Preserved Sheet ╳┋ Faust Sokolov

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Jul 7, 2018
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❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ☩ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
All you're going to want to do is get back there.
{ ᴛʜᴇᴛᴀ | ʟᴀᴍʙᴅᴀ }

╳┋ .​
given name. Paschalis Argyris / Πασχαλης Αργυρης.
—〘 imperialization. Pascal Argyris alias. Faust Sokolov.
〘 age. Twenty-nine years.
gender. Male.
〘 race. Woaden Ailor of Etosian-Byalan descent.
weapon of choice. A rusted spear and an old hand-me-down crossbow.
I. / Faust is a foreigner to Regalian lands, having been in Tirgunn for so long. The man feels deracine to his location, feeling abandoned if not for the companions he's been forced to harbor for survival's sake He stands as a lower-class, at the moment he's sanctioned under the Graywitch guard, and carries on a .. Decent lifestyle.
II. / Faust was born to a mother and father as a bastard child. Born on the outskirts of Rumvalia though was whisked away to Etosil by his mother. He was accompanied by two half-siblings. He never was able to bond with them much, and served no other purpose than to compare himself to. At the moment, he's sure that he has other relatives around, but pays no attention to the status of his family besides his mother. He writes to her often, and advises her to leave her home to find better things.
III. / He'd like to dabble in the fine arts. He occasionally attempts to paint on a canvas, but very rarely does he approve of how his pieces turns out. Like many things, he's not confident in his own skill, but he works on it. He enjoys sketching still-lives, though, even if most of them suck.




❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ☩ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
29 + 5 proficiency points. as in line with faust's age.
Puretek Combat Skill. +12 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
Crossbow Combat Skill. 》 +12 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
Pole-arm Combat Skill. +5 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
Alchemy. +5 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
10 talent points.
Stealth Rogue Training 》+10 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
10 hobby points.
Visual Arts. +5 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
Hunting Arts. +3 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
Culinary Arts. +2 Iɴᴠᴇsᴛᴇᴅ.
build. Pʜʏsɪᴄᴀʟ sᴛᴀᴛ: 20.
12 * .5 = 6 + 12 *.5 = 6
6 + 6 = 12 + 8 = 20
body shape.》 Sʟɪᴍ.
body fat. Lᴏᴡ ʙᴏᴅʏ ꜰᴀᴛ.
etosian. Nᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ, Fʟᴜᴇɴᴛ.
byelle. Nᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ, Fʟᴜᴇɴᴛ.
common. Iɴᴛᴇʀᴍᴇᴅɪᴀᴛᴇ, ɪʟʟɪᴛᴇʀᴀᴛᴇ.
special traits.
Milôt bloodbline. | inactive ᴀᴍᴘɪʀɪsᴍ.
i. Vintar Born I , II
ii. Illuviation I
iii. Mind Wall I, II, III, IV
iv. Flux Shift, V
v. Soul Burden I
vi. Sustenance Gift I
vii. Cursed Draw I

Faust disassembles into a paper-mache like form with a purple tint, appearing drawn and glued together with separate layers of painted paper. This is only an aesthetic, and he functions as he would a normal person, despite lack of volume or mass. His head bloats into a grotesques shape, without nose, mouth or ears- but many more eyes. It expands beyond his shoulders into a disgusting mass of flesh. This is not as vile as it would had been if he were not unrealistically saturated and rendered into painted pieces of paper, of which these appear as flat paintings covering up around the other.

This form shows Faust dragging his spear along the ground. Every time it beats against a pavement, it makes the sound of a church bell. Unless on holy ground, it will leave a trail of drawn bile. If Faust is injured, the limb of the caricature does not bruise or bleed, but crinkles and tears. This is, again, an aesthetic. It's arsenal will become similar in which they appear like paper-mache, but return to 3D shape once disarmed.



❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ☩ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜​

〘 eye color. a dull, carob brown.
hair color. black.
hair style. tied down into a messy braid, or pinned up into a bun on his leisurely hours.
〘 complexion. 〙a sickly olive tan.
attire. leather hunting gear, and his lantern.
〘 height. 〙5'8. ┊172.72 cm.


I. / Faust's face could be easily described as 'sharp', though mainly bony, an angular shape to his skull. The bridge of his nose arcs outwards, if not covered up by his mask. At his best, he appears average, blending into the crowd.

