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IGN: DolittleGuy
Character name: Shane Marth
Character app: (Not necessary but recommended) Boop
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 6/10
Do you have Skype?:
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

Dear Nadina Haven,
Hello. It's the Claith that hangs around. I just want a guard job at the Apothecary to help around there. I've got nothing to do when I'm not needed as a House Guard, so this seems like a good idea. I'm thirty five, been fighting as a Stealthmark for fifteen years or so, and I'm also versed in first aid and basic treatment of wounds from my days of being a healer. I don't ask to be such a thing anymore, only a guard.
Shane Marth
IGN: Rochelle_
Character name: Dune Krause-Ureyn
Character app: Click 4 stuff
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Skype?: Yuh
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven: A very badly, erased time and time again letter would arrive,
To Mrs. Haaven,
I'm interested in learning more about doctor stuff, and I just turned twenty-four so I got a lot of years left to learn! I'm an Avan-Ailor halfling, and I'm a quick learner (Ask Al!) I really hope you like me, and I'm pretty nice to everyone.
Dune Ureyn
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IGN: Catannine
Character name: Eloen C'Aelrith
Character app: (Not necessary but recommended) x
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10 Fairly well as I have had quite some time with this, among various other, characters with medical knowledge.
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 6/10 Approximately. I am quite well-versed in most things alchemical, but, I am still learning and am prone to mistakes.
Do you have Skype?: Yes.




Hello and thank you for taking an interest! For the time being I'll be putting you on.. Pending! Consider this a trial period. Come into the Apothecary and prove that you and your character are active and willing to be apart of our roleplay and scene!

Thank you aswell for taking an interest. Similarly to above I will be putting you on Pending! Primarily because I have not interacted with you before. I recommend in order to change this you frequent the apothecary and prove you'll be both active and allow us to get to know you more. You're welcome to roleplay and assist existing members of the Alchimia Order's staff until then.

If you two come in frequently and prove your activity by roleplaying and assisting other members of the Alchimia Order we will gladly set you as Accepted! Until then we look forward to seeing you both soon. @Dreamaxia @Rochelle_
Hello again, Em! Seems like we're doing this all over again huh? You've been pretty inactive for a long while there and I believe before I accept you or the sort I'd rather see you be more active in the apothecary interacting and integrating with existing staff. Make yourself known, present and coming in regularly with good activity. I look forward to roleplaying with you more personally! For now I'll set you as.. Pending! Prove your activity and interest via interacting with employees on a regular basis or assisting with the injured and I'd be happy to accept you!

Accepted in-game!
IGN: RollGodProphet
Character name: Kūnàn
Character app: In progress
Medical lore knowledge?: 8/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 9/10
Do you have Skype?: Yep!
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

To the Director Nadina Haaven

I am Kūnàn... I lack a surname due to reasons I may share with you away from a pen. I've learned my trade of alchemy over a number of years and with me starting a new life, I'd like to put my knowledge to good use. I am twenty-seven and as loyal and obedient as a hound. I'd love to work as an alchemist... But I am willing to do any job thrown at me... By at least offering me a chance to prove my self will mean more than the world to me and I won't disappoint...

IGN: MugKing
Character name: Micah Senft​
Character app: Approved.
Medical lore knowledge?: 9/10(Been studying)
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Skype?: You have it!​
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
February 11nth, 306
Nadina Haaven
The Alchimia Order
The Alchimia Apothecary & Clinic, Regalia

Director Nadina Haaven,
I am writing in requests to join your charter. I am of decent age, and graduated the school of medicine. Some even calling me an expert in what I do. I would be looking for the position of Physician, or High Official Physician. I will bring the necessary certification. I come to you second, though. At first I tried for the Sawbones, which was a simply dreadful experience. I hope to have better times with you and your people.
Spirit bless.
I bet you guys thought you were gonna get Nadina Huh? Nope. It's all Zaan now. C:

oh hello NoRez. It's a good thing you're already creeping around in the discord huh? I believe for now I'll be putting you on Pending! I haven't had the chance to interact with you or meet your character yet so I'd love for you to stop by sometime or make yourself known with other employees! I'd also like to see how active you prove to be before I arrive at a conclusion.

helo again. welcome back. Accepted!
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IGN: swimmer762

Character name: Fayre McCLain

Character app: Here you are!

Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10

Alchemy lore knowledge?: 10/10

Do you have Skype?: That I do(Though I am in high school and cannot send messages during my time spent at the school, I do receive all messages..that said, some weekdays I have rehearsal for my high school's musical. On weekends I am very active and always have Skype notifications on."

