⚕ The Medical Union Of Regalia ⚕

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Rat Mumther
Jun 10, 2014
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Nenyarina Grove
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds





The Ivory Hospital, 306AC.



Since its initial conception in 14AC, the Medical Union of Regalia has seen the culmination of some of Aloria's finest medical institutions. From it's academies the most talented surgeons have been born, and from within it's white-clad hospitals, thousands of Unionists have been afforded a second chance at life. Generations of medical professionals have left their mark upon the future of Aloria's healthcare through their seat upon the council. Together, the Union has ensured that the sacred Physician's Oath remains intact, and that healers of all ranks are provided a safe and clean place to work.

On the 6th of August 306AC, it was decreed by the Regalian State Council that the Medical Union of Regalia would be reformed under new leadership by the city's two most well-known and revered medical organizations. The reform would bring a unity between traditional medicine and the newer inventions of alchemy, to expand the horizons of healthcare and ensure the very best treatment for Regalian citizens. In addition, the State promised to fund a new, modern hospital within the Park District of Regalia for the Union to house itself in, featuring Regalia's first electric lighting system through use of Redstanite. In ode to it's bleached stone walls that glowed in the parklight, the hospital was named The Ivory Hospital.

In the present day, the newly-reformed Medical Union of Regalia has begun setting down roots in its exemplary hospital. It has opened its doors to all aspiring Physicians, Alchemists, and Surgeons of good legal standing to join the ranks as staff and develop their skills into that to be praised. The Ivory Hospice is in charge of delivering high-class medical care to all citizens of Regalia, as well as ensuring that the streets of the Crown City remain clean and free of disease, pestilence, and infected individuals. In the highest ranks, the Council ensures with great rigidity that those who follow the path of a physician do not stray from the righteous oaths upon which they pledged.





Charter Goals

The Medical Union of Regalia pledges to utilize all it's available skills and resources fulfill the following goals…
To provide the City of Regalia with safe, effective, and appropriate healthcare for all, regardless of race and social standing.
To provide the City of Regalia with the production of safe and effective medicines at affordable prices.
To provide the law enforcement of Regalia with the production of safe and effective alchemical aids.
To keep the City of Regalia safe through the swift quarantine and destruction of disease, pestilence, and other medical threats.
To keep the City of Regalia safe through the containment and treatment of infected or clinically insane individuals.
To research, document, and discover cures for Aloria's illnesses and anomalies.
To experiment with natural resources in the pursuit of new, more efficient medicines and alchemical products.
Approved Charter Rights
➣The right to operate a Chapter House within the City of Regalia.
➣The right to treat, heal, and provide medical assistance to the public
➣The right to detain individuals deemed to be sick, contagious, insane, or a medical threat
➣The right to declare the quarantine of an area for pestilence, contraband, and disease control.
➣The right to handle, confiscate, and use alchemical contraband
➣The right to experiment with otherwise illegal substances in designated laboratories
➣The right to experiment upon particularly treasonous criminals and prisoners of the State
➣The right to declare individuals clinically insane given overwhelming evidence
➣The right to grant and revoke medical licenses as necessary to preserve the Oath of No Harming​





The Council

Executive Directors ("Executive Director", "Grand Overseer")
The highest authorities of The Medical Union. The Executive Directors take full responsibility for the charter and what may come of it. They are in charge of assigning its rules and regulations as well as presiding over the Union's general direction.
Overarching authority.

The Medical Council ("Counselor", "Grand Physician", "Grand Alchemist")
The Medical Council is comprised of 4-8 individuals who are most trusted to provide opinions on matters of the Union. All important changes, including the detainment of chronically insane individuals and the revocation of medical licenses, are voted upon by the Medical Council.

Members of the Medical Council do not need to also be members of the Ivory Hospital Staff, and may work elsewhere.
May access Contraband and Alchemic storage.
May lead medical ventures throughout the city.
May hold mass, educational classes.
May access Writ and License records.
The Lesser Council ( "High Physician", "High Alchemist","High Surgeon")
High Physicians, Alchemists, and Surgeons are automatically granted a place on the Lesser Council once they have received their promotion to the highest staff rank. The Lesser Council is permitted to listen and weigh in on matters of the Council, but has only one vote between them.
The Staff

High Physician | High Alchemist | High Surgeon
High Members of the Medical Union are those who have proved themselves trustworthy and highly skilled in their line of work. They are depended on to provide guidance to the lower members, run workshops, and issue commands in the absence of Directors.
May access Contraband and Alchemic storage.
May lead medical ventures throughout the city without Council clearance.
May hold mass, educational classes.