II. / Stemming from years of work, he retains a build of flexibility, an athletic build. There's not much brawn to his weight, and could easily be outmatched by any muscular man in terms of strength, but makes use of his ability to dash and roll if it comes to it. He stands around 5'8, with an average amount of fat and a decent amount of scars. Few remain upon his shins and a stab upon his thigh. A slash across his gut, and the remains of a broken toe from an old kidnapping. Upon his pectoral lays a a handprint seared into his flesh, tattered in intricate, Kathar-like patterns, and on his tailbone, void carvings. He doesn't like either.
III. / If he were to be honest, his Darkward garb is as formal as he's capable of going. Much of his clothing consisted of rags he'd have sown together by the local tailor, or just retailed clothes sold for half the price. He never particularly cared for clothing since he'd gotten his usual set of clothes, and while he'd been earning enough funds to support himself on a standard level, he rarely changes. With his hat gone, he keeps himself in gambersons and leathers to keep himself from being vulnerable. Interestingly enough, whatever the case is, he always carries around a lantern by his side. With three or so candles, and only one lit.
IIII. / Faust almost always speak in a low voice, often muttering words and never speaking up higher than he needed to. He's prone to rambling, going off topic from his original sayings, and could be seen to be very apologetic.



❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ☩ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜
Ⅰ.〘 trope. —『 a hunter of beasts. 』
The hunter falls along the line of Neutral evil, despite the fact that he believes him to be nothing of the corrupted sort. Instead, it's because of his blind faith in his zealotry that drives him to do evil. It's the idea surrounding his empathy-driven hunts that lead him down his path, convincing himself that this is the right thing, no matter whose blood it is that's drained down the cobblestone street. Perhaps in due time, he'll resemble a beast himself, but despite his lack of ill-will, his horrid demeanor tends to set off the trope of neutral evil.
ⅠI.〘 archetype. —『 sympathy. 』
Despite his awful morality, he oft ends up coming off as a hopeful individual, who looks for opportunities in front of others, though disregards any for himself due to a lack of self-esteem. He truly does search for a way to fix the world as it is, or at least help those unfortunate, but as he never found a solution for himself, there's no good advice that he'd be able to offer to anyone else worst off than he.
ⅠII.〘 faith. —『 constant reincarnation. 』
Ⅰ.〘 outsider's glance. —『ᴀᴘᴏʟᴏɢʏ ɴᴏᴛᴇ. 』
Casual first impressions don't work in his favor, quiet and foreboding commonly being the first key phrases to come to mind upon meeting. His cynical outlook on life gives way to his less-than-savory jokes, a fan of dark humor. To him, it's as close as a social interaction he'll ever be capable of managing, considering his apparent digression in conversation most of the time. His depressing ideology often gives him the look of a defeatist and dispersedly apologetic, an odd sight considering his work.
Ⅱ.〘 internal thoughts. 『 ʜᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ ʀᴇᴅᴇᴍᴘᴛɪᴏɴ. 』
The hunter finds nothing worth mentioning when asked about himself, but in exchange for his apprehension - he finds tranquility in the Spirit. The Darkwald believes solely in the Synod and it's directions, willing to follow any word of the Creed that he believes is righteous, which he considers all creeds to be. Born a bastard child- from adultery no less- he feels and acts as though he was the reason for the scandal that led to his conceiving. Compelled from this urge to redeem himself from such foul circumstances, he sees to it that he complete the Spirit's work of ridding the weeds off of the face of Aloria. His actions are taken in hope that he be forgiven for whatever crime he'd done to deserve such a fate, because surely - it must've been something from a past life, wouldn't it? His belief is fierce, stopping at nothing to complete what he believes is something done right by his hands. He comes off as overly-forgiving, stemming from his rather unreasonable mood-swings that come from his black hole of self-esteem.