A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

The letter was in a neatly tied envelope, the red-stained twine tied in a neat bow splitting the envelope in fourths, one fourth with the address printed neatly. When the letter was opened, it would be neatly folded and creased consistently, showing steady hands. The scripture of the letter was delicate and showed a knack for precision.

Dear Nadina Haaven,

Hello! My name is Fayre McClain, and I am an expert alchemist who also has training in apothecary work. I am 26 years old and live very close to the apothecary. I have talked with some of your employees already and they believe that I should apply for either the job of physician or alchemist, and I would be delighted with either! A job that would have me using my alchemical training and medical training to help people is what I would like. I have performed surgeries using alchemical supplies, and treated many sicknesses with my expertise.

I pride myself on my immense knowledge of alchemical contraptions, as well as medicinal plants. I would be happy with a job that put me at the counter, treating walk-ins, and performing surgeries, as well as using my alchemical knowledge for all of this. I also know my way around the inner workings of what brews and plants can do to a person over the long term, so perhaps a job as a physician would be best.

If I were to just be an alchemist, I have immense knowledge of alchemy, enough to completely finish schooling and become an expert alchemist. I also have a large amount of knowledge in medical work because I took medical classes during my study of alchemy. This way, I can do surgery work without magic and use my own alchemical brews to heal wounds.

I've heard from some of your employees that you are searching for a physician, and I thought I could fit that role for you. Because of my alchemical background, I know plenty about medical plants and the background, uses, and short or long term effects of brews. I could use my knowledge to prescribe brews and medications to people, as well as treat injured walk in patients.

Another thing I would like to note, I have treated many that were affected by the vampiric plague and I am proud to report they have recovered from the vampiric state and continue life without the burden of being in that state!

I would also be very open to teaching anyone the ways of alchemy and surgery work, if you need any new employees to take an apprentice of course.

Overall, I believe I could be of help to you and your staff, as well as the general/injured republic, because of my alchemical and medical knowledge. I strive to help people and hope you can aid me in my future goals of treating the sick and injured men, women, and androgynous creatures that enter the apothecary on the daily. I would love to meet you in person and discuss further if you need more information!


Fayre McClain
IGN: Reznc
Character name: Ashli
Character app:
Medical lore knowledge?: 1/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 1/10
Do you have Skype?: Yes
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

"Johanna, I write this letter to you directly, you know why I am writing, for Alistair, I hope that you are the one to evaluate it, but if not, then I will include the details, I am Ashli, age thirty-six, I shall work the counter, and that is all I am good for."
IGN: InDogsWeTrust
Character name: Henriette "Hank
Character app:
Medical lore knowledge?: 6/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 8/10
Do you have Skype?:
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

Esteemed Director Haaven:

I hope this letter finds you in good health as the season changes to spring. I am interested in a position as an alchemist in your Order. My background in alchemy is extensive, and the fulfillment of its noble goals to further the Empire is my life's calling. I have attended Ithania's prestigious Iron Fist, and served as Court Alchemist to the House d'Ortonnaise. Should you require further confirmation of my abilities, please, feel free to consult Adrienne of House d'Ortonnaise.

With utmost regard,

Henriette "Hank" van der Delmonte
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Character name: Prissila Nuvel
Character App: Work In Progress
Medical lore knowledge?: 5/10 (Always learning)
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 3/10 (Always learning)
Do you have Skype?: Yes

"Greetings to the astute Director Haaven,

I had the honor of stumbling across the good, Fiske Eberlin, who pointed me in the Order's direction. I am only a recent arrival in the grand city, but I have spent some years between schooling, under tutelage, and many more in practical use on the field in times of duress. I am a dedicated soul to both faith and mundane medicine, with surgical knowledge and some alchemical dabbling. I would revel at the opportunity to serve alongside and continue to learn from fellow practitioners. Spirit keep you.

Mother Prissila "
IGN: Goldifish.
Character name: Marie de Ortiz.
Medical lore knowledge?: 5/10.
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 2/10.
Do you have Skype?: Yes.
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

Alchimia Director Nadina Haaven,
I hope to guard the Alchimia Order in times of panic or in times of peace. Sadly, it seems the current situation in the Crown City is all but peaceful. I'm experienced in combat, but my ultimate goal is to learn a bit more about alchemy through my time here. If you deem me fit enough to learn, I would be grateful. If you see me better in a role of guarding, I will accept it as well.
Marie de Ortiz.

