
  1. Troy

    A Hidden Book Or The Crimson Knight

    Deep in the small Rosendahl library, well hidden from view, was a musty book. It was ancient by appearance and had a fading black hue to it with a round, purple stone in the center. A large crimson red diamond shape was around it that spanned from the top of the book to the bottom. Inside...
  2. Salier

    The Knights Order Of The Virtuous Blood

    The Knights Order of the Virtuous Blood Equitum ordo uirtutis sanguis “Worry lies in the heart of the weak” Introduction The Knights Order of the Virtuous Blood or simply Hallowblood order, is an organisation of holy knights founded exclusively for the witchblood within Regalia. The...
  3. Eternal_Wrath

    Organizing The Bloodcast Knights

    By now I'm sure you have seen other School Organization threads started by Marty here. In short this post is here to keep track of the Bloodcast Knights and their history as it could be shared with others in the order. This thread is meant solely for players to have information with others...
  4. Timisc

    House Kaeppler

    Forever Service in Brawn and Mind Culture: New-Regalian - Imperialized Religion: Unionism Trade: Smithing/forging House Colors: Purple, Red & Gold House Sigil: Longsword with scales of justice hanging from the hilt House Values: Faith, Family & Skill The earliest records of House Kaeppler can...
  5. ContestedSnow

    House Du Langelier

    Knightly Crest of Philippe du Langelier Basic Information Name Du Langelier. Origins Pays Sud. Religion Unionist Divine. Class Knightly Commoner. Political standing Moderate Nationalist. Family History TBD Biology du Langelier men Men of the du Langelier family are...
  6. Timisc

    Conflict And Talent

    Silence. Stillness. Twilight. The once powerful and lively castle was utterly still as night had rolled in following the excitement of the day prior, if that is what anyone was calling it. The whole presentation was, something otherworldly. It was something that every person who called...
  7. Jonificus

    House Harhold

    Etymology: The name Harhold comes from the Gaekraani village which the family originates from. As to show their humble beginnings, they've chosen to wear their backwater home's name proudly. Motto: "Though all men fear us." Words that accurately portray the notoriously vile patriarch of the...
  8. Mooffins

    House Hetton

    House Hetton “Honor before Glory” Basic Information Name: Hetton (Het-tun) Etymology: The name Hetton derives from an Old Ceardian word, “Heppedune”, meaning “Bramble Hill”. It is said the first Hettons took their name after the shrubby, bramble-ridden landscape that used to be...