Ξ Military Division - Cadar's Wing - Pride Of Opper Calem Ξ


Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Fighter's Guild

Military Division - Cadar's Wing - Pride of Opper Calem



"If we are to have this moment, then let our enemies feel bitter steel; let them know that we come with fire and blade; let them know our wrath feel the void swallow them whole. " - Arminius d'Vaud

Cedar's Wing is an Imperial Army, under the command of General Hamelin d'Vaud, comprising of Alt-Regalian, Opper Calem & Calemburg levies.

We are Hiring Soldiers, and other personal.

Read on for more details, or skip to the bottom for the application form.


General Information:

Active since:



Army Motto:

"Nos, Dies iræ, dies illa,"

"We, the day of wrath, doom impending."





Rights, Limitations & Benefits of the Military Charter
  1. The Right to be a part of the Regalian Military as a military charter.​
  2. The Right to own headquarters in the Holy City.​
  3. The Right to employ citizens and to report within the hierarchy of authority.​
  4. The Right to be legally tried under military law and not public law.​
  1. Members of this military charter may not bear weapons in open carry within the Holy City, unless another right or charter states otherwise.
  2. Members of this military charter may not act as guards or conduct arrests in the name of this military charter.
  1. Possible ascension in ranks within the military based on merit, eligibility for awards and medals, and the eligibility for personal preference at any business as per state law.​
  2. Earn as you serve the Empire, with a regular wage that will take into account your living expenses, as well as aid towards pension contributions for retirement.​

Organisation & Members

List of order is order of precedence for any in-corps related matters. The list is ordered based on rank first, and seniority in the same rank second.

General Staff:

General in Command

Gen. Hamelin d'Vaud


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Commissioned Officers:

Lieutenant Colonel

Co-Lt.Col. Benedictus d'Vaud



Lt. Czylle Ravenstad


2nd Lieutenant

2Lt. Barrulf Blackmyre


Officer of the Horse

O. Gideon Andre Hackett


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Pvt. Juliette Howlester



Pvt. Stella Irvainvik


Lore Stories

So that the name of the Cadar's Wing will last through the ages, stories are told of soldier's deeds for the honour of the Army, and the trials they faced in the name of the Regalian Empire. Will you be mentioned next?

The Nelfin War 306AC

The Assault of Colael
The Arrest of the Renegades
A Precarious Position
Salvation from the Shore


Application Process
  1. Be a First Class citizen of the Regalian Empire.
  2. Be willing to swear an oath to the Cadar's Wing, as a division of the Imperial Army.
  3. Be physically capable of combat & trained within a relevant combat school.
  4. Officers are required to be trained in a relevant intellectual school.
  5. Have a clean or pardoned criminal record.
Some notes:

The Cadar's Wing is an conservative, Alt-Regalian Army accepting both men and women. There is zero differentiation between the two other than the ceremonies/uniforms. Women may serve, obtain military ranks and fight for the Empire.



Character name:




Combat School:

Past crimes (IC - if any):

Curt IC letter addressed to the Lieutenant Colonel:​


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IGN: AtticCat/AtticRee
Character Name: Juliette Miramonte
Race: Ailor - Ithanian/Alt-Anglian
Age: Twenty-one
Sex: Female
Combat School: Mariposa Fighter (5 years)
Past Crimes (IC - if any): None
IC Letter:

To the honorable Lieutenant Colonel,

I write to you on the part of wishing to join the Cadar's Wing as a soldier or how you need me to be. I am currently a captain of the Vigilant Shield and have much experience in being a guard over the last few years as I was involved with the original Vigilant Shield at sixteen as the highest ranking woman. I was also an Inquisitor in the Ivory Inquisition, Captain of Bluesteel Order, and among the ranks of the Safeguard Rangers. I spoke to General Hamelin D'Vaud a bit back about considering joining the Cadar's Wing after I had my daughter, but issues arose and it was put back. Now that those issues are resolved, I am open to finally join and I'd be honored to do so.

