cultures. I thank you for hosting the event and allowing me to be a guest.
Spirit bless,
Nindrol Xyrnorin​
IGN: mochalattes
Character Name: Marie Peirgarten
Character Race: New Regalian
Character Age: 24 years old.
Character Profession: Confectionary + Teahaus owner.
Character Sheet (if applicable):
https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/marie-heinrich.63117/#post-784014 ( To be updated with the new system. )
IC Letter:

To the most respected and pleasing Lady Howlester,

The meeting you've recently held inspired me to attempt joining this club. I've one talent for the harp and believe that attending to this lovely group to further endure my talent. It'd be an honor to join and a pleasure, thank you for the opportunity.

Spirit's Guide,
Marie Peirgarten
Due to IC proceedings, the bar on Outsiders joining has now been dropped.
IGN: TrashPirate
Character name: Isaac MacBhigean
Character race: Orc/Ailor mix, specifically Northern, Claith, and Orc.
Character Age: 34
Character Profession: Currently none
IC Letter:

Dear Lady Howlester,
I became aware of the group after it was announced by the tavern, I became quite curious and decided to investigate
just for the sake of it. My name is Isaac MacBhigean and it is much to my interest to learn of the cultures of the archipelago.
IGN: Ludicro
Character Name: Nindrol Xyrnorin
Character Race: Drowdar Elf
Character Age: 22
Character Profession: Ravenstead Servant (Not currently working)
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/nindrol-xyrnorin.63944/
IC Letter:

Dear Lady Howlester,
After attending the first event at your castle, I found myself more interested in the culture and arts. I figured that it would be good to broaden my knowledge of the arts and cultures. I thank you for hosting the event and allowing me to be a guest.
Spirit bless,
Nindrol Xyrnorin​
IGN: mochalattes
Character Name: Marie Peirgarten
Character Race: New Regalian
Character Age: 24 years old.
Character Profession: Confectionary + Teahaus owner.
Character Sheet (if applicable):
https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/marie-heinrich.63117/#post-784014 ( To be updated with the new system. )
IC Letter

To the most respected and pleasing Lady Howlester,

The meeting you've recently held inspired me to attempt joining this club. I've one talent for the harp and believe that attending to this lovely group to further endure my talent. It'd be an honor to join and a pleasure, thank you for the opportunity.

Spirit's Guide,
Marie Peirgarten
Accepted! I'll be starting Forum conversations with you all shortly.
IGN: Nellaphise
Character Name: Aoibhin Cionnaith
Character Race: Claith Ailor
Character Age: 36
Character Profession: Alchemist/Dancer
Character Sheet (if applicable): https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/aoibhin-eilise-cionnaith.62252/#post-793987 / still needs to be reviewed. New update and whatnot.
IC Letter:

Dear Lady Howlester,
I consider myself a very cultured woman, and but I am always thirsty for more knowledge. I found your group to be welcoming, and I can see it as a place for me to expand my knowledge as well as expand the knowledge of others. I would be honored if you would let me join this prestigious club of yours.

Spirits guide and protect you,
Aoibhin Cionnaith.​
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