Preserved Sheet Zhaleh Dilshad: The Glowstick Cryptid

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I'll be extremely frank. Every time I look at your character, I seriously question their survivability looking as they do, in a world like ours. However. I will approve this as I can't find any specific issues with your update.
Hey there! There have been some issues identified with this application, so let's go through them and get it all sorted.

Eye Color | Neon purple and blue with slitted pupils
Please change this due to the effects of Blood Eyes III from being a Wyrden.

☣ Element Control I (Wyldblooded)
☣+4 Element Control III {4 from Prof Points}
☣+4 Element Control IV {4 from Prof Points}
☣+4 Element Control V {4 from Prof Points}
☣+4 Magic Bolt I {4 from Prof Points
You should specify that all of this is disabled.

Finally, please remove your ability section from a spoiler. It makes it incredibly hard to actually tell what the character has in terms of afflictions at a glance.

Do this, tag me and we should be good to go.
@Mollymock Edits have been made o7
I wanted to know if I'd also be able to get some of the comments cleared off
@Mollymock I've gotten rid of Olvomism and put the points in True Path 1, Zambezi's height was also upped to 5'8
@Mollymock I've updated the sheet to the new application format and I've changed up my points for the new profs!