Spirit Guide,
Juliette Eleanor Gesa Vauclain-Miramonte
To the honorable Lieutenant Colonel,

I write to you on the part of wishing to join the Cadar's Wing as a soldier or how you need me to be. I am currently a captain of the Vigilant Shield and have much experience in being a guard over the last few years as I was involved with the original Vigilant Shield at sixteen as the highest ranking woman. I was also an Inquisitor in the Ivory Inquisition, Captain of Bluesteel Order, and among the ranks of the Safeguard Rangers. I spoke to General Hamelin D'Vaud a bit back about considering joining the Cadar's Wing after I had my daughter, but issues arose and it was put back. Now that those issues are resolved, I am open to finally join and I'd be honored to do so.

Spirit Guide,
Juliette Eleanor Gesa Vauclain-Miramonte

To Juliette Miramonte.

I welcome your letter as one of the first, thus I thank you for your interest. Given your standing in several armed charters, along with a lengthy resume & initial contact with the General d'Vaud, I can see no reason to not accept you into our ranks as a Private. Should you wish an officer's rank, I would wish to see intellectual qualifications that demonstrate your abilities.

Spirit Bless,
Co.Lt-Col. Benedictus d'Vaud
Cadar's Wing​
IGN: TheRedSentinel
Character name: Gideon Andre Hackett
Race: Leutz-Ailor
Age: 36
Sex: Male
Combat School: Champion Drixon + Discipline of Officer Command
Past crimes (IC - if any): Jailed/Taken in for questioning once during an inquest into House Ravenstad misconduct, no charges filed.
Curt IC letter addressed to the LieutenantColonel:

"My fair loving Lord and honourable Lieutenant-Colonel,

My humblest salutations and best wishes on this noble endeavor. I have resided for little over a year in our holy city off commission after having served in the Chrysant and Elven Wars as well as the Bone Horror crisis as a Cavalryman in our esteemed armed services. I have attempted to utilize my skills to serve our empire again in the guard services of the Vigilant Shield and various House Guards. However, my temperament and skill set are hardly meant for enforcing peace and arresting doers or wrong, I long for the field again, and the chance to mount fiery steeds to fright the souls of fearful enemies, and lend my strong arm to my Holy Emperor. I have some experience in leading cavalry charges as well as a familiarity with the Discpline of Officer Command. As such, I should like to submit my candidacy for a soldier or officer in your army.

Glory to the Empire
Gideon Andre Hackett"
"My fair loving Lord and honourable Lieutenant-Colonel,

My humblest salutations and best wishes on this noble endeavor. I have resided for little over a year in our holy city off commission after having served in the Chrysant and Elven Wars as well as the Bone Horror crisis as a Cavalryman in our esteemed armed services. I have attempted to utilize my skills to serve our empire again in the guard services of the Vigilant Shield and various House Guards. However, my temperament and skill set are hardly meant for enforcing peace and arresting doers or wrong, I long for the field again, and the chance to mount fiery steeds to fright the souls of fearful enemies, and lend my strong arm to my Holy Emperor. I have some experience in leading cavalry charges as well as a familiarity with the Discpline of Officer Command. As such, I should like to submit my candidacy for a soldier or officer in your army.

Glory to the Empire
Gideon Andre Hackett"
"To Gideon Andre Hackett,

It is a pleasure to recieve an application from one of such vast experiences, and naturally, we would wish to grant you suitable rank that you may put such experience to use. You make mention of within your application that you were previously taking for question during the inquest into Ravenstad misconduct, which I thank for your honesty, however I will require a meeting with your person to ensure that no fault was on your part. Should this be the case, I am willing to offer you an Officer's Command for the Cavalry Units stationed with the Cadar's Wing, and a soldiers position if fault is found. I look forward to meeting you in person, either at the Fighter's Guild, Azure Premise, or the Milais Palace.

Spirit Guide You
Lt-Col Benedictus d'Vaud
Cadar's Wing"
Change Log - 22/02/18:
  • Accepted @AtticCat as Private. (Pvt.)
  • Accepted @RedSentinel as Officer. (O.)
  • Re-allocated 2Lt. Barrulf to Commissioned Officers List.
  • Re-allocated Lt. Cyzlle Ravenstad to Commissioned Officers List.
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IGN: TheMoistestMan

Character name: Alexander Donsly

Race: Ailor <Daen>

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Combat School: Bloodcast Warrior, (Discipline of Officer Command from Bloodcast.)