Coming from a childhoods worth of social ostracization, his fondness of isolation is only encouraged by his Darkwaldship. Despite his blithe, hopeful beliefs, he continues to run on bitter xenophobia for those abberating from the norm, his view of 'justice' materializing as cold steel, but intangibly out of sympathy. Through the sacrifice of those unwanted individuals, comes their own redemption. By entering the Afterlife, he frees those brandished with curses, liberating them into a proper, Ailor life in the next world over. It often gets him labeled as a lunatic, due to his relentless effort to 'save' the next person. A shadow stretches from this warped sympathy, in the shape of a subtle sense of superiority added. He doesn't realize how one-track he is. It occasionally passes by him that he should think about taking up different hobbies, but he also doubts his skills at being good at anything else but what he has now.
Ⅲ.〘 those who remain. —『 ᴍᴀʀᴛʏʀᴅᴏᴍ. 』
Whether it's serendipity or by having been stuck on the same side for long enough, close bonds are manageable to form, though may had been better off burnt or unmade. Paschalis is inexperienced with terms of friendship, often embarrassing himself as he stumbles through the very meaning. Regardless of whether he's aware of it or not, his shell tends to crumble in face of a genuine friend. In exchange for his warmth, they tread a thin line between protection and paranoid reactions. The man holds possessive guard over his friends, haunting them.
His solicitous behavior is not one condoned by ill-will, and it shows in the more lighter parts of his habits. His pride in himself isn't the highest, and as long as he's certain it's for a just cause he'd sacrifice himself for the better of his friends, assuming that they'd do the same for him.
Ⅳ.〘 moral compass. —『 ᴋᴇᴇᴘ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀᴛᴜs ǫᴜᴏ.』
He lines in with Neutral Evil, but considers himself far from the definition. Paschalis believes himself to be a martyr, suffering turmoil to help the better. Though his job offers nothing more than skepticism burned into his brain, he does his best to assume the better of every situation in grim optimism. He'd like to help people, but with how things have been going, he lacks the outward trust to genuinely allow himself to do so.
Katenka Sokolov ( @trapmaster9000 ) - Acquantance

The assumed leader of the brigade. Though he's only teamed up with her and the rest rather quickly, he could respect the amount of authority she gives off, even with such dysfunctional members about. He treats her at arms length, and is.. Still rather suspicious about her ever-so curious features. Though, he assumes that she's in the same boat he's in, except a worse case.
Lucian Vernon ( @trapperman120 ) - Acquaintance
The one he considers the loudest, though he forgives him for starting the whole 'Wanted for High Heresy mess' ( Which was still partially his fault, to be honest ), he believes that Lucian's the most devout soul he's seen, and often found himself swept up in his charisma. Though he's taken to attempting to imitate such confidence, he still doesn't know the man that well - and remembering the night they invaded Anntia's home, he can't help but just be a tad wary.
Ezekiel Kolen ( @Anakyrivo ) - Acquaintance
The one with the imaginary friend that they've all assumed was the Spirit. He hasn't interacted with him that well, and his memory is full of gaps attempting t remember striking details abut him besides his half-albinoism. Though, much like the last two, he enjoys his occasional company, and worries about his most holy hallucinations and 'other'.
Marciano de Menino ( @Dreamaxia ) - Acquaintance
The Daendroquin doesn't quite seem to respect personal space or privacy, acting towards Faust as though he were already a well-known friend, creeping him out a bit. He's arguably too friendly and somewhat overwhelming at times. He still enjoys his presence, however.[URL][URL][URL][URL][URL][URL][URL]...LnbpIhgw8THMqcy6VuVjCjG5xqK8/edit?usp=sharing[/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL][/URL]

❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ☩ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

