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You People Make Me Sick


tacit and refined evil
Staff member
Feb 17, 2019
Reaction score
The following notice is pinned up a few places in the City. In Crookback, New Town, in the Dragon Temple, on a noticeboard in the sewers, and so on. Each one is hand written.

To the esteemed members of the Peerage, of the Voting Clergy, and all the Commoners who attended the Assemblies and gatherings in the past few weeks to vote on the matter of Torse, Arlora, and Ruttgher,

You sicken me. I have watched, I have futility tried to fight against, your efforts time and time again to grind the Kathar refugees underneath your heel until they are nothing but a stain you can wash off the stone tiling. You have consistently, persistently, done everything in your power to ensure their lives are as hellish, as unfair, as misreable, as you can possibly make it, for reasons I cannot begin to comprehend. You, the commoners, who chose to send them to Ruttgher, knowing there were already wirtem Ailor and native Ailor population who have never seen a Kathar before in their lives. Who refused to vote in a perfectly qualified Kathar who believed in Regalia, and has now died before his time, Dragons rest his soul. You, of the Nobility, who chose a staunch local priestess with no consideration on how they might treat the Kathar present.

But frankly, this isn't even just about that. I could be writing this notice just as easily without all of those things occurring, because you are still so unfathomably hateful to the Kathar who live here now. I have witnessed words spoken to Kathar, acts inflicted upon Kathar, in this very city that would cause my wretched Grandmother to swoon with pride and envy that she didn't think of that combination of words to call them, first. You don't even reserve this level of hatred for the Teledden from the Allorn. There is no logic to your hatred. Even if there was, it would not make up for it, but in my desperate attempts to understand why you do what you do, to the Kathar who live here, and elsewhere, I have come up with no explanation other than the profound wickedness in your hearts. You make Armina, blessed be her name, look like she made a mistake, for I do not know what you did with the kindness she breathed into you. You have certainly let it rot and wither away.

Priestess of Daiana
A reply has been posted as well; written in neat handwriting!

Good evening, my name is Nerina Vecellio, one of the Commoner Voters at the assembly. I feel it important to state publicly that myself and my caucus were once part of the 'Hinterlandic Lobby', and split from it in part over Ruttgher. I warned that if the Priestess was sent; the Velheimers prejudices would be enabled and the remaining Katharic population mistreated. At about this time a large number of new activists had joined the Lobby, most of whom I saw were Roca supporters lead by Countess Nayëlen and some other Suvial with her. They strongly advocated for Roca's ascension in Arlora, and for the Priestess be sent to Ruttgher. I suggested to them a comrpomise, where I would support Roca if she would support the Tyndale candidate for Ruttgher.

My warnings and the warnings of others were ignored, my compromise rejected. At the Assembly, Count Norinn went to the stand and accused those supporting House Tyndale for Ruttgher of being part of a reactionary conspiracy. He pointedly stated that we would turn the colonies into the Walds, and spoke of lynchings and the gross mistreatment of minorities. If you wished to avoid this; you must of course support the Priestess. Countess Nayëlen, who seems to be co-leading the Lobby now, similarly supported the Priestess and said that the Velheimers would suffer 'Cultural Genocide' without her.

The expected has happened; much to our dissapointment. Myself, Miss Baudelaire, and Miss Nevara will now be forming our own caucus with the goal of helping the Kathar and preventing the Lobby from causing further harm. If you are a member of the Lobby reading this, I encourage you to speak to us and consider leaving their ranks. Their actions are at best ignorant and at worst actively malicious; using the language of minority rights and 'cultural genocide' to push an agenda that has now lead to the exact outcome they nominally oppose. If you are not, we will be actively seeking advice on how to best support the Kathar in the colonies, and arranging votes to do so.

Nerina Vecellio
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Dear Ishïka,

I have attended and voted in each Commons Assembly, and can only concur on your point about the appalling culture among both commoners and nobles that allowed such treatment of the Kathar population to occur. Both the first State Sanction Vote, and the most recent one, were overrun with bad faith actors- at the latter, I was the only one who spoke up for Innviokh, while people listened and followed the perspective of the foul Sanguine Mesmessei, and continued to vote for Paladin Hawkings. My only regret is that my voice was not enough- only three votes were between the two options, yet evil won out. It makes me question just why Augustin Roca thought this scheme was a good idea- I suppose it gives him a visage of legitimacy, despite his status as an unpredictable independent actor. We must remember that the blood of those innocent Kathar is on his hands as much as those who commoners who voted the way they did.

