
  1. nath_n

    The Race For The Chancellery: An Interview Of Alastair Mac Conall

    Reginald: First things first, who are you? Why are you running for Chancellor? Alastair: Two reasons, one is my own personal belief that I am the man for the job. The only candidate who is ready and willing to make divisive tough decisions and keep the empire together. Number two, when Duke von...
  2. Farly108

    The Mac Conall Chancellory Gala

    Basic Information: Chancellory Candidate Alastair mac Conall invites his voters and those interested in his campaign to a night of dancing, conversation, drinking, eating, politicking and rousing speeches. To be held in Typhonburg on the evening of Wednesday the Tenth. All members of the...
  3. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: The End Of The Line

    By Official Decree of His Eminence When the position of Chancellor was bestowed on me approximately five months ago, this was set to the mandate of solving the immediate crisis the Empire had plunged into. Looking back on the appointment vote, the Assembly and Emperor passed a clear mandate for...
  4. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Seventh Edict

    By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte 01 - 04 - 308 Article I - Changes to Law Article II - State of the Realm Article I - Changes to Law, Addition to Regalian Political Law: Withholding information pertaining to any crisis faced by the Regalian State is illegal. Addition to...
  5. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Call For Aid

    By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte A Call for Aid Following the disastrous events which transpired yestereve, I have convened with my advisory cabinet to deliberate on what is the next best course of action for the Regalian State, and we have unanimously come to the following...
  6. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Third Edict

    By Official Decree of Lord Chancellor Delmotte 14 - 01 - 308 Article I - Civil Status Changes Article II - The State & Violet Order Article I - Civil Status Changes, After thoroughly reviewing State law, and guided with the advice of a trusted counsel, the Lord Chancellor has arrived at the...
  7. Arhbi

    Lord Chancellor Delmotte: Magical Artifacts

    BY OFFICIAL DECREE OF LORD CHANCELLOR DELMOTTE 12 - 01 - 308 Magical Artifacts The Regalian Empire is quickly nearing the potential end of two catastrophic conflicts in the archipelago; namely, the Anahera Rebellion and the Drixagh Rebellion, both of which have had significant and detrimental...