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Grand Reopening Of Crookback Pub


Dwarves are my Roman empire
Aug 1, 2019
Reaction score
Fliers were found over Crookback and in Sewers, some appearing by either wind or thieving hands in Regalia proper

It has been almost two years since Humaira burnt down Crookback pub during her skirmish, after which I left Regalia. But now that I am back, I am reopening the pub that gave me pride for few months. We offer alcohol of all kinds and simple fast to make meals.

At the same time I am looking to hire tenders, cooks and bouncers. I am also looking for merchants of all kind willing to supply me.

Come to Charity road 5, it is right next to Crookback gate

Banned persons:
All Isldar except Hy´riss
Humaira and her family
"Your fault for treason Wulf," The bralla laughs, "We don't even drink but the sentiment is understood. Notable those of high command aren't banned, seems he's willing to risk all the hunters repaying his treason. Here I'd been hoping Meep's information had been correct about him…"

The Bralla shrugged continuing the walk through the city
A isldar picks up the poster, "One of Hyriss' contacts it seems. Mm," her pistol beginning to humm, "Perhaps this'll be worth checking out. Best send this on, just incase…"

With that the isldar sent it around to a few others with a visible marking of a Jagged white glacier.
@SilentRuination @TheHitchHyker @LeafMC