
  1. S1mxne

    Preserved Sheet Arlayna'vaesti Braewányir

    ・ .    ⊹ ✦ . . * . . . . ・ · ✧  * . * .    ⊹ ✦   ✵.   . .  . . ✩ .  · . ° ・ .    ⊹ ✦ . »————————♡————————« - ̗̀ ♡...
  2. canaaa

    Foreign Minister: Declaration Of Intent And Openings

    FROM THE DESK OF THE FOREIGN MINISTER MILENA CADIEUX DU LIERRE. DECLARATION OF INTENT AND OPENINGS WITHIN THE MINISTRY 10 JULY 309 AC. INTENT. The Foreign Minister intends to build an active, functional Ministry composed of driven Diplomats and Advisors who will make a difference and...
  3. Arhbi

    Department Of Foreign Affairs

    Department of Foreign Affairs The Regalian State’s diplomatic policy, under the tenure of Duke Markus Delmotte, is steered by adherence to strong bilateral relations with territories subject to the Regalian Empire, as well as foreign nations bordering our Empire. The exact definition of the...
  4. Anseran

    ♦ Diplomat For Hire ♦

    Posted about the boards of the City, with some finding their way into the Undercity, was a parchment detailing what would seem to be a resume of sorts To those seeking a capable Diplomat, I have been studying Diplomacy for a good while now during my horrendous amount of downtime. Simply put, I...
  5. TheMoistestMan

    The House Of Diplomacy

    Established in 308 by one Maximillian Black, The House of Diplomacy is a guild based around the recruitment and proper usage of the bright Diplomats of the Holy City. Lending their talents and skills to any Noble family or Organizations with the coin. Every Member of The House of Diplomacy is...
  6. CrysRazapple

    The Regalian Foreign State Ministry

    The Ministry’s History The Foreign State Ministry originally formed under the assembly at the start of 306AC to handle diplomacy for the Regalian Empire. From which a more formal ministry was formed under the privy council with Audrey d’Ortonnaise as head. Shifting further still within the New...
  7. G

    Lajo Fiestass’a Se Lloass’a Gua’alna’bosquess’ajo Se Regalia

    A letter written upon aged parchment would be pinned to the Regalian Noticeboard by a nail embellished with the insignia of the Rangers of Hyarroc. Upon said parchment read: “Greetings citizens of Regalia, we are the unofficial Lajo fiestass’a se lloass’a gua’alna’bosquess’ajo se Regalia. Or...