The Crookback Council


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score

The Councilors,
Each Councilor is selected by the Representative, though options for Councilors may publicly put themselves forward in Crookback Courts and more highly considered with an accompanying statement of purpose. Though most Councilors are still selected by vote. All Councilors can have their proposed removal be stated at a Crookback Court, provided the Councilor themselves is present to defend themself.

The Representative,
To communicate with the world outside of Crookback, and to assure that all operations within Crookback go smoothly. A position with a vote, and the sole position with a veto.
Harlow Ketch. @fantuinn

The Commander,
To entirely command, direct and recruit for the Crookback Militia. A position without a vote.
Harlow Ketch. @fantuinn

Councilor of Conflict,
To monitor the Crookback Bounty Board and the groups which use it. A position with a vote.
Currently vacant.

Councilor of Weaponry,
To teach and monitor weaponry and arms that are held by or spread to the people of Crookback. A position with a vote.
Bennet Clayton. @DedJok

Councilor of Magic,
To teach and monitor magic and its intricacies with the people of Crookback. A position with a vote.
Cecil Sireillan. @sonofthestars

Councilor of Voice,
To gather suggestions, complaints and problems from the people who best express it. A position with a vote.
Kauhet Lykke. @Naramm

Councilor of Medicine,
To manage the clinic and collect willing volunteers. A position with a vote.
Amaira Vaalia. @Bellorie

Councilor of Construction,
To manage the small-scale improvements and the fixing of vandalisms. A position with a vote.
Emile Gray @Chimekoh

The amount of Council positions will inevitably grow, with proper suggestions given through the Crookback Courts.

The Crookback Courts,

Every two weeks on Friday, at 7 PM EST, Crookback Courts will be hosted, wherein the people of Crookback can publicly propose a law, amendment, or general idea for bettering the district at the Court itself. Proposals that would not like a name attached to them or complaints that would like to be kept quiet can be forwarded instead to the Council's mailbox.
(The mailbox can be found just next to the Crookback Gardens, taking the path to the left of the Emporium.)

Crookback Law.
Crookback Militia. (Still somewhat outdated, will be fixed later)
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