Past crimes (IC - if any): None, clean as a whistle

Curt IC letter addressed to the Lieutenant Colonel:
Dear honorable Lieutenant Colonel:
I am writting to you as a request to join the Cadar's Wing and give aid in the war to protect Regalia and it's people. Over the years I have been through the entire training of the Bloodcast order, fought in many of the recent wars as an officer on the frontlines, and was a captain if the Safeguard Rangers before there disbandment, I would be honored if you would allow me to join the ranks once more.
Alexander Donsly.
Dear honorable Lieutenant Colonel:
I am writting to you as a request to join the Cadar's Wing and give aid in the war to protect Regalia and it's people. Over the years I have been through the entire training of the Bloodcast order, fought in many of the recent wars as an officer on the frontlines, and was a captain if the Safeguard Rangers before there disbandment, I would be honored if you would allow me to join the ranks once more.
Alexander Donsly.

"To Alexander Donsly,
I thank you for your interest in joining the Cadar's Wing, it is an honour to recieve a correspondence from the former captain of the Safeguard Ranger, and as such we will take great care in reading through your application. Notably, you mention that you were an officer on the frontlines of recent wars, so I would wish you to come to the Milais Palace so that we may interview you for a potenial Officer rank.
Spirit Guide You
Lt-Col Benedictus d'Vaud
Cadar's Wing"

Change Log - 24/02/18:
  • Created a new 'Lore Stories' Section
  • Added 'The Assault on Colael' to Lore Stories.
  • Added 'The Arrest of the Renegades' to Lore Stories.
  • Replaced the Surname of Juliette Miramonte to Howlester.
  • Reviewed @TheMoistestMan 's Application
  • Accepted @TheMoistestMan as Officer Cadet (OC).
  • No Longer Accepting Officer Ranks.
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Change Log - 04/03/18:
  • Added "A Precarious Postion" to Lore Stories.
IGN: _Owlet

Character name: Stella Irvainvik

Race: Ailor- Velheim

Age: 31

Sex: Female

Combat School: School of Griffer

Past crimes (IC - if any): N/A

Curt IC letter addressed to the Lieutenant Colonel:

" Dear Lieutenant Colonel,

I am writing to you, expressing my utmost interest in joining the ranks upon a solider within the Cadar's Wing. I'm also apart of the Azure Vindicators as a personal guard to Lord Hamelin d'Vaud. And I was notified of such, this has lately peaked my interest and I would be honoured to offer my services within such army. Being trained within the School of Griffer, I am known to be quick on my feet, as well as being skilled in the usage of a Griff Blade, so I believe I would be a good asset, if you choose to take my proposal.

Stella Irvainvik
House Guard to the Azure Vindicators."​
" Dear Lieutenant Colonel,

I am writing to you, expressing my utmost interest in joining the ranks upon a solider within the Cadar's Wing. I'm also apart of the Azure Vindicators as a personal guard to Lord Hamelin d'Vaud. And I was notified of such, this has lately peaked my interest and I would be honoured to offer my services within such army. Being trained within the School of Griffer, I am known to be quick on my feet, as well as being skilled in the usage of a Griff Blade, so I believe I would be a good asset, if you choose to take my proposal.

Stella Irvainvik
House Guard to the Azure Vindicators."​

"To Stella Irvainvik,
I thank you for your services so far rendered to the House d'Vaud's Azure Vindicators and welcome your interest in joining the Cadar's Wing. As you act as my Cousin Hamelin's Personal Guard and are trained in a suitable combat school, I see no reason to grant you the rank of Private within the Cadar's Wing. I am sure we're yet to see great service from you yet.

Spirit Guide You
Lt-Col Benedictus d'Vaud
Cadar's Wing"
Change Log - 24/3/2018
  • Removed Officer Cadet Alexander Donsly - Resigned, citing other oblidgations.
  • Reviewed and Accepted @_Owlet 's Stella Irvainvik as a Private.
  • Added new Lore Story - Salvation from the Shore
  • Made minor edits to the Cadar's Wing Roster.
I think we're a bit behind on promoting this here army. With more house guard added we have the potential for more soldiers. Even if you're not a d'Vaud house guard, you are free to sign up!
IGN: DrDrago
Character name: Tua Kapena
Race: Orc
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Combat School: Blackmark
Past crimes (IC - if any): Accidentally helped in a kidnapping
Curt IC letter addressed to the LieutenantColonel:
It was written in neat writing with a
feminine touch

Dearest Benedictus

You know Tua can't write but please take him

Sincerely Solaine