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- Oct 21, 2020
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- 38
"From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins."
█████ and the Musicians of Bremen present:
The Orchestrion
█████ and the Musicians of Bremen present:
The Orchestrion
Designation_ █████
Alongside ██████, ████████, ███, ██████.
Otherwise known as "The Orchestrion"
Otherwise known as "The Orchestrion"
Heritage_ Altered Mystech, Naturebound Colony
Previously a Machinist War Machine
Age_ 27
Gender_ Nonbinary, They/He (Ask as necessary)
Occult Status_ Colony Demon of the Hollow and Silence
Occupation_ Temple and Gate Guard, Craftsman
Gender_ Nonbinary, They/He (Ask as necessary)
Occult Status_ Colony Demon of the Hollow and Silence
Occupation_ Temple and Gate Guard, Craftsman
With skills in metalworking, woodworking, and engineering
The Orchestrion remains a complex gestalt of Musician Shades, tied together by violent history, whether they had asked for it or not. In the beginning they were one lost spirit, then five that toiled alongside the Mortis Cults of the Regalian undercity, and now they wage battle against them in stead of the Dragons.
The Orchestrion remains a complex gestalt of Musician Shades, tied together by violent history, whether they had asked for it or not. In the beginning they were one lost spirit, then five that toiled alongside the Mortis Cults of the Regalian undercity, and now they wage battle against them in stead of the Dragons.
The Colony Demon has a mixed appearance, almost appearing pseudo-mechanical in nature, though in most public cases they are donning their heavy armor. Due to their armored appearance hey are often mistaken for an Automata at a glance. Their build is bulky, but refined, and they stand at a height of 6'2 without their helmet. Their facial appearances underneath their helmet vary, shifting depending on the current Musician Shade present, with indicating lights associated to each.
In the case they are not in their main suit of armor, they will dress often in robes that accommodate for their form. Warm colors are favored, and they seem to have a new appreciation for cloaks, and whatever keeps them mostly obscured.
The Orchestrion has a tumultuous history with Belief and Faith, however now they have become a staunch Draconist. They are subscribed to the Faction of Great Calm, with Gaia as their Patron. Despite believing in the Great Calm's message they are militaristic, and work to combat opposing Demons and Death-Worshippers, with the notion that peace for others must be fought for. Their Colony Parts also individually observe an additional Dragon to take lesson in.
They are involved (or can be involved easily) with the following Faith Cabals due to their notions aligning: Marvel, Naturalist, Imperialis, Pax.
The Orchestrion has a tumultuous history with Belief and Faith, however now they have become a staunch Draconist. They are subscribed to the Faction of Great Calm, with Gaia as their Patron. Despite believing in the Great Calm's message they are militaristic, and work to combat opposing Demons and Death-Worshippers, with the notion that peace for others must be fought for. Their Colony Parts also individually observe an additional Dragon to take lesson in.
They are involved (or can be involved easily) with the following Faith Cabals due to their notions aligning: Marvel, Naturalist, Imperialis, Pax.
Point Spread
Class - Mixed - Fai Atk : Con Def
The Orchestrion is a Draconic Tank, powered with a combined determination and belief for their cause, and desire to protect their allies. They typically carry heavy armoring and a large shield when in combat.
Points - 15/15 Used
Con - 7
Shielding> Shield Impact (Free)
> Shield CoverTank> Tank Stance (Free)
> Tank Hero
> Tank Rush
> Tank Rally> Tank WatchTraining> Breather
> Bulwark
Int - 2
Tech> Tech ThrusterAdapt> Wardrobe [Mag]
Fai - 5
Cleric> Sanctity Prayer
> Guided Prayer
> Hushed Prayer
> Feeble Prayer> Blinding Prayer
Cha - 1
Speech> Undisclosed Presence
Mechanics and Hobbies
The Orchestrion is a Kindred Colony Demon and confers all related benefits. In the past, while delegated to the Sewers, they were depended on often for their information and knowledge in mundane medicine and techniques-- almost all learned purely from books lent by others. They were also taught Necrotech by Machinist Priests in their early years, and later learned Steamtech, to produce various weapons. When they were Kindred Bound, they instead turned to Crystaltech, and additionally Leytech.
Mixed Heritage - Maraya, Bralona [To be updated]
> Bralona do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. They cannot be poisoned, nor can they become ill, but they can be affected by Magic Diseases.
