
  1. RunicScrawl

    Tenpenny Ministry: Decree One.

    From the Desk of the Tenpenny Minister, Bernadette Beckett. 24th of September, 310 AC To Begin, The Tenpenny Minister’s duties are as followed, documented by the Crown and transcribed for the purposes of this Decree, to be the first of more to come. I. The Tenpenny Minister is...
  2. Ryria

    The Ministry Of Commons

    The Ministry of Commons, established by his Imperial Holiness on the 10th of April 306AC, is the mediator between the nobility and the common people. Those within the ministry are expected to frequently converse with the common folk and those of blueblood alike, soothing any unwanted behavior on...
  3. S

    Declaration Of An Abolishment Of Nobility

    When in the Course of history, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's the Divine entitle them, a decent...
  4. Beowulfthecool

    Iris Gold: An Essay On Goverment And An Apology

    Throughout the city of Regalia, a collection of twenty dozen handwritten pamphlets were placed. mainly under benches and a few places in the streets protected from the snow. "To begin this written essay, which as always is written for both mind and tongue, I wish to issue an apology and...