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Played Character Elamöna

This character is actively played.


Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score

Character Information

Full Name: Elamöna Nomëssa of the Thornspear Clan in East Selvaria
Heritage: Half Yanar-Selvath (Yanar Dominant).
Age: 40s
Gender: Female.
Religion: Estelley.
Occult: Mage (Anima, Eidolon).
Character Occupation: Inulvaan (Estelley Priestess).

"My rage will burn like the sun,
and my love will warm the springflowers.

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Pale blue irises with grey as a backdrop, reminiscent of a moon in the night's skies.
Skin Color: Sun-kissed tan, with swathes of red scales.
Hair: Mossy & leaf-like, unique to Yanar heritage.
Height: 6'7''.
Body Type: Muscled.
Additional Features: Possesses a pair of branch-like horns.

Skill Information

  • (Magic Schools)
    • Armory School.
    • Moxy School.
    • Evergrowth School.
    • Altered Self: You may create two versions of yourself that you can transform between. Each can have a different design, Proficiency spread, and personality. You must declare one as your Main Proficiency, and choose one from Yanar Dual Identity. Swapping can only occur out of Combat, while no Cooldowns are active, and force you to stay transformed for at least 48 hours.
    • Emotion Sense: You can sense the emotions of others, even the ones they try to hide unless they have a Mechanic that would block their emotions from being read. Additionally, you can copy their emotions and feel them yourself, you can heighten or lessen their emotions, or encourage other emotions in them with mere eye contact. Changing someone else's emotions requires OOC Consent, however.
    • Wood Singer: You can use song, music, or hand gestures to reshape wood and other plant-like materials in any shape you like, for example, jewelry or weapons. Other good applications for this are as furniture or decorations inside houses, or to address in-the-moment needs while in the forest, for example by creating wooden bowls, or chairs to sit on that sprout from the roots in the soil.
    • Seed Singer: You are deeply in tune with nature's growth and diversity. You can control the growing speed of plants and flowers around you, and even cross-breed plants at will to create unique new plants, and even reshape existing plants with new foliage, color, shape, and so forth. You can grow food nearly anywhere, so long as there is a little bit of soil, water, and sunlight present to stave off hunger.
    • Beast Becoming: You can use a ritual/consume/sacrifice any part of an animal to adopt aspects of it, for example consuming the flesh of a jungle-cat and taking on their hind legs and tail, or sacrificing the pelt of a bear and transforming your arms into bear-claw hands. These changes are temporary (however long you want them to be), can change any body part but never the head, and cannot grant other mechanical uses such as flight.
  • (The Penitent)
    Penitent One
    Penitent Martyr
    Penitent Herald
    • Elamöna takes less damage when hurt by Spirits or those possessed by Spirits. If a Mystech Spirit-Type (including Bound Automata) Character applies -2 HP damage, reduce that by -1 HP. Additionally, Elamöna becomes immune to Afflictions, which prevents them from becoming Vampires, Geists, or Undead. Greater Entities like Gods or Arken can still force them to become infected however.
    • Elamöna if imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these chains or through blocked doors that contain them, and break free. This does not stop guards or prison wardens from attacking them should they try to break out. Additionally, while off-screen imprisoned by the Metropolitan, they can law-nerd their way out of prison early so long as they are not in for High Law.
    • Elamöna can declare one person their "Ward" (does not need consent), which grants +1 Defense Stat (break cap up to 9) while in Emote Range. This must be declared on a Character Application to apply. Additionally, the Ward is immune to Prideborn Mindvex, Bodyborn forced Mutations, and general Arkenborn/Godborn emotion reading/memory alterations/mind manipulation, so long as they remain the Ward. Wisteria Nomëssa declared as Ward.
    Penitent Shepherd
    Penitent Whispers
    Penitent Redoubt
  • (Highborn Goldmask)
    Highborn Goldmask: This Artifact allows the wielder to subtly change the memories of those around them for the past hour or so, that includes any actions taken, or statements made by them. They cannot remove the memory completely but can alter the memory to make the memory imply they said or did different things. This Mechanic does not work on those who have Mechanics that protect from memory alteration but does work on those who have Mechanics that prevent mind-altering.
  • (Watchway Society)
    Calamity Archives: You have access to the Calamity Archives, which may contain deep-lore or other useful information to ongoing Society activities. To consult the Archives, you can open a Ticket in the Ticket Bot. Please only open one Ticket per issue.
    • Common ().
    • Nātl (Nātl).
    • Droque (D).
    • Altalar (Alt).
    • Agasi (Aga).

