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A Declaration From The Undying


monty appreciator
Apr 12, 2015
Reaction score
Issued by the Undying
307 AC

Citizens of Old Town and the Sewers; it has come to our attention that the guards and their supporters, commoners or not, have been marching their way into land that does not belong to them. At their kindest hour, these statesmen sneak their way into our homes, gathering up the information to put you all away behind bars before meeting the headman's axe. At their worst, they march in, weapons drawn and ready to purge us from ground we stand upon.

No more will we have to accept this treatment of our friends and kin, no more will they wander freely where they don't belong. The Undying will no longer allow this, and those that drink and reside in the sewers should no longer either.

As of this moment, any territories declared by The Undying will be defended to the dying breath. We will no longer permit these guards free movement in what belongs to us, or to what we deem protectable. Any guard that dares to tread into our domain risk both life and limb, no further warning given.

Territories claimed by The Undying:

  1. The Wailing Wraith
  2. The Hidden Dragon
  3. Velheimer District (godscourt - Old Town)
Vaeri Neridi
Leader of The Undying
Queen of the Underworld
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Leya Sastra eyed this little declaration curiously. She decided to write down a little bit of notes on the locations in one of her vast note-keeping books before saying, "Usually, I would recommend diplomacy to solve such problems. But how does one reason with someone that has a rotting brain?" She mused curiously before continuing her day.
Shortly after the proclamation was posted, a far less-publicized note was spread thinly through the sewer tunnels. Few and far between, yet extravagant enough to draw eyes. The signature was drab and boring, and likely written by a scribe.
To the "Undying",
Who are you, to deem yourself fit to defend a tunnel-system full of completely capable beasts and aberrations? Judging by name alone, I can already deduce that you are the pink-skinned dead woman who fled with her tail between her legs as soon as a half-Elven Silven blinked at her in a "menacing" fashion. Who are you, to claim the public spaces that rightfully belong to their respective owners as "your own"?
What grants you, a coward, who fears the very wrath of the men you intend to ward off, the ability to simply swipe the territory of already existing establishments, all of whom are protected by their staff? You cower in fear at the thought of a Greywitch, yet in turn decide that we are the best target for your 'reign'.
You are no queen, you are a dead woman who intends to die again. A queen of nothing.
Commander of the Greywitch Guard,
Leufred du BrierĆ¼st.
The green-eye that calls themselves Commander,

If those of the Wraith dare deemed themselves ready to battle the guards that you so order, the protection of myself and my compatriots wouldn't have been necessary, yet here we are, with my blade ready to pierce through your throat.

I fear no man, least of all one that cannot fight without a deployment of fellow statesmen that deem to threaten our entire existence. Not the Justice freak with lightning, not Faust with his crossbow or spear and especially not you; commander.

Perhaps even a warning was too kind for the likes of you as you insult me in such a manner now. The warning stands. Enter at your own risk to life and limb. The Wraith is under the protection of The Undying, as is any other territory we declare.

Vaeri Neridi
Leader of The Undying
Queen of the Underworld
To the whelp who calls themselves queen,
I do not intend to continue this conversation with words, only with actions.
Watch your back.​
Spirit prevails,
Leufred du BrierĆ¼st.
Commander of the Greywitch Guard.​

To the Undying,

Our little neighborhood is proud to announce, despite the low frequency of guard patrols, crime is very low in our district. Because of this, guards have no need to patrol it, and that is the way we prefer it, so you'll have no need to step foot in our nice streets. If you only want it for the bragging rights, then you'll have to come and take it from us.

The Velheim District belongs to the Velheim and fellow residents.

