the sunday scratch

  1. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | 2 Year Anniversary - Issue #11

    Fall of the Rutgher Theocracy Alt Title: Mercenary Intervention Crumbles Illegal Government! February 19th, 310 AC Daenestra found themselves close to the military compounds in the capital of the Rutgher Theocracy, some of which, curiously enough, were carrying the Regalian banner, though a...
  2. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #10

    Art: CuteTanuki (Florian & Sage), mrevanmx (Aleksandra), @microwavemmm (Aldair), Lyr_ae (Heinrich), @WaterDruppel (Ewan). Regalia’s Next Heartthrob! By Desmonia L. Sellenhire — December 27th, 309 While our first nominations were intended to establish who's on the hearts and minds of our...
  3. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #9

    The Insurrection’s Aftermath 1,000 names that span multiple pages. Insurrection Timeline Following the Aftermath is a rough timeline of everything that happened during the Vampire Insurrection. Burned Bridges and Burning Clinics By Atle Ásmundr — August 3rd, 309 The Burning Bridges Medical...
  4. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Extra Issue #4: The Lich Lord Strikes

    The Lich Lord Strikes By Myridden the Diviner — August 21st, 309 The Lich Lord of the Undercity has long bemoaned the inaction of the covens and singular vampiric entities in the backwater he calls home, and it is he who has once again taken matters into his own skeletal hands. We were met with...
  5. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #8

    The Blight Spreads to the Crown Isle By Josephine Welch — July 29th, 309 The Blight began this year but has rapidly become the Empire affecting problem it was predicted to be. The Blight—a rare mixture of alchemy, fungal infection and magic stemming from the Zzonzeer region of Hadar—appeared at...
  6. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #7

    ASSEMBLY RECAP: MAY 11, 309 by Rusul Davison penned May 12th, 309 TOPIC ONE Raised by Duke Alastair Mac Conall. PROPOSAL: Allow Solsithar Kathar to serve the State. RESOLUTION: 7 in favor. 0 invalid. 9 against. Motion defeated. TOPIC TWO Raised by Duke Cro-Maarx Vyzal. PROPOSAL: Make the...
  7. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #6

    BLUE FLAG RISES On the morning of April the 3rd 309, the Blue Flag was flown from the tallest tower in the Imperial Palace, before a rush of activity buzzed around the outside of its walls. Gates closed one by one, cascading from the inner courts where the musicians stopped playing, to the outer...
  8. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | 1 Year Anniversary - Issue #5

    AN IMPERIAL MISSIVE TO THE EMPIRE Word Received on Tuesday, March 9th, 309 It is with a sense of melancholy that our mind is brought to wander, wandering back to a time of the past in tranquil Anglia where all matters of state and warfare seem to far away, mere glimpses of the tragedies of loss...
  9. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Extra Issue #3: The Chancellery Decided

    An artists rendition of the 34th Inaugural Assembly. 34TH LORD CHANCELLOR’S INAUGURAL ASSEMBLY Penned March 13th, 309 The induction of a new Lord Chancellor comes with a number of changes. In years past, the government changing hands has resulted in mass firings of Ministry officials and...
  10. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Extra Issue #2: The Chancellery Issue

    DUKE ALASTAIR MAC CONALL: THE REGALIAN NATIONAL COALITION’S POPULAR CHOICE Baldomar Dreschner Penned February 28th, 309 The Mac Conall family is one recently ennobled, but they’ve made a name for themself with their devotion and dedication to the Empire. With the election upcoming, Duke...
  11. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #4

    OFF TO THE RACES! THE BID TO BECOME LORD CHANCELLOR BEGINS Baldomar Dreschner Penned February 19th, 309 As Lord Chancellor Jared Bancroft’s chapter closes a new one begins. Several candidates have stepped forward to fill the void Bancroft will leave behind, but not all of them are qualified and...
  12. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #3

    ASSEMBLY RECAP: 8 JAN 309 January 9th, 309 A Violet Order member is condemned to a stasis pod, whether business owners should be held accountable for criminals in their business is discussed, and taxes are raised. ON OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE AND CULPABILITY Motion brought forth by Tirioc...
  13. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #2

    THE FATE OF HUMAIRA REINARD 18 Nov 308 Knights as a concept have a short history in Ailor society. Their rise and splintering into multiple orders is tracked easily by their origin stories; their general temperaments and ideology are learned, and their purpose simple. They are largely moral...
  14. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch | Issue #1

    THE NIGHT OF TWIN FLAMES 21 November The horror of November 14th arrived with rising plumes of smoke and a blockade on Old Town. First they struck at the Festival Grounds, creating a diversion that drew guards and concerned citizenry alike. They created a hostage situation, literally and...
  15. Ocularum

    The Scratch Presents: Chansonnier's Hymnal

    resented in the following pages are works written by a group of talented individuals. This collection wouldn’t be possible without the contributions and achievements of the men and women mentioned in these lyrics. Music is a complicated medium for expression and with that in mind I ask that a...
  16. Ocularum

    The Sunday Scratch Exclusive| Extra Issue #1

    March 21st, 308 AC Hochmeister Wilheim emerged victorious in a duel with Admiral Abelhard Latimer late Friday evening in the Regalian Colosseum. This victory comes after repeated inquests into the Order’s activities and an official Inquisitorial Conquest issued by Ser Karp Kippings who was...