More towards Nerina Vecellio- I am also a member of the Neo-Hinterlandic Lobby, acting as cultural consultant and respresenting the perspectives of the commoners to the noble families involved. While I can see the perspective that this fledgeling lobby is ignorant in some ways, to call us malicious or Roca supporters is downright false. Yes, the Kathar have been mistrested, but is it not important to worry about mistreatment of other groups too? In fact, I see no reason to think that the Imperial Loyalist Avery Tyndale would be any better for Kathar or for locals in Ruttgher, knowing the perspective our state has had towards such people in the past- integrate and subjugate them into our culture, or if they won't bend, break them. Is that really the kind of person you want being supported?

Priestess, If you have any guidance as to the way forwards for the few Kathar who remain, I would highly appreciate your perspective on the matter for the upcoming assemblies.

Amalia Rhianne Konstantinson
"A full sweep," the Lobbyist popped champagne;
Eyes and pockets fat, his finger a fatter agate;
Why not (why not)?! Commemorate!
Even as the Anglians lose their scythes;
On Kathar napes befall its swooping blades;
"A full sweep," the Lobbyist popped champagne.
Just one warlord given free reign…
Just some farmers, powder kegs given…
Just a few more lives given away in vain…
'Tis the Hiltfrontist's Great Way!
His picks duly elected; his pockets dutifully filled;
"A full sweep," the Lobbyist popped champagne.
…And the province soon left bare;
…And the province thrown to the pyre;
…And the province no longer our Empire.
Hands white-gloved. Whereon the scythe's splatter reaches naught;
Drinking and laughing, bribed, in his Roca-paid-for estate;
"A full sweep," the Lobbyist popped champagne;
Indeed. That for him, at least, 'twas a most bloodless night.
May Ness for her great mercy save us all.
Lady Vittoria von Rolanthe

The sigil of a flaming lotus accompanies House Nayëlen's report.

Dated Tuesday, March 25.

I. In response to Priestess Ishika's notice, dated March 23, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen pledges support for Tanokh's petition to address Kathar mistreatment and invites private dialogue with Priestess Ishika.

II. In response to Miss Amalia Konstantinson's notice, dated March 24, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen endorses support for Miss Amalia Konstantinson's and Miss Jasmine Naik's upcoming commoner's forum on Kathar in Ruttgher and Beyond.

III. In response to dialogue with Miss Jasmine Naik and Tanokh, dated March 24, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen invites Tanokh back to future Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby State Sanction meetings as an honorary guest.

IV. In response to a meeting with the Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby, dated March 24, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen announces submission of a Letter of Commendation to Tanokh to support his efforts. She encourages knights and members of nobility to do the same.

V. In response to Miss Nerina Vecellio's notice, dated March 24, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen reports confusion with Miss Nerina Vecellio's long-term action plan for "helping the Kathar," beyond "seeking advice" and "arranging votes." She requests publicized clarity for strengthening collaboration.

VI. In response to Miss Nerina Vecellio's notice, dated March 24, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen condemns Miss Nerina Vecellio's DAMAGING ALLEGATIONS that Miss Amalia Konstantinson, one of the "large number of new activists" to join the Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby, supports Kathar mistreatment. She DEMANDS A PUBLIC APOLOGY within 48 hours addressed to Miss Amalia Konstantinson for misrepresenting her advocacy efforts.

VII. In response to Miss Nerina Vecellio's notice, dated March 24, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen condemns Miss Nerina Vecellio's DAMAGING ALLEGATIONS that Miss Jasmine Naik, one of the "large number of new activists" and the "other Suvial" to join the Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby, supports Kathar mistreatment. She DEMANDS A PUBLIC APOLOGY within 48 hours addressed to Miss Jasmine Naik, advisor of House Nayëlen, for misrepresenting her advocacy efforts.

VIII. In response to Lady Vittoria von Rolanthe's notice, dated March 24, Countess Suvitril Nayëlen compliments her poem and wordsmithing talent. She encourages her to use these skills to support Tanokh, Miss Jasmine Naik, and Miss Amalia Konstantinson in their efforts to address Kathar mistreatment. She therefore makes the following recommendations to House von Rolanthe and requests PUBLICIZED ACTION within 48 hours, given their announced interest in preventing "Kathar napes befall[ing] ... swooping blades."

  1. House von Rolanthe's signatures and pledge of support for Tanokh's petition.
  2. House von Rolanthe's Letters of Commendation to Tanokh.
  3. House von Rolanthe's action plan to address Kathar mistreatment.

Suvitril Nayëlen
Countess of Majorda
Matriarch of House Nayëlen
Vice Chair of the Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby

@Birdsfoot_Violet @fantuinn @AprilBlossoms @cherri_luvr @CradleNo3 @Fluuudd @vulnyacura

A pale red seal sits atop of a dusty green address.

