Free Music Two, Electric Boogaloo


liar and milf lover
Staff member
Jan 5, 2018
Reaction score
twinleaf town, sinnoh region
hello! my name is romeo and i compose a lot of jrpg-esque ( or so it's been called ) and classical music. i find myself with some time and da need to create. i've made a handful of songs for my friends and thought it might be fun to see if i can make something interesting for you folk.

i will likely not be producing a full length song unless i really really like what you've written down, so you'll have to settle for snippets! at the very least, it's a free snippet. what do you have to lose? it's free real estate. i will warn that i probably won't get around to everyone, and i'll probably pm the snippet just so the songs don't find their way onto soundcloud or something weird and inane

please answer the following -

overall mood/vibe: grand, open, scary, boss-fight, 8-bit, post michael jackson death but pre whitney houston, et cetera..
character app: just link it
describe the character: you're requesting this song for your oc, and in order for me to attempt to convey what you want i need to know them a little bit. just give me a few brief sentences about them, their personality, what's important to them, et cetera. whatever u think i needa know
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: this one is pretty self explanatory, you can't pick anything stupid like superman. putting superman or something stupid here will make me not pick yours
overall mood/vibe: something opera-esque that feels a bit brooding, like a thunderstorm outside of a gloomy looking castle. the character herself is inspired from hela with a dash of yen
character app:
describe the character: ilmadia is a staunch altalar who believes in the racial succession and purity of her race. she would use any methods necessary to prove her point. she uses her sorcery and staff to fight. her personality is somewhat different with each person she meets, but she could be described as someone who wants to protect the altalar and by extension, a few aberrants.
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: my favorite cartoon characters were the powerpuff girls, i think its self explanatory. they're little girls with superpowers, super strength, and can also fly. they'd kick everyone including mojo jojo's ass
overall mood/vibe: slow piano, growing in intensity and passion until the climax, when it jarringly ends, maybe a bit sorrowful throughout the whole thing
character app:
describe the character: naive, boot-licking soldier tries his best to not fuck-up and fight for the honor of all he stands for (unionism, his family, his people)
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: sans is a cartoon character change my mind oh wait you can't, anyways he tells awful puns until the opponents kill themselves for him

Overall Mood/Vibe: Reformed villain, redemption, finding love and yourself. A sort of coming home/found family trope. Piano, violin. Something kinda Bond Villain esque.
Character App:
Description of the character: Sort of rough around the edges, generally a confused mess of a bisexual. She's lost a great deal and she's just trying to find where she belongs. Sia's very much dedicated to her faith, but even then, the strongest of faiths can sometimes be shaken no? Family and faith is important to her. (You know. Theresia. Unholy witch lady, Romeo ya nut.)
Favorite Character and Why would they win: Courage from Courage the Cowardly Dog. My reasoning? Courage, despite being ill-named as many believe, was always brave enough in the face of danger despite his fear. So because of his bravery and absolute want to get back to Muriel, he'd kick some butt.
Yo this High AF Elf walks in and sneers at everyone present because they are so beneath him, bombastic brass instruments and horns blowing in the background and taking the pace of his fast step.

I don't like filling in forms, but I'll give you some heavy mood Link and a promise for art coupon if you pick me mommy.
overall mood/vibe: theatrical and grand w/ a sort of eery undertone, vague whimsy circus vibes? coming to mind are a lot of the more hectic madoka tracks, grimm's theme, some of the pocket mirror soundtrack (perhaps an excuse for me to get you to listen to it)
character app:
describe the character: you're familiar with him but. extroverted vain circus elf. in a constant state of performance w/ most people he interacts with, would sell you to satan for a corn chip, bit of a coward but purely because he's incredibly self preserving
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: marceline. why? badass. hot. could turn into a giant hell bat creature. effectively immortal. i don't have to elaborate we just know she'd absolutely demolish her competition.

go ham
love u

large (3).webp
overall mood/vibe: upbeat, camp, bard-like, jojo part 4 (the best part), ironic/ tragic, I oop.
character app:
describe the character: A scrawny young man who came to being turned into an url through the tragic way of being stabbed by a noble during a performance at the Willow, despite his arguably gruesome death of sorts he now continues to roam Regalia with a mission statement of staying the self-proclaimed best bard in the city much to the horror of passerbys seeing the obnoxiously airheaded and campily dressed url approaching them with a broad unnerving deer smile.
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: Alright... I'm genuinely taking some time to think this up.

Maybe Fred from Scooby Doo, hes not extremely overpowered or whatnot but hes got a good mind for preparing traps and an atrocious amount of years worth of knowledge in his craft from capturing a diverse amount of characters. Tiny pink dog that screams a lot? Done. Lesbian vampire lady? Probably caught tons of them before. Powerpuff girls? I mean, child murder isnt usually on the cards-- but he could do it I bet. Lastly, come on- Fred just exerts chad-like energy with his style and energy.
depends on how into the concept i am, and how inspired i am, tbh. sometimes i can knock one a little clip out in a few hours, but generally ( assuming max inspiration/effort ) i could get a song done in a day or two. that little clip from above was maybe 3-4 hours of work
overall mood/vibe: Whimsical, airy, lost in the woods, mischief
character app:
describe the character: Nervous wreck that's starting to grow a spine after a strang experience
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: Yubel from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX because they're one of the few villains that actually get what they want in the end and don't die. That's why they'd win, they're a competent bad guy.
overall mood/vibe: Idk some waltzy n somber mix of whatever Gymnopedie No. 1 is and The Final Note from Shovel Knight
character app:
describe the character: Sad hopeless romantic doctor.
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: I dunno man I don't remember what shows I used to watch.
overall mood/vibe: Something magical, quick and mischievous! Run Boy Run is the closest to the vibe I'm thinking of!
character app: Tiray!!!
describe the character: Tiray is an entertainer and showswoman inspired by magic and living life on the edge. She takes orders from no one and does what she considers best. Her alignment is chaotic neutral, given her obsession with freedom, and her background is rather somber and leaves her, today, with a sense of determination to take her life back into her own hands, and avenge what and who was lost along the way. I could go on,, but that would take too long,,,,
who was your favorite cartoon character growing up and why would they win in a free-for-all deathmatch with everyone else's favorite cartoon character: Garnet, from Steven Universe!! Garnet is an absolute boss of a woman, and is?? Literally fueled by love?? That's her entire existence and the source of her strength basically, the love between two gems?? And I absolutely adore that, given I'm stupid cheesy and sappy! Besides, try to convince me they WOULDNT absolutely demolish anyone who gets in their way, I'll WAIT.

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