Ranked Physician | Ranked Alchemist | Ranked Surgeon
Typical staff of the Medical Union are upgraded to Ranked once they have shown ample activity in the Ivory Hospice and the initiative to work without director oversight. A Ranked Member is considered trusted among the Union.
May access Alchemic storage.
May access Contraband storage with Council clearance.
May lead medical ventures throughout the city with Council clearance.
Typical practitioners of Medicine. Physicians are expected to tend to the wounded at the Ivory Hospice, provide care for long-term stayers, and control pestilence/disease. Must be well versed in emergency aid and have a base understanding in the other two fields.
Typical practitioners of Alchemy. Alchemists are expected to work in the labs, fulfill requests for medicine and potions, and dispense them to both customers and patients in care. Must be well versed in alchemy and have a base understanding in the other two fields.
Typical practitioners of Surgery. Surgeons are expected to tend to the wounded at the Ivory Hospice, give emergency aid to those in grave state, and provide care for long-term stayers. Must be well versed in emergency aid and have a base understanding in the other two fields.
Celestial Magic is met with a fair degree of scrutiny from the Medical Union, however their abilities to rescue lives from the brink of destruction is noted. Mages must be collared by the Inquisition and may only cast in a designated Celestial Room in the facility.
The Hand
Wardens are the security and protectors of the Ivory Hospital. They are often aspiring Guards, Battlemeds, or friends of the Union. The directive of the Wardens is to protect the hospital from criminal activity, escort loiterers from the premises, and assist in controlling quarantined areas.
Nursing Aide
Aspirant practitioners. These are men and women who have less skill, but are eager to learn. Nurses are responsible for tending to the mundane needs of those in the hospital's care, dressing the deceased, and are expected to follow a staff member of any practice to learn in their footsteps.
Probationer primarily serves as a disciplinary rank for those who have broken the regulations of the Medical Union, but may also be applied to as a starter-level job prospect for those with little skill. Probationers are responsible for cleaning the laboratory, housekeeping of the apothecary, and other manual labor.





Character name:
Character app:
(Not necessary but recommended)
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 1/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 1/10
Do you have Discord?: (Necessary for acceptance)
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
(Be sure to include information such as name, age, what position they would like, and what qualifications they have!)



IGN: MamaNoodle (In a few days I'll be switching back over to Walnoodle however)

Character name: Seraphina von der Ebene

Character app: Here

OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 6/10 (Not necessarily applicable for this, but still!)

OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 5/10 (Not necessarily applicable for this, but still!)

Do you have Discord?: Yep, will throw it to you if I'm accepted!

A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
To the Executive Directors of the Medical Union,

I hope this letter finds you all in good health and good spirits, my name is Seraphina von der Ebene and I'm writing to you with hopes of offering my skills as a Medical Warden. My combat experience lies in the School of Tenpenny and I'm currently employed under noble House Peirgarten as the Commander of their house guard and a veteran member of the Hammers of Holmganga. As I myself have become dear friends with numerous members of the staff and occasionally assisted in handling the not so compliant citizen, previously, I find my want to offer my assistance officially. If you're of need of further information of me and my abilities, simply send for me and I'll gladly appear at my earliest convenience.

Spirits Blessings,
Seraphina von der Ebene
Aesir of the Hammers of Holmganga
Commander of the Peirgarten Stags
Regalian City Councilor
IGN: GoldWolfGaming
Character name:
Aumrauth Hagred Ravanan
Character app:
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 1/10 though I am up to learning. In terms of Celestial Magic knowledge to heal, I would give it a good 7/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 1/10
Do you have Discord?: Indeed, I do.
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:


I, Aumrauth Ravanan have returned to the Holy City and show interest in joining your medical charter. I certainly enjoy assisting others and I have knowledge in healing. I am an Archmage of Exist Magic and have knowledge of five spells in Celestial Magic, including ones of healing as well as cleansing. I am collared as well. As likely requested, I am three-hundred forty-six years of age, born pre-cataclysm from the Nenya themselves. I am as perhaps known due to my experience looking to acquire the position of Mage. Even if such may not be completely welcomed, I look forward to hearing your response and hope that you will find me fit for acceptance and an occupation at the Hospital.

