Another Night

Discussion in 'Player Stories' started by Pugsly10, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. Pugsly10

    Pugsly10 The Black Sheep

    Feb 14, 2015
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    Slate upon metal there lied the slow rings of metal that constantly shook upon an endless, ceaseless movement of the Varran’s feet. Static being the only communication between the neurons pulsating and writhing inside the gray flesh behind a skull as thick as the stone it walked upon. Optical lenses, yellows orbs blanking in the moment of sheer bewilderment, the faces mere inches away appearing to lack any description possible, nothing but the mere fuzz of emptiness. Bronchitis slowly bringing upon the lining of the lungs as the water barely came forth from his throat, each finger flexing and aspanning as fists formed with each twist and turn of muscle that churned like a factory for the simplest movement of a look over the shoulder. Rising skyward the beast’s elbows and arms brought themselves forwards as the scenario spiraled down a case of stairs, nearly smacking each thought against the concrete steps as they barely found the ability to formulate in the shock that surged through his frontal cortex. Occipital lobes merely giving him a blank reception as he brought his hardened face over towards the three who stood above him at a height much too high for him to perceive their faces, mere squeaking painfully playing in the back of his head as he looked upwards, past the whirling clouds as he tried to see just a single semblance of what they might be. ‘Surely they are human?’ his mind finally pressured him into the corner of thought, before his eyes flicked downwards, tinges of fur warping from an earthen brown into something much darker, like a slow spread of butter upon his surface the layer of ash and soot began to take place over his clothing until it was all he wore. Jacket replaced with the burning holes before it dissipated off of him with scarlet flickers of flames that began to slowly envelope him until the jacket faded off with the soft trickle of a spark whispering into his ear like a seductress, lending her small digits to touch along his body with hands lacking of flesh. The fiery succubi gifting to him nothing but warmth as his jacket found itself upon the floor with naught but ash trays spanned over the floor like mousetraps waiting to catch him within them. Slowly two palms of a burning sensation brought themselves over his layer of fur, whispers of unintelligible words flickering against his ears like the flame of a candle as the wax she evidently found herself made out of proceeded to melt upon his form.. Each hand with a distraught burn as the creature found itself embracing the Varran in a sense of simple agony… The screaming escaped forth from its’ vocal cords as the succubi began to live no longer, waxes dripping itself upon his fur as the shirt burned through until he lacked one, merely having the wax press onto his flesh until it burned seals through his faux. He turned over - the three now of normal height as he remained only in the simple pants, jacket and shirt burned off as he smoldered both of emotion and body, fur turned black with the fire that had started upon him, still raging on in his flesh as he brought himself to once more stare at them, ignoring the tears which streamed down upon the rising smoke of himself. He rose a clawed paw to shut the mouth of the melted succubi - only finding it on his own, covering his lips so tight the only exhalation that escaped him left through his snout.

    Each of the three figures stepped forward, one a tongue slithering out like that of a snake, forked through the center pertaining a golden piercing at each bulbous end as the slitted eyes found themselves settled upon him… Words came out slathered in honey and the sweetest sounds to a person's ears possible, even bringing the Varran to blink, re-thinking the entirety of himself.

    Another, hair made of an orange similar to that of the fruit, eyes of a crimson-red bringing themselves over his figure as his bulk began to grew once more, making even the fair Varran wane in boldness as it grew before him exponentially with a waving hair that flew as strong as the wind. Speaking out words that brought slices against the burns, bringing out the blood of him as it boiled against himself, knees quivering as the Varran fell aback, causing him to stumble further backwards with each sneering word that left the beasts throat.

    The final one of the trio, being the smallest creature brought forth an obscure and blackened coat, shifting it before themself before they left the view of the Varran - shortly after the waving of the cape did they multiply. Quadrupled, the four small beings each surrounded and pranced around the Varran slowly, small pitter patters like the squeaks of mice left their tongues as the golden gaze left themselves glaring upon his burned and saturated figure, singing a tune of no audible sound amongst themselves. Slowly, a twist and turn, his head could no long keep up with the twirling Chien’ji’s, before each stopped in front of him, combining into one like a liquid substance of oil pushing into a single bottle through the tiniest of necks.

    One finger moved forward from the multitude substance as the finger split into more than even countable - each one extending forth as they surrounded him once again - a finger setting itself on every single burn that he pertained. Each finger grew a large nail, prodding into his flesh as he gave a wince, the weakened Varran howling in agony as the form crumpled forward onto its’ knees, the digits still prodding him before an audible whisper finally left their devilish maw, “Wellen.”

    Slowly each figure brought themselves back into the shadows just outside of visible perception, the fire re-alighting upon his flesh as the jacket melted upon him like a metal, holding against him tightly as howls left forth, echoing in multiplied forms as his voice fractured like a mirror. The hair upon him shaved by the touch of the fire, tingling into darkness as the entirety of his form grew into a ball of suffering, crumpling into a sphere as the fire overcame his senses, each nerve firing off a cannon with which exploded into his brain the simple words of “Help”, leaving him to nothing but the conclusion he lacked any strength against those who opposed him. Laughing fading in and out as the words of those before him brought themselves through his mind, the world of Aloria slipping from everything as the darkness overcame him. “Search me..” “Wellen.” “He assaulted me!” “Funny you call us the pussy.” “Look at the situation you’re in.” “You all are giving me a headache...”

    Flooded, the gates eventually opened as his lids rose up once more… Eyes opening up to nothing but the slate of a prison cell, the cold bars for criminals, and the straw bed he laid on.. He shifted in the bench slowly, crackling against the straw as he looked over his body, the fresh burns over his flesh still remained as it had received no treatment.. He stood up, looking out of the bars to an empty prison, asides from the screaming Anglian man asking to be lashed by the Guards. He shook his head, a hand gently brushing over the painful burns as he looked to the exit.. “Just another day -- another night as the son of Fawzi.”
    • Winner Winner x 3
  2. RightChat

    RightChat It's an Aurelion Sol main

    Mar 4, 2015
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    How could you not tag me

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