Character Information
Full Name: Raimund von Dornenfels.
Heritage / Culture: Wirtem Ailor.
Age: 24 years.
Gender / Pronouns: Male, (he/him).
Occult: Mundane.
Core Concept
A young and code-bound Hohenfels Knight, donning the Viridian cloak to fight for a cause greater than himself.
The following notice would be posted outside the All-Beacon Temple with little fanfare, just like the countless others that were routinely placed there. However, this one would likely generate a bit of a buzz.
Exorcism Report - January 8th, 312AC
As is customary when an exorcism is performed...
꧁"Justice is the best of all choices, mon ami."꧂
This is AI representation of Louie
Character Information ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
Full Name: Louie Blanc
Title: Count Louie Blanc
Pronunciation: Lui Blanc
People also called him: Blondie | Le Blondie Count
Race: Ithanian, Ailor
Age: 24...
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Character Information
Basic Information
Full Name: Vicelin of Praag.
Heritage: Ailor.
Sarnan/Velheim, raised Leutz-Vixe.
Age: 23...
The following is posted throughout Crookback:
A Missive for Thieves
To the poor miscreants who saw fit to defile the Shrine of Elia's Vigil:
My sincerest apologies.
No doubt you intended to get my attention, yet I, mired as I have been in the banal affairs of state, rudely...
For those unaware,
A groups of blasphemous occults attempted to travel to the Temple of the Burning Eye in Bladmark. Not a single member this party was a unionist or had any known intent to visit this Temple for its intended purpose. No, these “adventurers” saught to pillage a sacred temple...
Dear wider regalia and fellow Unionists,
I had thought it best to investigate the matter of the Mother of Purity before making public announcement, but I have begun to hear of erroneous claims being made by fellow peers and unionists about what the Mother of Purity could be. It should be made...
A Registry of Faith
cataloguing members of
The Thyemic Sect of Regalia
νίψον ἀνομήματα μὴ μόναν ὄψιν
A statement from the Celate-Mother,
For long following His Holiness's decree, the status of the Faithful Dead within the Holy City has been imprecise. Herein do I, on behalf...
From the desk of
Dr. Amdilin dei Savarolesta
Vultragon Celate
In these trying times, I know it can be difficult to access a Celate when you need one. So I am writing this in the hopes it reaches people who need this message but have no other way to receive it.
I have heard from many good...
All across the city pamphlets would be distributed with this work. Yet for the most part it would be found in Old Town, Petal Court, and New Crookback. For those unable to read helpful criers would read the work for those who ask free of charge.
Upon Mercy and Inclusion
By: Lord Celate Atum...
From the Desk of the Cleric-Mother
Alexi Petralia
A Missive in Two Parts
A Declaration of Faith
Toward the founding of the Thyemic Sect
Some months ago at the Imperial Audience, His Holiness the Emperor recognized me, my flock, and my church. Such an honor is never forgotten, but the...
This art does not belong to me and was made by darkmixup on
As demanded by the Code of Gosselle, followed by the Villiers-Eclaire Order "Each and every Knight shall be generous and give alms to the poor always, to go forth into the ill of repute and harlots and downtrodden, and to...
A Theology of Bodily Nature
Mögen die Herrschenden Richter die Wahrheit Klar Machen und sie Gut Teilen.
May the Ruling Adjudicators make Clear the Truth and Divide it Well.
A Series in Theology,
Introducing Codified Concepts
Austere Catechetics
V-I . E-I
[Volume one, Epistle one]...
Church of Solidarity Bull of the Sixteenth of June, 308 AC
Head Reverend Wilhelm Hiberson
Curae I- Canonization of Heron of Yanar
| Curae I-...
A paper would be found posted at the gate of the Church of the Lady of Salvation.
I, Wilhelm Hiberson, Head Reverend of the Church of Solidarity, am looking for people who personally know a yanar by the name of Chengis. If you have information regarding Chengis, please send me a letter and...
On my last address I discussed the importance of Walpurgisnacht and the first three Creeds. Now, on the ninth day of this fabulous holiday, we come to the next three Creeds.
The Spirit is merciful but won’t suffer the wicked to dwell with the righteous. So, the Spirit...
Walpurgisnacht: Creeds one through three
It was my plan to publish an address on the first or second day of Walpurgisnacht. However, the shop where I get my writing parchment ran out a few days ago and the new shipment didn’t arrive until yesterday.
To some you might be wondering what...
Epistle to fellow Preachers
Epistle addressed to the various congregations of the Unionist Faith
March 30th, 308 AC
Brother Curates, esteemed Reverends, and Prelates of high distinction within the Church of the Radiant Eye, Archdiocese of the Stalwart Defender [formerly Imperial Orthodox...
Fourth Decree of the Grand Imam
March 13, 308 A.C.
"Yaratıcıdan başka tanrı yoktur ve Mergen onun elçisidir"
Bread and Bravery
If one were to look about Regalia in these times, they would realize that Cehennem itself had reached its maw out to devour the unlucky and foolhardy. The Hounds...
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