( ) — Born in 273 AC, August 30th, from a between a Byalan man and his unloyal wife. His mother, fearful, sends Paschalis to be raised with his grandmother and aunt in Etosil.
( ) — It didn't take long for the child to be ostracized. His grandmother, proud and harsh, molded him to be as different from his mother as possible, in hopes that he'd never take after her flighty demeanor. However, his status of a bastard remained on him clear as day, promoting the neighborhood children to avoid him like a plague.
( ) — Throughout his life , Paschalis found sanctuary in church. Lingering there after hours to assist the preacher and try to pray away his own bastard blood one of these days. The latter never happened, but he caught eye of the Priest in turn. He was given lessons on Rettism, thereon.
( ) — Paschalis takes over almost all of the manual labor and works for his Grandmother, whose grown too senile and frail to handle the both of them on her own. Thus, he's hired as a Dock worker, and dutifully attends to his job. His aunt, meanwhile, though generally un-present eventually tries to teach Paschalis the basics of alchemy, hoping he takes after him.
( ) — Eventually, he sees his mother. Who quickly takes notice of him and takes him back into her care near immediately. Though, she doesn't take off from the Isles. Instead, she hopes to reconcile her relationship with her son and her husband, in hopes to bring them together as a family. They spend time for a week, before being shoo'd away from her family for her initial disloyalty and back onto the ship.
( ) — Pascal tries to come after her, and decides that the best way to go after her is to hide in a crate and hope that they take him to wherever she is. By the time he wakes up, it's far too late for him to realize that not only did his pubescent self get on the wrong ship, but he's also in the middle of the sea. He spends the next few months tending on the ship in fear of being thrown overboard.
ʏᴏᴜɴɢ ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛʜᴏᴏᴅ.
( ) — He lands in Tirgunn, lost already. However, he feels as though his therefore lack of presence around his parents is beneficial, and instead of going home - he wandered the land, passing through towns he doesn't particularly feel welcome in, oft abiding his time in dense forests instead. Isolated, Pascal is the closest one can get to the sanguine's perfect snack, and that's about what happened.
( ) — The young man finds himself cornered in an ambush, though through sheer will to live and see better days ahead of him, he manages to escape the attack, fleeing to a nearby station. He's later found by a Darkwald, whose on the hunt for his mark.
( ) — Leading him to the most recent spot, he watches the two battle - until one achieves victory, the other slaughtered. Fortunately for him, it's the hunter that sees another day. Inspired, for once in his life, he asks for guidance. Besides a mention of his school - Darkwald, there isn't much.
( ) — But, it's enough for him. He sets off to try and find the school, assuming it's something that he can do. After much wandering, he finally settled upon the keep, and trains within its ranks.

