
  1. Crineas

    Commonwealth Agreement Of Eastern Regalia

    Commonwealth Agreement of Eastern Regalia To the denizens of Regalia, in times of plight and strife, peace may become victorious, and allow the Commonwealth Treaty to stand as a testament to the annals of time; we needn’t draw arms against men of the same faith, whilst risking our respective...
  2. K

    The Eye Never Closes, A Treatise On The Twelfth Creed

    Let the sin that germinates within them buckle their flesh and crack their hollowed bones. For it is better to have those that are loyal than those who serve as a tumor to the back of Unionism. As it is said in the Twelfth Creed, “Non-believers bear no skill or tool capable of defeating the...
  3. K

    Treatise: Fanaticism

    Treatise: Fanaticism I. The Spirit isn’t interested in you, it doesn’t like you, and it doesn’t care about you. The Spirit is a form of the soul of the Empire, not a deity to which has a animate form. The Emperor isn’t interested in you, His Imperial Holiness doesn’t like you, and doesn’t...