Plot Hooks & Character Concept

    • Elamöna is an Inulvaan, a class of warrior-priests unique to the Estelley faith and in service to Artarel, Goddess of Justice. She tries to follow in her patron god's image as an adept mage and swordsman, all the while being mindful of her position as an arbiter. This makes Elamöna judgemental and distant from most characters, and impartiality even towards of her own faith and ilk is to be expected.
    • Elamöna is apart of the Wayward Society, although her part within the society entails heavy vigilantism. She naturally finds enmities with the heedless, the unnecessarily cruel, and uncaring, and would act quickly to dispossess them of any standing, and 'take them down a peg'.
    • Elamöna is noted to be obsessively protective of Estellians—in particular she enjoys company with fellow Freefolk. She is an avid follower of Gilan and Mana, however being more predisposed to the former's teachings.
    • Elamöna is a skilled orater and storyteller, of which many of her didactic stories she's collected comes from her travels through Westwynd, serving as a facilitator in introducing other Characters to the Estelley faith.
    • Elamöna can typically be found in the Floral Court district located north of the city, home to a majority of Regalia's Estellians and elves alike. She can also be found in Neylaria, a Freefolk settlement further north of Floral Court encroaching the woodlands.
    • Elamöna is a Mana-turned-Artarel Estelley faithful, often finding herself at odds between the choice of mercy & ruthless judgement—she personally believes that she can make it work. In reality she most often contends with fears and self-inflicted paranoia, however polite and calm of a facade she puts on, that gets the best of her and her judgement.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

  • [15/15 points spent]

    Proficiency Points:
    Faith: 7
    Ritualist Stance (Free).
    Ritualist Slaughter.
    Ritualist Roots.
    Ritualist Mirage.
    Ritualist Gale.
    Ritualist Surge.
    Ritualist Expulsion.
    Guided Prayer.​

    Wisdom: 4
    Technique Parry.
    Bardic Harmony (Free).
    Aria of Harming.
    Sonata of Purity.
    Sonata of Justice.​

    Magic: 3
    Arcane Aura.
    Arcane Barrier.
    Cavalry Summon (Free).
    Cavalry Roar.​

    Dexterity: 1
    Sharp Reflexes.​
  • [15/15 points spent]

    Proficiency Points:
    Magic: 9
    Oceanic Pack (Magic).
    Safeguard Pack (Magic).
    Wardrobe Pack (Magic).
    Arcane Healing.
    Arcane Portent.
    Arcane Barrier.
    Arcane Isolate.
    Arcane Revive.
    Arcane Cleanse.​

    Wisdom: 6
    Technique Parry.
    Chem Mend.
    Chem Freeze.
    Bardic Harmony (Free).
    Aria of Harming.
    Sonata of Purity.
    Sonata of Sanctuary.​
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  • Prayer beads forged of mottled glass and scored with lotus patterns. It is blue with silver lining.

    "These are metred prayer beads of the ascetic priests of old Hyä-Ereya, in the times before it became a jungle, when Suel's men lived there together with the Fourteenth Army and the Fin'ullen encampments on the plain. Complete a verse and look into each eye. You will find that if you do not break the stare, no matter how long the prayer is, it will always end exactly as you are done with the last bead."
  • A silvery charm hung on a glass-thin thread. This has been handed to Wisteria Nomëssa.