Hello and thank you all for taking the time in applying to the Alchimia Order! For now I'm going to put you all on Pending! So we can get to know you all better. What this means is that we would like for you all to come in more frequently in the Apothecary and work with existing staff to prove interest and activity before we come to accept you and it also gives us time to get to know you better! Thank you!
Re-applying with updated information!
IGN: Emkaloua
Character name: Ra'Iahla Yinvi
Character app:
Medical lore knowledge?: 5/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 9/10
Do you have Skype?:
Yes! The name is Emkaloua (Ra'Iahla Yinvi).
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

To Nadina Haaven,

My name is Ra'Iahla Yinvi. We've met before, though about the state of my fiancee's relationship with your family. This time, I am none so ignorant about the current subject. I'd like to discuss with you a possible position in the Alchimia Order. As of now, I am 22 years of age, and I have attended Die Akademie von Kaiseman for about 3 years. Additionally, I possess 5 years of (unofficial) experience in first aid and treating mild illness and broken bones. I'd be honored to work as an alchemist alongside your team in helping Regalia reach a widespread state of well-being, in the physical sense. Thank you for your consideration.

Best, Ra'Iahla Fi Yinvi
Character name:
Character app: (Not necessary but recommended)
Not done yet.
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10 - From hanging around and also getting treated by the medical staff I've learned quite abit about the medical procedures, and how to use pieces of equipment.
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 3/10 - I know of the basic medical alchemy, but nothing too in depth.
Do you have Skype?:
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

(The letter would look to have thought put into it but handwriting and spelling of a child.)
Deer Nadina Haaven,

I am riting to ell you dat I Kruul would lik to work for the your order, I have been to tha school of Graklak for ten yeers and throo dis I have learned ow to treat myself and others ho have been urt, I ave also spoke and frequented tha clinc many a time, and I found all de staff to be pleesent peoples. I am wantin to be either de guard or learn more about de medical stuff so I can elp more people and be a student for ya bein 30 I want to use ma life to elp others and protect dem.

Keep safe,
IGN: Reznc
Character name: Ashli
Character app:
Medical lore knowledge?: 1/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 1/10
Do you have Skype?: Yes
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
Dear Haavens,
I rewrite my letter to see f I can be granted a second chance at the apothecary, I have changed for the better, thank you Shep for your words of wisdom, I will not assume that a change in mind on my status as a possible employee would change in so short an amount of days, but I ask I am given a second chance, for I know I am in dire need of a second chance.
you don't need to re-apply.

hello and thank you for taking the time to apply to us. we appreciate it. for now i'll be putting you as Pending! consider this a trial period. come on in, interact with others and make yourself known. let us get a gist for interacting with you and how active you are. etc. you're free to help out ic with existing members of the order.

despite your character would otherwise likely be accepted for improved behavior and the sort. i'm going to have to reject you again on OOC grounds. if you wish to know why you may PM me or Eccetra or both, whichever. please do not try to appeal immediately after this rejection.
IGN: YouDontKnowJack
Character name: Cole Ciess'ajo
Character app: The WIP one
Medical lore knowledge?: 8/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 6/10
Do you have Skype?: Yep
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
(Be sure to include information such as name, age, what position they would like, and what qualifications they have!)
Director Haaven,
Though I've unfortunately been unable to meet you in person, I have been spending time at the clinic and getting to know the staff (ask them about the Yanar in the funny hat), and recently was able to assist Ztril with a patient as there was no physician on hand. I'd be happy to come on board as a physician and possibly an assistant or apprentice to one of your alchemists, since I'm by no means an expert in that field. I am, however, well-versed in medicine and surgery, thanks to my studies at the Regalian Medicinal Academy. I'm a recent graduate of said school, and still quite young (only 27), but make no mistake, my youth does not equate to inexperience. Thank you and Spirit's blessings --

Doctor Cole Ciess'ajo
hello and thank you for applying. for now i'll be putting you on Pending! consider it a trial period for the directors to both get to know your character and measure your activity! your character may assist with existing staff in either the clinic or behind the counter. i'll likely hand out the approval IC depending on how things go!
IGN: katieisNOTdecent
Character name: Svetlana Olenka
Character app: Posted, but on its way to being reviewed!
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10 - I used to have a few characters in this sort of a field, so I have a strong understanding about the medical field in massivecraft. With that, I also spent a lot of time researching medical procedures you would use in real life scenarios, so I do also have a basic understanding about all that.
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 5/10 - I know the basics about alchemy, like Firebite, Tallassan Gel, Obscura and etc., but I don't have an expert understanding off the top of my head.
Do you have Skype?: h-h-hecc yea
IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

"Director Haaven,

I hope this letter finds you well. I've bought supplies from the apothecary on more than one occasion, and, seeing that you all handle your business in a professional (and very polite) manner, I've taken a lot of interest in working with you all in general. New to the Crown City, I've just sailed here no more than a few weeks ago. I was previously living on battlegrounds with the Regalian Navy, having served as a medic and surgeon for fourteen years. Now being thirty-five, I honestly think that it's well beyond my time to settle in a less fiery and dangerous medical center. I'd be well-suited to work as one of your Physicians, as I have over a decade of experience in said field. I hope you'd consider letting me join your staff.

