
  1. NebulaePrimo

    The Gray Market Monopoly (black Market Group)

    Hey there! This page is currently under renovation, but it's still accurate enough! Are you looking to buy and sell? Are you looking for goods or services that perhaps aren’t available in more… official places? Well friend, you’ve come to the right place. Welcome to The Gray Market, owned by The...
  2. Fascizm

    The Fe'an Clan

  3. MasterMordax

    From The Embers

    -307- Posters would be placed around Old Town, a blue hand print with blood red tips, even some spread to New Town Isldars, Kin, have you not seen what has happened? We've been oppressed, forced under New Towns rule. We know you've tried again to be peaceful. Look where that has landed you...
  4. Icaruscien

    The Accusers

    The Accusers were a lesser known and extremely niche group situated in small pockets of Dragenthal around 226AC born of the political turmoil the region experienced, standing for a few vaguely liberal ideals, such as more rights for the working man, the protection and encouragement of business...
  5. Vegemiite

    A Chilling Notice

    REVENANTS OF PRIDE 307AC Citizens of Old Town, the Velheim have once again faded back into their city while leaving us to our own devices, yet as many could most likely guess, we have no doubt they'll come running back to contest us once they are aware of this letter, before leaving some weeks...
  6. Vegemiite

    A Declaration - The Dragon's Rest

    Revenants of Pride 307AC Citizens of Old Town and whoever else may find themselves reading this; the Hidden Dragon is once again safe to visit without fear of conflict that have stained its halls these last few days. As of this moment, the Hidden Dragon will no longer face ANY gang conflict...
  7. Vegemiite

    A Heavy Declaration

    The Revenants of Pride 307AC Citizens of Old Town, it has come to our attention that various groups who claim to own parts of our beloved side of the bridge have become complacent and weak, their presence gone and neighborhoods quiet. We have decided to change that. As of this moment, the...
  8. Caduceus_Clayy

    Twice Dead

    The rain pattered on the moors and forests just beyond the Emperor's holy keep, the light rumble of thunder echoing across the heavens. Cold. Unyielding. It had been a week since the death of Aemolius. He had been drowned by his brother. He was a corpse now, that Returned Revenant. His luck had...
  9. Vegemiite

    A Peaceful Announcement From The Undying

    The Undying 307AC Citizens of Old Town, as of this moment; The Frisky Pearl is under new management by order of The Undying. It will once again become a place that all may come for a drink and feed no matter the time of day or night. From here on out, the tavern will be renamed to The Blind...
  10. nath_n

    A Proclamation From The Rat Pack

    This Announcement would be spread throughout message and notice boards ================================================================================ In lieu of recent announcements to the denizens of Old Town and the sewers, the Rat Pack will be henceforth extending our rightful claim over...
  11. Vegemiite

    A Declaration From The Undying

    Issued by the Undying 307 AC Citizens of Old Town and the Sewers; it has come to our attention that the guards and their supporters, commoners or not, have been marching their way into land that does not belong to them. At their kindest hour, these statesmen sneak their way into our homes...
  12. Jonificus

    The Hounds Howl For You

    A Statement from the Kellhof Estate Aelfric Hrothulf Harhold. Holy Reverend. Master of the Order of the Guiding Eye. Uncle. Grandfather. A pious, diligent, tea-loving octogenarian. You may know this man. A kind, elderly man without a pinch of malice in him. He enjoys to watch the sunrise in...
  13. TalkChat

    The Outcasts | Slum Gang

    The Outcasts Leader: Aaelis Tath'ren. Markings: Snake coiled within regals. Location: Regalian Slums. Status: Low gang. Song: Evil Walks AC/DC. ──────────────────────────────────────── IC: ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ Gangsters, thieves, and cons- on the outside...
  14. PresentMediator

    Bounty Hunter For Hire!

    Within the Emporium a simple parchment poster would be hanged, safe from weathering and other natural externalities.
  15. Yigit

    The Crowthorn

    The Crowthorn Secret Crime Syndicate "Rich men want to believe they deserve every penny they've got, so they forget what they owe to chance. Smart men are always looking for loopholes. They want an opportunity to game the system." Who are we? The Crowthorn are a group of criminals. We...
  16. Jack_Castle

    Poll: Slummer & Gangster Players; For Or Against Limitations On Heavy Armor In The Slums?

    The Conversation Thus Far: A debate revolving around whether or not criminals in the slums ought to be wearing heavy armor has been going on the Crime General Skype for a few days now. Armor such as but not limited to, Full Plate Armor*, Half Plate Armor**, and Quarter Plate Armor***,(These...
  17. Yigit

    The Beggar's Fall

    It was one violent night in the slum streets. The drunken night party of the Beggars seemed all nice and jolly, populated with the community of Emporium, it was truly a fun night, with everyone enjoying their time, drinking their sorrows away. Unfortunately, it all lasted short, however; as the...
  18. Arganam

    Regalian Detective League.

    The Regalian Detective League is a private investigation company. Our Detectives will investigate any mystery, whether it is tracking a stolen item, or solving a crime. We believe that our Holy Capitol is in dire need of a formal organization that devotes all of its time to solving mysteries...
  19. G0atfather

    House Infamare

    House Infamare Race: Ailor Culture: Dressolini Wealth: upper class (8/10) Trade: Gambling || Crime Introduction A Dressolini family from Montania in the eastern part of The Regalian Archipelago. A family seated in gambling and crime, house Infamare are cunning and loyal, but power hungry and...
  20. Yigit

    Jarsdel Family Looking For Opportunists

    A flyer would hang on a noticebard, signed under the name of JSIE. (Jarsdel Shipping Trade & Export.) "Recruiting skilled men and women, be them brawny, agile or intelligent, round or sharp-eared. We have jobs for you in Jarsdel Trade & Exported goods. If you need opportunity or coin, pen a...