    "A silver flame lit in her grasp as Elamöna felt their afflictions slowly stripped from them, then- it did not feel terrible, as a matter of fact .. it felt more like taking a deep breath for the first time in so many years, like looking into their own heart only to realise that it had been frozen over for so long. The Arken brought her hand away and looked at the flickering fire, blowing it out with a rough exhale, and then producing a silvery charm hung on glass-thin thread. She hung it around the Warden's shoulders, 'knighting' them in a perverse, Allorn sense of the thought, and drew a glimmering sigil in the air over either shoulder. Another sort of power fluttered through them, now."


  • Name: Menya of the Cruelest Thorn.
    Cost: Burdened (Self-Inflicted, Blood Sapper).
    School(s): Evergrowth.

    "Nature's strength is rarely given freely—it demands an offering. Menya's Cruelest Thorn requires the Mage to host a spiked acacia branch upon their flesh, allowing their lifeblood to nurture its rapid growth into a weapon of untamed beauty. The thorned blade, though crude in appearance, is unyielding and strikes with the weight of the forest's wrath. This spell is favoured where a Mage's vitality is wagered against their foe's, and its functions are flexible when more blood is fed into the thorn."
  • Name: Elindëa of the Green Purge.
    Cost: Reagent (A vial of linseed oil and powdered Snake-Fern).
    School(s): Evergrowth & Entropy.

    "Elindëa's Green Purge taps into the restorative powers of nature, invoking a herb's properties to cleanse their body or the body of an ally. Smearing the salve close to their nose, the Mage draws out harmful toxins, curses, or debilitating effects, leaving nothing but a sense of vitality in their wake. The natural world offers its strength, allowing the Mage to cast aside poison, disease, or the lingering ailments in a battle. This spell is a balm for the wounded and a cleansing force in times of need."
  • Name: Vaelion of the Wrathful Root.
    Cost: Burdened (Strength Sapper).
    School(s): Evergrowth.

    "Vaelion's Wrathful Root taps into the raw, unbridled energy of nature's fury. With a surge of force, the Mage rips the afflictions from their body, shaking off poisons, curses, and debilitating conditions as if they were mere weeds. However, the spell's violent nature exacts a toll—the Mage's strength falters temporarily, temporarily leaving them vulnerable as their power wanes. To borrow a reflection of nature's strength, however raw and untamed, comes with a price."
  • Name: Mylëa of the Blind Path.
    Cost: Burdened (Sight Sapper).
    Ritual(s): -

    "Mylëa's Blind Path draws inspiration from the resilience of life in the darkest corners of nature, where even seeds germinate without the need for light. As the Ritualist succumbs to blindness, their remaining senses flourish, growing sharp and vivid like roots breaking through soil in search of sustenance. Every movement becomes more instinctual, every strike more precise, as the Ritualist taps into the raw awareness of their environment. While their newfound strength is undeniable, it is a double-edged blade: the deeper the Ritualist's senses stretch, the harder it becomes to maintain focus on distant foes, as if the very act of blooming in the darkness comes at the cost of losing touch with the wider world."
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It is deliberately ambiguous how Elamöna feels about these characters. The rating(s) assigned are indicative of how strongly she feels of them; this can either positive or negative connotations depending on the context given.
★★★ - Artarel
As your hand, as your blade.
"In excellence was I cast; whether in excellence in warfare or excellence at peace, and excellence I shall achieve, by every skill I posses."

★★★ - Wisteria Nomëssa
She roars the lion's roar.
"My starlight: spirited of nature, feisty, though her thoughts often stray, yet in curious pursuits does she fix her mind. These eyes perceive a truth distinct; by others, she is deemed amiable, and endowed with keen intellect. Nonetheless, she is beloved by most."

★★★ - Vanectus Nomëssa
Ages trod, steps entwined.
"Few indeed are those who have traversed the path I have trod, be they comrade, kin, or mere acquaintance, purveyors of woe, or abhorrent slayers. This measure we have paced for ages. I wish to continue dancing with you."

★★★ - Aeda'lyn Kee'lyth
Sanctuary found, merit questioned.
"Shoulders I can rest my head upon. Hers is a refuge; a boon beyond all measure that upon which I, in my own self-seeking, lay my burdens with. Though I am of no particular merit, as she extends such solace to others, yet to me, it remains a singular and cherished respite."