ʟᴀᴛᴇʀ ᴀᴅᴜʟᴛʜᴏᴏᴅ. 》​
( ) — It's a challenge, though with a natural penchant for polearms, and the recent addition of a mentor by the name of Theodore, he begins to figure his way around combat and the likes. With some skill within alchemic arts, he focuses a tad bit on what he's already proficient in than anything else. He also partially focuses upon his Rettism, though it's not as strong as he wished it could be.
( ) — He learns, he grows, but he never really got out of his shell. What the teaching did offer him is the ability to be useful, which he hopes to become the best of. Upon graduation from the school of Darkwald, he sets off to begin his journey across, - even dying his hair to become a 'new man'.
( ) — Eventually Faust gets kidnapped on his first few hunts, dragged along by sanguine on their migration to Regalia, eventually defeating a few of his captors and fleeing from their caravan with much of their items. Stranded on the countryside, he eventually found his way into the city
( ) — Upon noting this is the same city where Freya Lo, Rikkira and other strange forces have rose in, as well as the city with the highest Silven population by miles, he decides that a single man (especially himself,) couldn't take on their own. He forms an alliance with six other Darkwalds.
( ) — During the morning hour, and under influence of his dramatic mood-swings, he lashes out at an Allar, and his associate assists. He later finds that this assaulted Allar was under direct employment of the Digmaan. He and his comrades are forced to flee into the wilderness to escape detainment an hour later.
( ) — He stayed alongside his fellow Darkwalds at the camp; during their camp-preparation, one allows him to learn a few tricks on wielding a crossbow, ( though it gets confiscated later. )
( ) — Paschalis, being so quiet the guards apparently overlooked him in their bounty, is able to contentiously sneak inside and out of the city, supplying their quaint camp with supplies under a guise. Though, after a meeting most unfortunate, he is captured by sanguines once more - this time by a certain Stercore, and infected with the Mivver bloodline. At the time, he assumed had a Faith Bangle, and can't afford revealing himself by turning to public clinics for help.
( ) — Upon return, he finds out that two of his acquaintances - Valente and Nicolao, have turned into vampires themselves. Disappointed and betrayed, he sought out to battle the both of them, leading to severe injuries on his person. He's assisted and also supported and kinda saved by a passing Sihndar named Jusso.
( ) — He eventually gives in on the third day, forcing himself to go to a clinic as he began to vomit out his insides. With that, with Jocelyn von Duerr's help, his legs are properly bandaged, and he believes that he's merely having a terrible fever, and not anything terrible.
( ) — The exiled Darkwald hunter on his fourth day, is unable to keep himself stable for long. After repressing his urge to bite things for hours, he winds up biting Keltie Ledsarge in the middle of the Wailing Wraith. He's pretty sure he's not allowed back there. He's thrown out into the sewers, and looks for.. Some help, before he completely changes.
( ) — Pascal, with the power of bad timing, is also then knocked out and taken by Kathar for yet another torture session. He is branded with void script on his back. He's left hungry once more - fiercely agitated, he takes to biting an acquaintance named Luca.
( ) — On his fifth day, he proposes himself to take a short break, allowing his leg to heal from the hole shot through it. He allows himself to take a break at his friend's house.
( ) — After an unfortunate meet-up with the man who turned him, out of pure spite, he turns to cure himself of Vampirism.
ɢʀᴇʏᴡɪᴛᴄʜ ʀᴇɢɪᴍᴇɴᴛ.
( ) — Now under the name of Faust Sokolov, he's invited by Eleonora to join the upcoming charter. Though he mainly joined it due to the fact that he'd be able to hunt in the sewers, he's slightly dismayed by the presence of Witchbloods. Though, he adjusts quickly, not taking favor of any of them, but acknowledging them as useful.
( ) — On basically their first day in the sewers, their Commander devices a plan to send Faust out to the Kathar base as bait, in attempt to ambush them. This goes terribly wrong when the first to respond to his beckoning by the gate were Alice Rhylovas and the Sovereign. Though he dodges arcane lances summoned beneath his feet, he'd pinned by Hagmer who Alice teleports ontop of him. He's left behind by his comrades and tortured through arcane means. He is later recovered by Frankie Laurent.
( ) —Harboring a certain hatred for Kathar, finding them unrepentant as he always had. Though, now with a bit more.. Actual hatred, pulling out a crossbow in the middle of the willow to try and shoot an unaffiliated Kathar. He's later send to the prison under the guise that he was 'sick', and had Meredith Lessauer come by to cure him of his ailment. Which was actually right.
( ) — He forces himself back to work soon after, assisting in the capture of Om'brosa, the Kathar priestess, and then slamming the panic button when he and his officer CONNNNDAAAANNNEEE open the cell door, to find her sprouting wings, and then jabbing her with a spear.
( ) — He's later witness to a bounty hunter's crime, where upon trusting Eleonora's best judgement, he allows Elros to take her (which lead her to being taken into the Kathar base and tortured.) He vows to bring both perpetrators down. He later found Naelin that night, and then gave him swift punishment.
( ) — A few Kathar beatings and much more patrol, he takes up contract with House Tyrannian, assisting in the kidnap and torture of Rote's mage before he realized it was Azra, and then continued his torture in attempt to 'redeem' her.
( ) — Weeks after, Faust is segmented to a takeover of the Willow, where Unionist cultists attempt to take Agatha Harhold hostage, claiming to be Theomar the First. His legs sliced from the last interaction in the sewers on his stroll, he was unable to help out, though in exchange found an.. Uncanny sense of familiarity within the situation.
...What happened to his group, anyways?
( ) — Faust Sokolov, by default, is one of the hired hands to assist Champion Maraulf and other masked fellows to take over the Mercenary Keep on the first day of establishment, effectively driving out the Sihndar present.
( ) — Adventures continue onward, assisting them in exterminating the rest of the Dyatlovasists and many other cistern raids as well. He defends when the time comes for him to fight back against the flock of sanguines by the Keep itself.
( ) — He bumps into Don D Dredd once more, and grants him his assistance in helping him -even if distantly, find his redemption from his Vampirism. He calls him Deredda as he helps out Colleen, yet another co-worker turned friend he'd met after curing her.
( ) — Through meeting Leironse, a wonderful Nelfin man he had come to work alongside with often, he meets Cal. A Halfling with eyes that he were originally had meant to hunt down, but for the sake of keeping his bond with Leironse, he disregards the Silven's eyes. They eventually share a bond as father and daughter after taking her out of Leironse's custody out of worry.
( ) — Faust is hired to be Haeddi harhold's Palest and keeps watch over her, treating her as a child under his care. He also deals with Cal being first cursed, then infected second. It's very irritating to him.
( ) — After a terrible loss at the Vampire Cistern, he and his compatriots head off to the woods to rethink their strategy. After having vivid flashbacks to the first time he had to burn away a piece of himself, this time being a mask, he marks off a new beginning for the Company.
( ) — Faust is infected by tea, imbibed with a vampire's blood. Here we go again.
( ) — The hunter outright panics, in the mist of his transformation wrecks his house and flees, leaving a mess for his daughter. Though he first intended to make for the house he was infected at, he instead went into the sewers until he'd find someone there who was home.
( ) — It was sometime in his wanderings that he came across the guards once more in his illusion-based disguise. During the fight with Merith, before he assumed death, he was able to snatch the Coraveau out of the grasp of Tethys Kalmaer, and fled into the tunnel thereafter, haunted by a crowd of birds.
( ) — He was then found by his daughter, Cal, who he had brought hints of his identity to through his disguise. Though, on note that the Coravaeu - disguised to be a cheap dagger - was something he couldn't bear to let go of, and was thusly knocked unconscious by Rennyn in attempt to free him. A long, long series of being transported place to place goes on, and Faust awakens in Greygate, told that he woke up in the Yanar Neighborhood's pond.
( ) — After questioning, he's faced with his own daughter's vampirism. Of which he's there for both it's beginning and end, where she was thusly cured. As she cries out in distress, to have to return to her usual form, Eleonora offers an alternative - to change her species altogether. Faust encourages this, for sake of his daughter's happiness.
( ) — Leufred orders a Puretek with use of a few proxies and persons, and gifts it to Faust. With some trouble, he tries to learn the grips of his newfound weapon.