With kind words and sharp axes,
~Kaya Akersdottir Sorenvik
Hertuginne of Fohrborg​
To the Undying Brat and her enamored Green-Eye,

Please cut off all of your fingers and have them shoved up your assholes so far in so that they can't be picked out and rout your shit to pour from your nostrils instead. You're clogging the notice boards.
Avatar of Az'shaq
Champion of the Kathar​

Issued by the Undying
307 AC

Citizens of Old Town and the Sewers; it has come to our attention that the guards and their supporters, commoners or not, have been marching their way into land that does not belong to them. At their kindest hour, these statesmen sneak their way into our homes, gathering up the information to put you all away behind bars before meeting the headman's axe. At their worst, they march in, weapons drawn and ready to purge us from ground we stand upon.

No more will we have to accept this treatment of our friends and kin, no more will they wander freely where they don't belong. The Undying will no longer allow this, and those that drink and reside in the sewers should no longer either.

As of this moment, any territories declared by The Undying will be defended to the dying breath. We will no longer permit these guards free movement in what belongs to us, or to what we deem protectable. Any guard that dares to tread into our domain risk both life and limb, no further warning given.

Territories claimed by The Undying:

  1. The Wailing Wraith
  2. The Hidden Dragon
  3. Velheimer District (godscourt - Old Town)
Vaeri Neridi
Leader of The Undying
Queen of the Underworld
A certain black skull masked individual moved past the notice, halted, then wandered back to read through it in more detail through the red glass in the eyeholes of the mask. He smirked beneath the shadows of his skeletal visage. "And the first play has been made. Let's see what happens next." And with that the Revenant moved onward through the shadows and the tunnels, readying for his own play to come. Readying to continue rallying more to his Revelry. Perhaps in service of the Queen...or perhaps others.
Following a slam to the head of the nail through the use of his Skagger axe, Garth Viduggla then hung the weapon onto the wall, near his staircase. He gave a nod in approval of his work, calling out to the Northerners within the Viduggla City Estate, which was located on the edge of the Velheim District.

"Catch even a single sight of these 'Undying' near our home- Put them in the dirt. Our district belongs to the people of the North, not those of the Sewers."
@HydraLana @OliverOnly @WrongChat @NoRezForYou @DolittleGuy
A single, tiny note would be left upon the growing stack of responses, rebuttals, and what not. On it, two words were scribbled down, and signed.

"Fuck off. Signed, King of Thieves."
Another note would be left atop the response after the masked man forced a passerby to read the note to him. He left another note.

"-Insert a crudely drawn face which resembled >:^("

"Wow, yeh gotta admit that it's ballsy to try claim the northerners' district. They love their homes." Fenic remarks to his comrade while re-adjusting his flask. @Mortisian
"Wow, yeh gotta admit that it's ballsy to try claim the northerners' district. They love their homes." Fenic remarks to his comrade while re-adjusting his flask. @Mortisian

He would grunt audible, looking over the declaration closely, "Blood-letted leeches who kill their own and try to make occupation in others Homes are an irritant. Speaking of which, if she so easily burned down her home why hasn't she done it here now? Or any news spread from that region of "mysterious" Village burnings. Ultimately this Leech is a sham and will be ousted out of all her holes as quickly as she came. Even the Kathar don't want her."
Looking at one such posting of this proclamation with disdain, a certain slate-scaled Allar would let off a low rumble, his tail swaying behind him vehemently as he went through the ambitious message in his mind. His green eyes squinted as he turned to a few other feathered Allar of his same breed at his side, running a clawed hand through his mane of golden feathers, and giving off a bark to his fellows, a mix between a laugh, and a growl, his eyes glimmering with a modum of emotion. The Zasta language danced from his mouth, sounding as distasteful as his thoughts were of the proclamation.

"Warm-bloods staking claim of the Dragon? When will they learn to understand to leave our favorite places alone... they're just asking for us to meet them face-to-face aren't they? How about I make my own 'proclamation:' let them have their delusion of grandiose and power. They'll tumble and burn soon enough. It'll be entertaining and humorous to watch them hemorrhage themselves and lunge into their own graves."

