The Judiciary will not hear this matter. While you have the right to a good name Lord Kreiburg, wardship and vindication comes with sacrifice. The crimes set against Mister Playero, past and present, are severe and any Noble who makes a ward of an individual awaiting to stand punishment by the law MUST accept the consequences, social and legal, that come with it. It is a matter of law and common sense that those who vindicate another of a crime without allowing due process to determine their guilt open themselves up for criticism which the reasonable person can assume and deduce. Mister Playero was vindicated of a trial in the Regalian Judiciary where his crimes would have been properly decided upon. The Judiciary does not care if his Lordship thinks him innocent, your vindication brings forth the allowance of reasonable assumptions of similar proclivities. This is the trade off in law for the privilege of vindication. The Judiciary also has not forgotten the words "Death before Slavery" proclaimed by your now ward at his trial verdict just a few weeks ago. It will be acknowledged moving forward.
Furthermore, with Playero now a ward of House Kreiburg and therefore now under said House's Guardianship, the Judiciary acknowledges that House Kreiburg in its entirety is responsible for Playero's actions and obligations. This indicates three things:
Firstly, House Kreiburg will henceforth take full responsibility in ensuring that the judgment levied against Isidoro Playero and company in The State v. Marienritter Order trial is fulfilled. If Isidoro Playero fails to fulfil his legal expectations, House Kreiburg will be held equally accountable by virtue of their Guardianship over the man.
Secondly, by vindicating any commoner of a crime awaiting punishment, the exercise of that noble right is recognised as a binding oath of protection from the law for those specific charges (in this case, jacobinism and involvement in the Red Berret attacks). It is binding in the same manner as a Statement of Virtue. Thus, should it come to light that Isidoro Playero does indeed have a connection to these charges, House Kreiburg will be held accountable for exercising their Noble Privilege in a manner detrimental to the Regalian Empire as a whole given the nature of the seriousness of these accusations. Privilege is to be wielded wisely, not swung around blindly like a cudgel.
Lastly, the ending of wardship is a serious affair and in this light I address his Lordship Marceau Delmotte. By having taken Isidoro Playero as a ward, the only institution that can end such wardship recognised by law is this Court. A petition would need to be made cancelling such wardship on sufficient grounds, owing to the relationship of trust and duty to the ward as mentioned in the paragraph above.
Secondly, by vindicating any commoner of a crime awaiting punishment, the exercise of that noble right is recognised as a binding oath of protection from the law for those specific charges (in this case, jacobinism and involvement in the Red Berret attacks). It is binding in the same manner as a Statement of Virtue. Thus, should it come to light that Isidoro Playero does indeed have a connection to these charges, House Kreiburg will be held accountable for exercising their Noble Privilege in a manner detrimental to the Regalian Empire as a whole given the nature of the seriousness of these accusations. Privilege is to be wielded wisely, not swung around blindly like a cudgel.
Lastly, the ending of wardship is a serious affair and in this light I address his Lordship Marceau Delmotte. By having taken Isidoro Playero as a ward, the only institution that can end such wardship recognised by law is this Court. A petition would need to be made cancelling such wardship on sufficient grounds, owing to the relationship of trust and duty to the ward as mentioned in the paragraph above.
Furthermore, I will take this moment to emphasise to the nobility. Wardship is a serious matter. Once Wardship has been declared, that individual is considered a quasi-family member in the eyes of the State and the eyes of the Imperial Court (owing from the right stemming from Noble Privilege.) It is not something to be tossed about lightly. The actions of a ward can and will impact the standing of a Noble House and its associates, so exercise this ancient right wisely.
It goes without saying that as Grand Justicar, these decisions by my hand are binding and not subject to appeal save in accordance with the full legal authority of his Imperial Holiness. In other words, I expect my letters to be absent another fruitless and uninformed essay about how I am wrong and the accused is right.
It goes without saying that as Grand Justicar, these decisions by my hand are binding and not subject to appeal save in accordance with the full legal authority of his Imperial Holiness. In other words, I expect my letters to be absent another fruitless and uninformed essay about how I am wrong and the accused is right.
Signed and sealed,
Rodderick Aethelwulf Howlester
Grand Justicar of the Regalian Judiciary
Sovereign Prince of Gallovia
President of the Regalian Adventurer's Guild
Rodderick Aethelwulf Howlester
Grand Justicar of the Regalian Judiciary
Sovereign Prince of Gallovia
President of the Regalian Adventurer's Guild