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.. i'm dreaming again, aren't i .. ?
❛ ━━━━━━・❪ ☩ ❫ ・━━━━━━ ❜

I.〘 basic necessities. 『 ᴄᴏɴsᴄɪᴏᴜs ʙʀᴇᴀᴄʜ. 』
II.〘 luxuries.—『 sᴜʀᴘʀᴇssᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍᴏʀɪᴇs. 』
ˢᵃᵛᵉ ʰᵉʳᵉˀ
ʟᴀɴᴛᴇʀɴ ʟɪᴛ.

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Hi, sunshine!
  • You've only used 32 of your 33 points. You aren't required to use all of them, but it's there as an option, in case you wanted to bump something else up.
Aside from that, approved!
  • Just real quick, you need to remove ten proficiency points from your pool for your vampire mutations!
@Athelois hes,,, not a vampire anymore. also i edited some profs.
edit: sanktism is a thing and im taking it
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To cite proper knowledge of Sanguinism, you will need to sink at least five points into magical knowledge. At his current singular point, it's essentially equivalent to briefly skimming a wikipedia article or WebMD'ing symptoms of an illness.
Please also adjust your proficiency pool total.
To cite proper knowledge of Sanguinism, you will need to sink at least five points into magical knowledge. At his current singular point, it's essentially equivalent to briefly skimming a wikipedia article or WebMD'ing symptoms of an illness.
Please also adjust your proficiency pool total.
ffffffixed it!!
Katenka Sokolov ( @trapmaster9000 ) - Acquantance
The assumed leader of the brigade. Though he's only teamed up with her and the rest rather quickly, he could respect the amount of authority she gives off, even with such dysfunctional members about. He treats her at arms length, and is.. Still rather suspicious about her ever-so curious features. Though, he assumes that she's in the same boat he's in, except a worse case.
Lucian Vernon ( @trapperman120 ) - Acquaintance
The one he considers the loudest, though he forgives him for starting the whole 'Wanted for High Heresy mess' ( Which was still partially his fault, to be honest ), he believes that Lucian's the most devout soul he's seen, and often found himself swept up in his charisma. Though he's taken to attempting to imitate such confidence, he still doesn't know the man that well - and remembering the night they invaded Anntia's home, he can't help but just be a tad wary.
Ezekiel Kolen ( @Anakyrivo ) - Acquaintance
The one with the imaginary friend that they've all assumed was the Spirit. He hasn't interacted with him that well, and his memory is full of gaps attempting t remember striking details abut him besides his half-albinoism. Though, much like the last two, he enjoys his occasional company, and worries about his most holy hallucinations and 'other'.
Marciano de Menino ( @Dreamaxia ) - Acquaintance
The Daendroquin doesn't quite seem to respect personal space or privacy, acting towards Faust as though he were already a well-known friend, creeping him out a bit. He's arguably too friendly and somewhat overwhelming at times. He still enjoys his presence, however.

sir?? @alianon
i changed my points aroudn ebcause i didnt actually make much use of the third rettist ability since i could splash holy water on people and then make more, and i miss bows