Best Regards,
Svetlana Olenka"
IGN: Jareth
Character Name: Orianne Peirgarten
Character App:
Medical lore knowledge?: 5/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 8/10
Do you have Skype?: Yes
Letter -
To the Director -
Greetings. After speaking with some members of the Alchimia Order at a market event, I find myself wishing to lend my alchemical knowledge to the organization. Since I was young, alchemy has been a focal point of my education and I believe the skills I have developed can be of use to you. In addition, I am currently learning more about medical practices and may soon be able to help in more fronts than one.
Please consider my application, and spirit's blessings.
Orianne Peirgarten

hello and thank you both for applying to the Alchimia Order! for now I will be setting you both on Pending! think of it as a trial period. come in and roleplay with us and help out in the clinic or behind the counter with existing members of staff. we use this as a time to get to know other characters better- think of it as a bit like a recruit rank to the Alchimia Order! coming in regularly or partaking often in the medical roleplay scene with us and the rest of the community helps. i personally love seeing our new recruits come in and roleplay in person and more often than not most are accepted IC. look forward to seeing you both soon!
IGN: Vocalxid
Character name: Zinnia Alvera
Character app:
Medical lore knowledge?: 5/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 5/10
I know how each work but not quite the exact specifics of the materials and such yet, although I hope to improve by actively participating in RP and suchness.
Do you have Skype?: Yes.
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
Dearest Esteemed Haavens,

I hope to participate within your order and in doing so help as many people as possible. I've attended medical schooling and have over fourty years of experience in the field. I appreciate you taking the time to read this and hope you may allow me to work within this fine institution. Thank you, have a good evening.

Spirit Bless,

Zinnia Alvera
P.S. There is a worker willing to vouch for me! Ask Eloenna C'Aelrith (though I think she goes by Eloen Le'r'inith) if needed!
hi hello and thank you for applying. for now i'll be putting you on Pending! consider this a sort of recruit rank for the Alchimia Order. come in and roleplay with us! we use this trial period to get to know new people better before we accept them and to measure activity. depending on how things go and how active you are in our business on mainstreet we'll be more than happy to accept you on the spot IC!
IGN: MugQueenGhost
Character name: Allison Senft
Character app: Review in progress
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 5/10
Do you have Skype?:
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
Directors Haaven and Haaven,
Hi there! I am Allison Senft. I am doctor Micah Senft's daughter and I would like to work at the Alchimia as a nurse. I have trained under my dad and would like to put my knowledge to use. Thank you greatly for considering me!

May the spirit always guide us,
Allison Senft
hello and thank you for taking time in applying. having experience with roleplaying with you and your characters relation to existing staff members i'll be more than happy to Accept you into the Alchimia Order. feel free to send me your skype in PM over the forums and i'll be adding you to the chats. first few weeks will be like a trial period while we measure your activity but none the less welcome!
IGN: Rosemberry
Character name: Adrienne dei Veleno
Character app: Boop
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Skype?: Yes
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

To Director Nadina Haaven,

My name is Adrienne dei Veleno, and I am writing on my own behalf. I am currently as of now twenty-six, and some may know me as the adopted mother of Silyoran dei Veleno, while others may know me through Cole Ciess'ajo. Cole and I went to school together for ten years, and he can personally vouch for my abilities as well as on a personal level. Now being fresh out of a school, it's a perfect time for me to start working as a physician.

Please do consider me as a potential future physician.

Spirit's Blessings,
IGN: Nixces.
Character name: Giselle Celyreos.
Character app: x
Medical lore knowledge?: 7/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Skype?: Yes.

A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
To all of those it may concern within the Alchimia Order included but not limited to Director Nadina Haaven,
Greetings. Due to my rather recent re-arrival to Regalia and my large amount knowledge for all things medical, I wish to seek employment at such a fine establishment. I would be honored to work under your order as a physician to aid those in need.
May the spirit bless and guide you all.
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Hello and thank you both for taking an interest in joining the alchimia order! For now I will be putting both of you on Pending! Consider this a trial period in which we will expect you to come into the shop and roleplay with us frequently to prove activity before we accept you. We will most likely accept you IG should you prove active and we get to know you both a bit better!
IGN: HodlinG
Character name: Eberd von Forst
Character app: Not yet!
Medical lore knowledge?: 4/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 5/10
Do you have Skype?: Eeeyyup!
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
Director Haaven

Hello! I am Eberd, and uh, I'm really in need of a job. I'm not starving yet but, I'm coming close to there and so, yeah, I'm asking for a job, in your alchemy shop. I know.. zilch about alchemy and medicine. But, I can learn! And I am very good at following directions-- no matter how many people claim the contrary.


