
  1. G0atfather

    The Rot Of One, Taint's The Many.

    Crackling fire heated the air in the Slumberwood home, fogging the windows. Aside from the fire, there were no other sources of light. On the ornate sofa, Damon sat with his glass of wine. A frown was ever present on his face, the previous days misfortunes still tainting his mood. He watched the...
  2. ArtisticPlanet

    Little One

    The brisk spring afternoon had started to melt away the frosty blanket to reveal the flora in a field not too far away from a home. It wasn’t anything special, thick sturdy logs to support the frame like a mother bear with her cubs towards any danger. — ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━ Ocean blue...
  3. Pugsly10

    Another Night

    Slate upon metal there lied the slow rings of metal that constantly shook upon an endless, ceaseless movement of the Varran’s feet. Static being the only communication between the neurons pulsating and writhing inside the gray flesh behind a skull as thick as the stone it walked upon. Optical...
  4. Mistles

    Behind Closed Doors

    Trigger Warning: Abuse Behind Closed Doors A frustrated, angry yell echoed throughout the small city house. A young red-headed teenager was curled into a ball in the corner of his room, looking up towards a ripped and shirtless figure. Tears dribbling down his cheeks as he choked on his sobs...
  5. Mistles

    A Long Night

    A Long Night The night was quiet, peaceful. A window had been left ajar to let in the cool summer air. Adrian sat on the bed, his head resting on his knees as he looked out towards the starlit sky, unable to find refuge in sleep; so instead, he thought. He thought about his day. It had been...
  6. NightLight12

    The Wings Of Claudio

    As the moon shines down towards the land beneath it, Leon down the steps of the d'vaud country estate. He thought about what Solaine has told him, to let his past go and start a new family. He looks down on the steps before he looks towards the man with the carriage "Ready to leave Lord...