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⚔️ Services Offered: House Guard Evaluations ⚔️


Apr 25, 2019
Reaction score
Only a handful of notices would be posted around as they were hand written, being found within the Golden Willow's noble lounge, on a Main street notice board, and within the Pferdhof carts driving nobles to their estates.
To the relevant,

With boredom across my mind and more time upon my hands I offer out my services to the various nobles of our Empire. For a small fee dependent on the number of your house guards, their competence, and equipment, I, Ser Karp Kippings of the Villiers-Eclaire Order will evaluate and train your house guards. Mercenaries with the means to pay may also request my services.

What this means:
- I will travel to your estate or designated training grounds and evaluate your guard's current performance as they train against one another.
- I will from this point determine the best route to instruct your guards to refine them.
- I will train your guards personally. I am most efficient training in a one or two handed blade, any form of shield, spears, and cavalry combat. That said, I can still train those who use other weapons, it will simply be through verbal direction, or I will bring in a specialist of the needed weapon.
- I will spend at least a week with your guards to ensure they meet the expectations of men and women tasked with protecting our peerage.

What this does not mean:
- You may not hire me if the only intention is to use my services as a flaunt of how strong your guards are. I am not offering duels or spars, only training.

Oratario Ode,
Ser Karp Kippings
Man-At-Arms of the Villiers-Eclaire Order
Soldier of the Lord Chancellor's 71st Contingent
Guard of the Old Guard charter
- Karp is offering his services to train house guards for prog regals.