> Bralona, when killed, turn into an orb-shaped mass or small cube. It will auto-revive them after 72 Hours, or immediately with 1 Divinium or Artifactspark.
> Maraya have small Ichor glands on their hands, which are capable of producing Chrysalis that they can shape into Crystals of any shape or size.
> Bralona can automatically gain Leytech Technology Branch, when using Tech, which does not contribute to their maximum Tech Branches.
> Maraya can (out of combat) remotely hijack Tech (including Automata) to follow their commands and instructions instead, due to their historical superiority.
Naturebound Mechanics [To be updated]
> Nature Bound Demons inherit some Archon Mechanics. They gain Mechanic 1, & Mechanic 2. Mechanic 2 however does not block them from using Sinistral Magic, which they can use.Hobbies/Talents
> Technology
> Medical
> Athletic
Brightehope Scythe - Collectible
The Orchestrion has held and placed themself among the Gate Guards who carry Gaia's Legacy and Will. This weapon rarely appears unless during moments of religious significance. This also grants them the following:
> The Artifact's wielder can see backward in time (coordinate with other players to tell their past) or see glimpses of possible futures in multi-time thread theory (just make them up, there are thousands of possible futures). Brightedge in particular shows the wielder glimpses of possible calamity, disaster, or doom that might befall a person, thus allowing the wielder to warn them of their spiral to destruction.
The Orchestrion has a number of seemingly unrelated languages that they comprehend, in part due to their mixed origins. They are fluent in Common, Calem, Droque, Shalota, and Canta. They also recall the use of ASL/CSL.
The Orchestrion has a number of seemingly unrelated languages that they comprehend, in part due to their mixed origins. They are fluent in Common, Calem, Droque, Shalota, and Canta. They also recall the use of ASL/CSL.
Story Hooks
The Orchestrion is a relatively reserved and private entity, though open to discussion to a majority if they are anywhere between curious, to cautious of them. It is however known they are violently hostile to Mortis Cultists, specifically those who pledge to the Malefica, the source of their hatred.
> Faith Speaker
They are Kindred Bound, and positively inclined to Draconic Faithful, though also to the Faithful of Unionism (notably the Evintarians), due to their older history with the Undead Unionist Faithful of Crookback and the Sewers. They also actively educate themself regarding other Faiths, and will indulge in conversation with those who spare them time.
> Temple Watcher
They are often guarding the Draconic Temples in the Regalian City, guarding the Draconic Sanctum in the Sewers, or observing and tending to the gardens in the Tempest Keep within the Badlands. Otherwise, they may sparingly be seen atop roofs, people watching and ruminating outside the immediate eyesight of most citizens.
> Artisan and Technician
The Orchestrion favors art and music, and may be lured by melodies played. Their inclination for music is written all over how they even armor themselves. This extends to engineering and technology as an art, which they are proficient (if eccentric) in it's manipulation, known for crafting unorthodox weaponized instruments and tools in the past.
> Ex-Death Cultist
They were previously inducted into the Machinist Cult by an Archtechnician, who built them a mechanical body. They have a softer spot for Hollow Shades encased in metal bodies, even if they are not Kindreds, as a result. Inversely, Machinist artifacts and centric locations, as well as Cultists immediately underneath him, cause great discomfort and dread in them.
> Gate Guard
The Orchestrion has been a faithful follower of Iorwerth since he was chained in the Evolist Pantheon, secretive and knowing in the ways he was freed, and they followed him as he ascended into the Draconic Pantheon as Gaia. They will mark their actions in the name of Gaia, and claim title as one of the last remaining Gate Guards of Iorwerth. -
The Musicians of Bremen
The Colony is and has been an unusual specimen among Colony Demons, let alone those comprised of Shades, who would most often be prone to consuming each other in blind hunger. The Colony had organically grown since entering the Regalian City as one lone Shade, hiding in a then wooden body made of piano components. The manner of their development into a Colony is not well known, though it was the result of experimentation conducted on them, by various faces of the City.
> ██████, the Pianist
Is characteristically soft-spoken, and the mildest of the Musicians. They represent the piano and percussion, and symbolic of the Orchestrion's Heart. They act often as a moral compass, often feelingly strongly on personal matters, and often injured for it. They find origin in Wirtem Folklore, in the tales of animal bards, searching for a new life.
The Pianist pays respects to Gaia, and also Armina, cherishing the bonds one has with others.
