A notice is posted on the many boards in Crookback, each one enchanted with the Terror-Spawn author's essence. As you lift it up, you feel a sense of unease as if something is watching you. The message on the notice is as follows:
Dobryi den. My name is Emile Velkov, and it will forever be so.
I have come to these notice boards again, much like I did for my brother and in the past, in defense of people I hold dear across the bridge. However, that doesn't matter for the time being. Usually, I point at those standing across that bridge and reprimand them for the things they have done, the things they have done to push me into Crookback. Today, I reprimand the ones who are on this side of the bridge.
Yes, this side. The side where we live the way we were meant to, the way that we fight every day to keep. Our freedom, our state of mind, where our loyalties lie, how we cast our magic, and who we worship. Yet Llewyn Omaberos did not retain this freedom. When I speak the name 'Llewyn Omaberos' in public, no matter who I'm talking to or who has had issues with him in the past, every single one of them has agreed that in the end, Llewyn Omaberos did everything for this borough and to fight for our freedom. And yet, no one stepped in to protect him when his freedom had been wrongfully taken from him.
Llewyn Omaberos, once picked me up off the street, housed me, gave me work, and showed me how things were done here in crookback alongside Harlow Ketch and Sempronia de Luzador - who many of you are still grieving over - yet none of you seem to remember how you felt about her death. It's astonishing how many of you can claim to despise the man that took my best friend's life in the name of 'justice', yet cherish and forgive the man who took away a life in his pursuit of changing their faith beyond what they would have wanted in a stable state of mind.
Allow me to remind you all of what happened on January 30th. Llewyn Omaberos had just exited the curing chamber, and in an attempt to escape the pain of their past, they erased their memories and wished for a better life. It's understandable, given the trauma they had endured. They had to face the same two people who had killed their husband, recall the flames that had destroyed their previous home, and witness the occupations that had torn apart their friends. Additionally, they were struggling with a constant battle between faith and affliction.
After that, on February 15th, Llewyn was kidnapped and forcibly converted into a sworn Cahal to Naravan, against their wishes. They were infected and pushed into the Estellon faith with their captor as their guide. This was a clear violation of Llewyn's freedom, yet no one said a thing. Why would they? Perhaps they thought that Llewyn had chosen this path as a way of righting their wrongs in life. Naravan explicitly took advantage of Llewyn when they could not remember why they had strayed from the Estellon faith or even what he had done to them previously, or onto others.
Now we reach a topic that I am not too happy to touch, yet I will for the sake of context. Despite pushing his faith onto Llewyn, Naravan decides it's a great idea and totally acceptable within the confines of his religion to pursue not only the Kathar he had brainwashed romantically but also two Ordial aligned, myself included. I will not dwell on Naravan's disloyalty to Hy'riss, but it is important to note for future reference. Rest assured, Hy'riss, i'm coming for you next.
On April 2nd, Llewyn regained their memories and went out of their way to tell a good portion of the group what had happened to them, including their forced conversion to Naravan's faith. Despite this, many still chose to ally themselves with Naravan and, or by extension, through Hy'riss. Hy'riss herself was informed of everything by both Llewyn and me, but her response was to forgive, forget, and move on. I know little of what went on to cause Naravan to convert and become dread rebirthed, or Hy'riss to consider converting to the Estellon faith, but I don't think that context matters all things considered.
Now we approach the topic of Llewyn's death. Llewyn died starved, caused by being Mythic Cult and having no faith in Estellon/Estelsoor. His body started to wither away, and by the time he was able to partake in a ritual to turn him back, it was far too late. He collapsed on the temple floor, and I had to carry his lifeless body in my arms and bury someone I loved, all in the name of the 'Estellon faith.' despite that faithful having already abandoned his religion and the people he once worshiped besides.
Not that I have reminded you all of the events that took place before Llewyn's tragic death, let me tell you what followed! The Kathar continued to accept Naravan into their spaces, drink with him, chat with him casually, and praise him. Even Llorris, who was horribly upset over Llewyn's death, went on to "defend him" and "provide him a second chance" the very same day that Llewyn had passed away. Many of you, including Hy'riss, have continued to defend this murderer, who has become a stain in our home after being shunned from his own both within and outside the city (you know what I'm talking about, "Naravokh").
Where is the same rage that you held for Gyrivenn after Sempronia's death? Where is Llewyn's justice? Hell, even the people who came to the Graveyard and threatened me, pushed me aside, and blamed me for his death had more respect for Llewyn than you all ever will.
I am disgusted and revolted by the fact that some of you continue to forgive this vile man, acting as if he is a 'troubled' little angel who deserves a second chance. Since Llewyn's passing, I have had to restrain myself in front of all of you. Llewyn's second chance is being confined to a suit of armor that I cannot hug or talk to the same way I could with the Kathar I deeply cared for. Because of him, Llewyn's family and loved ones will never get to see him, some not even having the chance to say their goodbyes before he passed away. I implore you all to cast out this wicked man and beg Llewyn for forgiveness. You were traitors to him even as his body lay in the Crookback Graveyard under soil and flowers bundled just for him.
If not, you'll soon meet your judgment day- but not by justice, but by vengeance.
I hope you'll find it in your heart to repent. I know you're better than this, i've seen you be better than this. Don't make me do anything that would hurt the both of us.