@Utto_ @JarrettdaCarrot
He would grunt audible, looking over the declaration closely, "Blood-letted leeches who kill their own and try to make occupation in others Homes are an irritant. Speaking of which, if she so easily burned down her home why hasn't she done it here now? Or any news spread from that region of "mysterious" Village burnings. Ultimately this Leech is a sham and will be ousted out of all her holes as quickly as she came. Even the Kathar don't want her."
my guy i think u got the wrong declaration,,,
"They are all the same, some wanna-be villian writes in fancy speech on a piece of parchment and tacks it up on this board. Show me the difference between this one, the next one, or all the way back to that Park Slasher who wrote about their killings on the Noticeboard but no one ever actually cared." The Orc grunted with a shrug, not seeing any difference in any of them really as he looked to Fenic then back to the strange speaking Sihndar. @Narrju
Dagheidar cleared her throat, wandering from the clinic after having been stabbed. Patting her hip for her sheath before calling out to the others in her native tongue, Skodje. She was not one for outright violence, but she was fiercely protective of her fellow Velheimers and their families.

"They come into our district, and they challenge our people. Their threats are empty, and they are cowards unmatched by even the flimsy imperials who burned our homes in the north. Any and all who come into our district, and try to insight violence will have made a grave mistake. They won't, and will not claim even a single piece of gravel from our courtyards, as they will need to pry it out of my cold dead hands."

image0 (9).webp
Thomas couldn't help but frown at the many different notices and unpleasant guffaws of people bickering, bragging, screeching, and practically measuring themselves and their ego in public. He even went so much as to sneer at the people's writings that claimed they were masterful thieves, and yet the notice board and everything attached to it hadn't been stolen. In fact, the real thief here was the person who put up the notice claiming they had already stolen entire streets from the people that innocently lived on them, who are aware they have been robbed, and had yet to even pull down the paper or return with a mob of clubs and pitchforks. His fingers raked through his bark-coloured locks before finally coming to a conclusion, leaning over to the nearest person to give his whole net worth- a mere two cents- in the form of a begrudged grumble.

"This looks less like a threat and more like a declaration. Nobody is doing anything about it other than trying to act tough without really seeking them out, so it already belongs to them. Only a matter of time until other gangs and guard forces pick up the slack and decide to do the same thing. Maybe crime might spike up after this because everyone suddenly wants land and 'something to do' after all, too. This'll certainly give ne'er-do-wells and guards that action they always begged for."
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The whistle of a blissful Shenath came to an abrupt halt as she'd pause her evening stroll, her attention drawn to the multitude of parchments that cluttered the Wailing Wraith's notice board. She'd lean forwards on the soles of her shoes to intently inspect what was written upon the letters, idly strumming through the papers that were stacked on top of one another. With a puzzled sigh she'd finally mutter to herself, "Fucks this and why are people littering?"
A veiled smile curled at a stranger's lips upon finding the first puzzle piece falling into place. His head pulled to the side as he spoke in a hushed tone to his companion, all but ripping every single one of the responses away to leave the Undying's declaration of territory open for all to see.

"And so begins the race."
Jyggalon mutters to himself as he works on a new lecture at his desk. "Hey Jyggalon you know there isn't much of a field for the Undeadism studies, not really that big of a problem. Study something more practical."
A final note would be placed upon a noticeboard. It begun with a crude drawing of a pale-eyed undead Inquisitor goring the undead known as Vaeri. Underneath it, a short and concise message was written.

Dear Dipshit,

Fuck with the greywitches and I will make sure you're put to the grave a final time.

@Fergoff @Vegemiite
''Why is this on my desk?''
Sophia asked to her Valet as he managed some paperwork, whilst she held the odd decleration in her left hand.

''You requested to be updated about things happening in the city, Madame.''

Sighed as she tossed the paper to the floor.
''Yet I couldn't care less what they are doing on the other side of the city and even less what the undead are doing.''

The Valet nodded, before picking the piece of parchment up and tossing it in the fire.

''Apologies- Madame.''​
"You can keep it." Hengest Harhold would comment at a press conference he made journalists wait an hour for, and only that would be said.