@Dekuras @Eccetra
IGN: Geekfoe51
Character name: Marvin Bethell
Character app:
OOC Medical lore knowledge?:
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 2/10
Do you have Discord?:
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:

Dear Executive Directors,

I am Marvin Bethell, a thirty year old Alior and ex Darkwald Knight. I wish to help defend the Medical Union by joining the Wardens of the hospital and I have plenty of knowledge about Aberrations due to graduating from the School. I am sadly a Witchblood which might complicate things between patients and guests, making them want to stay away for care. If you have any questions you can always send a letter back to me and I hope that you're having a wonderful day.

Spirits Bless
Marvin Bethell
IGN: Mandyy_
Character name: Poppy Cuffburt
Character app: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/poppy-cuffburt.59531/#post-738556
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 6/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 4/10
Do you have Discord?: Yep

A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
Dear Executive People,

I'm Poppy Cuffburt, twenty, and worked/still work a bit in the slums clinic. I also helped out during the Sanguine crisis with the medic station. I'm aware on how to stitch and utilize the basic medical alchemy, however, not much else. Therefore! I'd hope to be a Nurse Aide and expand my knowledge to bump up in the ranks.
(P.S) I'm not under the Oath, since I was never able to attend that schooling.

Spirit Protect,
Poppy Cuffburt
Seraphina von der Ebene
The Medical Council would like to see Seraphina for a quick and informal interview! Please seek out any one of the Executive Directors whenever you're free.
Aumrauth Hagred Ravanan
The Medical Council would also like to Aumrauth for an interview!
I'm afraid we will need to reject this application for reasons relating to OOC conduct. You're welcome to PM me if you need further understanding of this reason, but I would recommend trying to make things right with current members before reapplying.
Poppy is Accepted! Please PM me your Discord name or add me at Eccetra#9510.
IGN: DraugrTheJarl
Character name: Cu'anlloa Ness'aglloa Ess'ajociella
Character app: HERE
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 5/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 8/10
Do you have Discord?: You got it! ByzantineVampire#6596
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
Dear whom may this concern,
I'm Cu'anlloa Ness'aglloa Ess'ajociella, a Clan of Medorr Saivale brood that went to school for medicine. The specific school I graduated in is Halctus Academy of Medicine, and took the Oath to Inflict no Harm. I may seem a bit...creepy, as my eye whites are black and the colored portion crimson red, but I hope to be of service still. However, I'm pretty skilled in surgery and medicine, obviously, and know quite a few languages. I'm sixty years old, and I'm of the male gender pronoun.
Cu'anlloa Ness'aglloa Ess'ajociella
IGN: Mayino
Character name: Reginald-Fitz O'Baeyleesson
Character app:
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 6/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 8/10
Do you have Discord?: Yea
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:

To the Executive Directors of the Medical Union,

My name is Reginald-Fitz O'Baeyleesson And i recently turned thirty-six i write his letter to you to request a position in your organisation. I'm applying for the position of Surgeon -- I feel like i can be a valuable asset to the Medical union as i have proven to be a valuable asset on the battlefield namely as a trained Battlemed i have preformed surgery in high pressure scenarios. I have been deployed as a battlemed in the following conflicts; The Ranger Crisis which has gotten me perhaps too familiar with wounds caused by arrows. And the first Songaskian conflict. However there's the possibility that i'll be drafted for the next phase of the current Elven conflict.

Yours sincerely,
Reginald-Fitz O'Baeyleesson
((His autograph would follow underneath this))
IGN: InDogsWeTrust
Character name: Hank Delmonte
Character app: sweet hank
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Discord?: Yes! I'm so glad it's discord, too!
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:

Dearest Medical Unionists,

It is I. Hank. I have missed my friends so dearly, and I am so very most absolutely glad to be back. I can do alchemy, sometimes. Other times, things explode. I am also good with plants. I enjoy tasting the tasty plants. I would like to do some more alchemy, in a supervised-ish environment. Hopefully another nice basement!

Love and happiness,

P.S. Tell Jocelyn I love him.
gonna put you on pending for the time being because I know this character has edgy eyes that I want to at some point interact with ICly before accepting.

Hello and thank you for applying, for now we'll be putting you on pending primarily to get a gist of your activity and get to know your char icly and see how you do oocly, consider this a sort of trial basis where-in you'll be expected to roleplay with the staff of the medical union and help out, approval will likely come ICly.

Approved! Welcome back!