★★★ - Talven
Mirth shared, purpose bound.
"Your mirth, I find... questionable. Yet in your presence, it is the lightness of spirit that prevails, a necessary respite from the burdens we bear however it manifests in crude jokes. We share a common purpose, a charge to which we are both sworn."

★★★ - Jhavartal
Fealty pledged, spirit bound.
"Naught surpasses the devotion I pledge to you and the Vanyastra in recent times. This fealty is a treasure beyond compare. It is now the very essence of my being, and a vow I shall uphold. For in this allegiance, my heart finds its purpose, and my spirit its home you have offered a guest to."

★★☆ - Aakhya

★★☆ - Vellai

★☆☆ - Akash

★★☆ - Hickory

★★☆ - Orinteus

★☆☆ - Subekti

★☆☆ - Iris

★★☆ - Dailang

★★☆ - Eydís
Contrasts bound, nectar shared.
"A bearish woman of curious disposition, a veritable paradox; she exhibits both a boisterous demeanor and a shy nature at oddsome times. Yet, we do find common ground in our shared predilection for honey's sweet nectar."

★★☆ - Rahzarr
Muse or prize, fate intervenes.
"Whether I serve as his muse, or a mere prize to be claimed in his temporary fascination, remains to be questioned. Yet, my bargain and promise to him remains in unsettled perpetuity. Circumstances conspire to thwart our accord, if any."

★★★ - Erwin Braunchweiger
Scorn deserved, fealty mirrored.
"I find it impossible to perceive you as aught but the expletives the city does bestow you—vermin, deceiver. Rat, liar. Whether you seek pity, I do not know, but you are deserving of contempt. Scorn from all save your loyal men, a sentiment with which I can only relate to you with."

★☆☆ - Hexarra
I see you little, but it shines bright.
"You are but a passerby in mountains and rivers, revealed to me by my starlight's gleam. Our paths seldom converge, for yours is the way of a charmful enchantress, and mine is that of a path of tempered steel."

★★☆ - Sahuvi

★☆☆ - Dammokh

★★☆ - Carmelita
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@Caelamus I am incredibly indecisive, but I think this should be my last round of tweaks. Also request for thread to be cleared up.
@Caelamus 你好。我要你的review.
changed state commander to disguise skill because i want to do funny reveals.
@Caelamus updated the number of yanar specials (20) and dropped the silvenism. I realised the forced Cahal mentality wasn't a thing when the character, even before being afflicted, was already a Cahal by 'heart'. Plus, they can be a loyal servant of Justice's without being a Silven.
@Caelamus updated the number of yanar specials (20) and dropped the silvenism. I realised the forced Cahal mentality wasn't a thing when the character, even before being afflicted, was already a Cahal by 'heart'. Plus, they can be a loyal servant of Justice's without being a Silven.
Ok remains approved.
@Caelamus i think it's a significant enough change, but Drulailmon has a demon weapon now
that, and I've tweaked some packs around
as much as I was recommended to go full battlemage, I didn't. Not yet, at least. But also, I found out that Spell Points bought through Commutable Point Buys still grant Specials, added accordingly @Caelamus

also, can i have a clear-up on the thread comments ;pointsleft; ;pointsright;
@Caelamus i have committed to drulailmon being a full juggernaut, with respect to the strength and constitution changes made
i get into fights (alone) often enough that it's tiresome to search for healers when it's late for most people. picked up recovery and dropped a magic pack
@Caelamus i know i just recently updated, but removed greater cahal status because of pending changes. also switched up one point
discussed with perm reviewer, but race-change leaning into the culture i play into most of the time. not vibing with yanar as much anymore, as much as it was cool to be a parasite to attach onto other cultures.

also put on sworn cahal status. it's active now
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Please denote what dimension Drulailmon's magic comes from, and that they have the anchored demon pack and link to the demon's application. Approved!
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