> ████████, the Bassist
Is characteristically more brash, crass in his language, and loud among the Musicians. He represents the guitar and the strings, and symbolic of the Orchestrion's Drive (or 'soul'). He is often the fighter, brandishing himself as a weapon, with a sore and fragile ego. He finds origin in his previous life, an angry and trapped musician, stirring and falling back in love with music.
The Bassist pays respects to Gaia, having followed Iorwerth previous, and also attends to Umbra's ideals of Death's sanctity.
>███, the Conductor
Is characteristically technical, intrigued, and the most prideful of the Musicians. They represent the woodwinds and forgotten Meraic sounds, and symbolic of the Orchestrion's Mind. They are an analytic, always attempting to improve weapons, and create more creative methods for the Colony. They find origin as a lost blueprint, scaled from a slain Maraya of a gone age.
The Conductor pays respects to Gaia, and also Marik, to rekindle a passion for machines and technology.
> ██████, the Machine, or the Brass
Is characteristically watchful, both silent and outspoken, and secretly turbulent among the Musicians. They represent the brass instruments, in both ambient and loud forms, and symbolic of the Orchestrion's Body. They are a internal guardian, generally listening, stewing in their personal thoughts and feelings. They find origin in the removed past, of shifting faces, and metal bodies.
The Brass pays respects to Gaia, and also Daiana, who watches over all and dreams.
> █████, the Ensemble
Is characteristically ever-changing, growing, and self-actualizing as the Gestalt Presence of the Musicians. They represent the pains and unforgiving experiences the Musicians have endured, and represents the Unity and Focus of the Orchestrion. They are a shield to the horrid past and uncertain future, as well as now a gardener, tending to their Colony Parts to pursue self-betterment.
They pay heed and respects to Gaia, as well as Regulus, seeking strength in the mind to help guide others. -
Magical Constitution
The Orchestrion is Colony Demon constituted primarily by Shades and Hollow Demons, with the Ensemble being the sole Silence Demon among them. Below they are divided and loosely explained, though the Colony has been tied together by numerous painful experiments separate members of the Undercity have conducted over many years.
> The Hollow
The Musicians are best understood to be in two pairs, with one in a pair being a Shade and the other the Hollow Demon closely associated with their counterpart's death in life.
The Pianist and the Bassist are a pair; the Bassist is the Shade of a former Ailor musician, and the Pianist is the Hollow Demon constructed upon the Bassist's memories of his childhood piano, and generally tumultuous relationship with music. They comparatively act as siblings in the current day, and emotionally support eachother.
The Brass and the Conductor are the other pair; the Conductor is the Shade of a Maraya with intrigue with technology, and the Brass is the Hollow Demon, reimagining the concept of machines and dreams of automata the former had. The Brass is often taking the role of a bodyguard to the Conductor, the muscle for the other's plans and ideas.
> The Silence
The Ensemble is of the Silence, and is better understood to be a Silence Demon when the nature of their amalgamation is fully considered. Symbolically they are a shield against the pains the Colony has experienced, and to shield them against an unknown future. They are themself not very familiar with the Silence, but they do consume secrets and knowledge to sate their hunger, and also break down older memories of the Colony to slowly ease the burden of knowledge over time.
Magical Skill
It can be summarized that the Orchestrion, for a Demon especially, is underdeveloped in their skills to manipulate magic. Part of this is due to their previous history as being bound within a automaton body, where most all of their energy was spent on powering it, and thus has a deficit in magic casting.
> Techmance
The only School they have been formally mentored in is Techmance, taught by a late Necrotechnician and Machinist Priest that used to operate in the Regalian undercity. While they do not look back on their skill in Necrotech and their time in the Cult with fondness any longer, their skills are still unparalleled, having been taught by one directly chained to the Death God itself.
> Veracity
The Colony sustains many secrets, unintentionally witnessing many things that should remain unsaid, and this manifested itself in becoming more and more empowered by the School of Veracity. This developed once the Ensemble was drawn forward, made a secret keeper. Their use within this School is rudimentary and more subconscious, rather than anything honed or tempered.
Thanks for reading, please enjoy. There will be some extra information gradually put in, especially pertaining to upcoming Demonology changes. Some of this is WIP as a result. If you are interested though in any particular story beats or just want to rp, please feel free to DM me on discord. I work and have unusual weekend shift so my days off differ.
Original made November 8th, 2021.
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