@GoldWolfGaming @Walnoodle I'd also like to clarify, while we asked for an interview, you're more than welcome to home in and help out on a trial basis as well for us to get to know your characters and measure activity!
IGN: Emkaloua
Character name: Ra'Iahla Yinvi
Character app: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/raiahla-fi-yinvi.64023/#post-792790
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 8/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 9/10
Do you have Discord?: Yes; I'm already in the old Land of Khetsura chat.
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:

To the Medical Union Directors,

I'm proud to re-apply for the merged medical forces. I served as an Alchemist in the previous Alchemia Order for some time, and I have much experience working behind the counter and in the lab. I'd be happy to return to work and get to know those from the old Sawbones and also those I did not truly acquaint myself with from the Alchemia. If you will have me, I can assure you I will play my part in ensuring the health of the citizens of Regalia.

Best regards, Ra'Iahla Yinvi
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IGN: PapiiGeyy
Character name: Brynn Thiago Pierce
Character app: Here. Getting reviewed.
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Discord?: Yes I do.
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
Dear Medical Union Directors,

Spirits Greetings,
I'm Brynn Pierce, a Daendroque Ailor, I'm hoping to aid the Hospital as either an Alchemist, Surgeon or a Physician, preferably an Alchemist however, I wont mind being a Nurse Aide to grow my knowledge en order to be either of those things first. In my Twenty years of life, I've attended The School of Alchemy and ran a small clinic in my old village away from Regalia. I've usually been known to deal with flowers and such, however, I make herbal remedies and whatnot, I also aid people in need in general. I also wish to be able to experiment with alchemy in an area with more available substances. You'll be happy to have me, I'd enjoy aiding Regalian Citizens in the means of Health.

Spirit Bless,
have a wonderful day,

Brynn Thiago Pierce.
IGN: baellaa
Character name:
Jehenna Howlester
Character app: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/jehenna-howlester.69407/
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 8/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 6/10
Do you have Discord?: Yep.
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:

To the esteemed Executive Directors of the Medical Union,

Greetings, I pray you are all well. My name is Jehenna Howlester and I write in the hopes that I may be able to apply my knowledge and expertise to your services. My medical and surgical experience for the position of Surgeon stems from my attendance at The Haüwald Academy within the City of Regalia, while at the age of forty five, I find my years of experience to be quite extensive and very much practical. To balance out my surgical abilities, I'm well versed in the role of Physician to add to my medical ability and practicality if need be. If you shall accept my application, I guarantee my utmost and best performance.

Spirits Blessings,
Jehenna Howlester

@Eccetra @Caelamus
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IGN: Littleshep101
Character name: Zzalzah Al-Yaotl
Character app: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/zzalzah-al-yaotl.69278/
OOC Medical lore knowledge?:
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 5/10
Do you have Discord?: Yes I do
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
To whomever may read this letter.
My name is Zzalzah Al-Yaotl, and I recently arrived in Regalia. I was instantly drawn to two things when I arrived, one being the Yaotl Digmaan. The second being the Medical Union. I graduated from the School of Medicine with a doctorate, and have been a doctor and a healer ever since. I would love to put my skills to use in Regalia and serve however I can. Please consider my application.
Signed Zzalzah Al-Yaotl.
@Eccetra @Caelamus
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IGN: Ringo0310
Character name: Sinclair de Letoirneau |
Character app:
(Not necessary but recommended) https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/sinclair-leonard-alaire.66469/
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 8
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 8
Do you have Discord?: (Necessary for acceptance) Yes.
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
To the Head of the Medical Union, I Sinclair de Letoirneau wish to apply for this position because I believe I can make a difference in healing the wounded and sick. I am 20 years of Age, and is still learning. I have learned my Medical Skills at the School of Battlemed, and I believe I can use my Medical Skills to help heal this plague that has started.

IGN: daddykeith
Character name: Madeline de Letoirneau-Alaire
Character app:
(Wip, Almost done.)
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 61/2/10
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Discord?: I do.
A short IC letter to The Medical Union:
(Be sure to include information such as name, age, what position they would like, and what qualifications they have!)
To the Medical Union Directors,
Bonjour, My name is Madeline de Letoirneau, I have graduated from the Daenshore School of Medicine, and work with a doctorate at age 29. I have worked on and off as a surgeon and general physician, though I must say I prefer the former. One of your lovely staff members offered me to apply for this job after I'd treated one of your Physicians who had unfortunately been injured during times where there were practically no doctors working. I'd only recently moved to this fine city with the rest of my family and was already planning to get a job here, so I suppose this just gave me a boost of confidence.
I truly hope you consider my application.
Warm regards,
Madeline de Letoirneau-Alaire.
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