crookback council

  1. Hutydan

    Crookback Council: First Decree.

    Notices would be posted up on every available notice board, especially those within Crookback. The crows seem to be watching the boards themselves, beady eyes focused on every passerby. There were about at least two or three crows in each location, mostly silent if not for the occasional caw...
  2. KrakenLord01

    First Decree Of Intent By Sanguine Councillor Ringmaster

    To the lovely Sanguinic everyfolk of New & Old Crookback, On your behalf, it is my utmost honor to finally evolve and become the highest level of bloodsucking parasite that both you and I could never hope to match before: a politician. As the newly elected Vampire Representative to the...
  3. fantuinn

    On Sihndar In Crookback,

    From the desk of the Crookback Council, As of recent issues regarding Sihndar involvement in the Crookback territories, the Crookback Council has henceforth barred all Sihndar from entry into Crookback. Those who enter regardless of this will be forcibly removed, among other punishments for...
  4. fantuinn

    The Crookback Council

    The Councilors, Each Councilor is selected by the Representative, though options for Councilors may publicly put themselves forward in Crookback Courts and more highly considered with an accompanying statement of purpose. Though most Councilors are still selected by vote. All Councilors can...
  5. fantuinn

    Clearing The Rubble.

    FROM THE DESK OF THE MILITIA COMMANDER, Clearing the Rubble. It has been a very tiring time. That is at least what I am told upon speaking of the past few weeks. When I inquire on the matter I am usually met with forlorn groans and expressions of needing a nap. Yet I have to wonder, how easy...
  6. Mollymock

    The Crookback Militia

    >Ambience< --:::------::------------------->◇<-------------------::------:::-- >◇< The Crookback Militia exists as a sort of Mercenary Band working from the salty shores of Crookback Bay. Established by the Crookback Council under the command of Minister of Gallows Damon Shaw, and Minister of...