
  1. MokeDuck

    Silferian Compliance With The Requests Of Volarys

    RESOLUTION OF THE IMPERIAL PARLIAMENT OF SILFERIA Proposal presented by The Helvetican Doge and Berkin Celetharion III to the Imperial Parliament, September 12th, 310 AC RESOLUTION Expressing the will of the Parliament and the Kaiser, delivered on their behalf by Berkin Celetharion III...
  2. geoghard

    Project "make Massivecraft Safe Again"

    [There us no reference to Trump whatsoever ;)] Considering raiders being plague and bane of most non-pvpers and the recent history of raid victims in Novorra, I decided that something has to change. "Make Massivecraft Safe Again" is an initiative aiming to bring together our most capable...
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  11. Visarovich

    Archived The Issue Of Overclaiming

    I know, I know, its a drastic change compared to all the other suggested 'changes' in this section of the forums, but hear me out. Massivecraft consists of two components; roleplay and factions. The roleplay world (Regalia) is for roleplayers, they go there to roleplay with whatever lore the...
  12. TheLoneShepherd

    Archived Re-add Thunderstorms

    Dear Staff: Can you please consider re-adding thunderstorms to improve PvP? A player wearing god gear is normally able to easily survive getting struck by lightning Thunderstorms added a great amount of realism to the server and also briefly gave attacking factions an advantage by allowing...
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  15. Xanvir

    Highvale Is Recruiting - Rp, Survival, Adventure And More!

    Highvale is seeking out committed, active members to help build a homely and peaceful frontier community. We've only just started recently and are looking for talented builders, gatherers, guards and RPers to undertake a variety of roles. We offer free food, no tax and a guaranteed house plot...