To the Vice Chair of The Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby,

I would like to begin with congratulating the lobby in their sweeping victory in the Assembly Hall. A result so bold and resolute, that even the most tenured of my company observe your mobilization with great interest. How fitting that those who sit pristine in high seating, have chosen to demonstrate the same cold brutality that would make any weathered warlord proud. The decision to send an adversary to the helpless, with no more consideration than if one were to command a battalion to march to a frontline and face certain annihilation. Commendable. The fool you have made of me, for underestimating your presence.

You repent for this guilt in the form of your advocacy, I might find this admirable. Although, the blatant disregard for the bloodlust empowering your vote, contrasts this posturing of good intent. Recall that blood stains soil all the same, whether it be blade or ballot. To my peers, I say this: continue in your noble work, for you have proven that your cruelty is more refined than any legion I could ever command, and any siege I may wage. You wield death with the grace of an artist, not a butcher.

When you, in your haste, scramble to counter influence, be mindful of the violence you incite. For all careful planning, all orchestrated motions behind closed doors, there is an implied blindness to the consequences of your actions. But you are not blind, and neither are your peers. Your decisions are just as carefully enacted, and well informed. The choice you made that day, whether in the name of politics or law, has ignited fires in places you neither oversee nor control, only ravage.

There will be no further commands, requests nor suggestions made to the likes of mine on behalf of promoting the rights of those who already hold them within our Isle. Think of those who now bleed in Ruttgher.

The Count finishes his decree with a huff, scratching his name at the bottom. His hand presses at his forehead, a garette burning away between his fingers. He offers the message to his assistant- cursing under his breath, "Inoculated from consequence, burdened with control. Reminds me of something." He pauses, scowling as he gestured the assistant to hand him the sheet back. He writes an addition in the lower margin,

Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby.. What does this mean? Might you pay homage to the estimable King de Gosselin- might you claim to be more correct than he? What makes you lot so novel?

Count von Rolanthe of Vanren
Knight-Major, Darkwald of the Lothar Order
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To the Esteemed Members of the Peerage and the Concerned Citizens of Regalia,
It is with the utmost gravity that I pen this announcement, for the matter at hand is one that weighs heavily on both my conscience and my duty to my people. I have long stood as a supporter of the fair and just treatment of the Kathar people, believing that they, like all subjects of the Empire, are entitled to dignity, stability, and the opportunity to forge a future unmarred by prejudice. It was with this belief that I sought to lend my efforts to the Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby, hoping that it might serve as a vehicle for meaningful reform.

During negotiations, I was offered many things to secure my support; promises of influence, political backing, and even personal incentives that would have ensured my standing within the movement. However, in preparation for such a partnership, I undertook a thorough investigation into the character and fitness of its leadership. It is my firm belief that any political alliance must be founded on trust, discipline, and a shared commitment to the principles we claim to uphold. What I uncovered in the course of this inquiry has made it impossible for me to, in good faith, align myself with the Neo-Hiltfrontist cause.

The Chair of the Lobby, Count Lamont Norinn, has for some time carried on an illicit affair with none other than his own Vice Chair, all while still bound in marriage to Countess Amber Silverberry. This matter has been kept from public knowledge, concealed through careful whispered agreements, and most troublingly, political exchanges designed to ensure that the scandal remains buried. Alll the while the scandal was internally justified with matters of religion and culture, ignoring the most inconvenient truth that the Countess had never consented to it. I do not take lightly the revelation of such matters, for personal indiscretions, while regrettable, are not always the concern of governance. However, this is an affair that has compromised the very integrity of the movement itself.

When leadership is built upon deception, when the bonds between its highest offices are not those of mutual respect and ideological unity but rather of secrecy and obligation born of illicit ties, how can one expect that movement to act with the impartiality, fairness, and moral clarity necessary to govern? Their actions are not only unbecoming of their station but actively undermine the cause they claim to champion.

Thus, I have finally reached my decision. I will not join the Neo-Hiltfrontist Lobby, for to do so would be to entangle myself in a body whose leadership lacks the very principles I seek to uphold. Instead, I have begun the necessary preparations to establish a new caucus, one that will advocate for the just treatment of the Kathar and other marginalized peoples, free from the taint of self-interest.

To those within the Neo-Hiltfrontist ranks who, like me, find themselves disillusioned with its leadership, I extend my hand. While I do not demand that all forsake their positions outright, I urge you to reflect on whether the movement's direction is one you can truly stand behind. Should you wish to discuss cooperation, know that my door remains open. The work ahead is arduous, but I would rather walk a difficult road with integrity than take an easy path paved with compromise.

May the great and good Gods long preserve our empire in safety.
Dante Benedicto Salvatore
Count di Licatta