Eberd von Forst
Hello! Thankyou for your application and interest in joining the Alchimia Order. As with most individuals who apply, we will be putting you on Pending! In order to be fully accepted, please come round to the apothecary to introduce yourselves and prove your activity to us. We hope to see you there!
Character name:
Senobia Lefevre
Character app: (Not necessary but recommended)
Medical lore knowledge?: 8/10
Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7/10
Do you have Skype?:
Yes, I'm in the chat with my other character.
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:
(Be sure to include information such as name, age, what position they would like, and what qualifications they have!)

Director Haaven,
I have become interested in joining this group mainly due to being brought there so many times for help while being injured. My name is Senobia Kopanari, a silven-mage to be honest. I am trained in Celestial healing magic as well as alchemy. I'd like a scholar position due to my versatile nature but also because of the recent draft of aberrants and needing to be in a charter. But I'd also like to give back to the charter in any way that I can for being so helpful to me in the past.
- Senobia Kopanari
IGN: Kudzzy
Character name: Mousa Keita
Character app: WIP
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 1/10
I'm generally pretty lore savvy, but I haven't played tons and might need a bit of a refresher
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 1/10
I think I've got most of the alchemy lore down.
Do you have Skype?: Nope, but I've got discord
A short IC letter to the Alchemia Directors:
(Be sure to include information such as name, age, what position they would like, and what qualifications they have!)
Director Nadina Haaven
I am Mousa Keita, former resident of Faradh'een.
I have written to you in the hope of becoming a Physician at your illustrious clinic,for the hope of bettering the health of the fine residents of Regalia. I'm a moderately experienced surgeon, having learned my techniques in a rather "Hands On" manner, and learned some medicine in such the same way.

I am 26 years of age and eager to begin work, should I be accepted
Yours Truly, Mousa Keita
IGN: WrongChat
Character name: Roger Hemingway
Character app: N/A
OOC Medical lore knowledge?: 8
OOC Alchemy lore knowledge?: 7
Do you have Skype?: Yeah.
A short IC letter to the Alchemia Directors:

Dear Directors,
I, Roger Hemingway am trying to make my way through the city. Considering I'm a newly graduate of the School of Battlemed, I wish to portray myself as someone with the capabilities of being a guard and helping maintain order within your shop whilst being someone who can effectively heal on the job. If my application interests you please send a notification my way. Thank you for reading this.
Roger Hemingway
School of Battlemed Graduate
Plants are pretty fun
Approved! However I'd ask that you be more active in the apothecary and perform general roleplay aside from only coming in when there's a need. Generating roleplay and participating in the day to day is just as important as coming in when there's a need.

Hello and thank you for your interest in the Alchemia order. Due to a lack of interaction with your character I will be setting your status as Pending. Consider this a trial period in which you will be expected to assist existing employees either behind the counter, lab or clinic healing which they will observe your character's demonstrated abilities and allow for them to get to know your character better and measure your activity!

I'll be setting your status as Pending aswell primarily on the basis I would like for you to prove your activity to us by following the aforementioned through a trial.

To those set as Pending. It is a trial period in which we take time to monitor activity and get to know you better. Acceptance is usually done on the spot in character! We look forward to interacting with you all shortly and we hope you enjoy your time at our location on mainstreet!

IGN: PapidaCarrot
Character name: Zzalangua Mu-Vazziss
Character app:
Medical lore knowledge?: +0 proficiency
Alchemy lore knowledge?: +0 proficiency
Do you have Skype?: Yep! And discord! JarrettdaCarrot / PapidaCarrot#6921
A short IC letter to Director Nadina Haaven:

To the directors of the apothecary,

I am Zzalangua, or Zzal for convenience. A Jorgo guard for the Allar Embassy. I'd like a part-time job at the apothecary as a simple guard due to the time and relations I have started with many of the employees. Most of my combat training comes from my enlistment in Hadar Pre-Chrysant War.
In my idle time of hanging in the Apothecary, I've discovered that the healers run into situations when curing sanguine or those of mental illness'. To be a guard for simple restraining of these conflicted figures may be in the interest of the apothecary's safety. I don't plan on expecting honor out of this job, but to only serve the alchemists and physicians in a way that could provide safety to themselves.
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