Preserved Sheet Zëlindae Fiyneij

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Jan 31, 2016
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sucking lestat de lioncourt’s toes

~Basic Information~

Full Name: Zëlindae Fiyneij

•Pronunciation: (Zeh-lihn-day Feen-age)

Nicknames: Most commonly, Zellie, or Zel.

•Age: Twenty-one.

•Birthday: January 2nd

Gender: Female.

Race: Kathar, disciple of Saivale.

Clan: Mëdorr.

Sexuality: Lesbian.


~Skill Information~

Proficiency: 11 (-10 School of Atraves) 1 point left unused.
  • +20 Acrobatics (+10 School of Atraves, +10 Proficiency)
  • +10 Void/Exist Knowledge (+10 Kathar)
  • +10 Daggers (+10 Kathar)
  • +10 Atraves Stave (+10 School of Atraves)
  • +10 Nelfin History (+10 School of Atraves)
Cultural: 21
  • +10 Instrumental Music (Flute specifically, +10 Cultural Points)
  • +6 Pastry Cooking (+6 Cultural Points)
  • +5 Cuisine Cooking (+5 Cultural Points)
Languages: 3
  • Modern Elven (10/10)- First language.
  • Ritualistic She'llaq (10/10)
  • Common (8/10)

~Visual Information~

Eye Color: Light blue, ringed in red. Black sclera.

Hair Color: White.

Hair Style: A short, messy pixie cut.

Skin Color: Sickly pale.

Clothing: Baggy, albeit fancy tunics and trousers often favouring cold colors.

Height: 6'4"

Body Build: Lanky.

Visual Information (Expansion)

•Zëlindae has oval-shaped eyes rimmed with dark eyebags, and thick eyebrows, framing her small, downturned nose. Her face is generally oval-shaped, with orange,
messy hair reaching just below her ears. The Kathar has fairly average sized lips, and rather extremely pale skin, almost grey-ish. Dark freckles speckle her face. Her ears are decorated with two cartilage piercings and stud piercings. Often, she has a small , at times cocky grin on her face. Ridges define her cheekbones and cranium, and she has had her face bone-sung on to appear more masculine in bone structure, along with adding a single additional ridge down the center of her chin. Between her masculine appearance and crossdressing, it isn't uncommon for Zëlindae to be perceived as male, a misconception she often doesn't care to correct. She has black crescents tattooed on either side of her face, and a black stripe down her bottom lip.

•Zellie has a generally slim build. She has barely any curves and only a small amount of muscle, with a flat chest and fairly narrow hips. The majority of her minimal muscle toning is in her legs and upper arms. Black tattooed Void script encircles her wrists and torso.

•Zëlindae will often wear clothes designated for men, which are often a tad baggy on her. She doesn't have a complex style, opting for simplistic, functional clothing.

•Zëlindae speaks common with a thick accent. Her general tone is fairly animated, rarely flat or monotone, and fairly deep for a woman.

~Personality and Abilities~

First Paragraph: Zëlindae has the exterior of an true extrovert, and hops at social opportunity wherever and whenever she can. She's loud, boisterous, and frankly obnoxious in the eyes of some. This isn't to say she's incapable of acting serious, but it is a rather rare moment. The young Kathar is often stubborn, and unintentionally rude at times due to her predisposition towards bluntness. This isn't to say, however, that she's unfriendly- in fact, it is quite to the opposite. Zëlindae seeks out friendship where she can, and tends to be fairly compassionate to an extent. She's surprisingly pragmatic and capable of making logical decisions when push comes to shove. Many often have mixed opinions about her at first, stuck between her opinionated, blunt, and loud personality and her at least seemingly innocent desire for companionship.

Second Paragraph: While not exactly egotistical or arrogant, Zëlindae is most definitely confident in herself. She's stubborn, and stuck in her beliefs. The idea that she could be wrong is absolutely foreign to her, and she bats away the idea to many friends' annoyance. She fears being seen as weak-willed or cowardly, and her loud and at times even over-bearing personality is an attempt to avoid facing this fear. At heart, she desires control, leading to her sometimes acting in a bossy manner.

Third Paragraph: Zëlindae cares deeply for her friends and family, and will do almost anything for them. She's almost blindly loyal, in fact, and might even be manipulated into doing something against her own ideals if a friend wanted her to do it. She'll never betray anyone who she views as a friend, and will never leave their side, even if it might put her in harm's way. She opens up far more around her loved ones, even letting a more vulnerable side show through her rowdy exterior when around them.

Fourth Paragraph: Zëlindae is the textbook definition of True Neutral. She doesn't care much for traditional morality, but isn't necessarily evil. She does whatever seems best for herself and for her friends, taking a rather apathetic view on most moral and political issues. She's loyal and honest to a fault, though she's willing to lie in order to protect herself from persecution. Zëlindae will turn a blind eye to almost anything done by friends, family, or even other Kathar. Slavery, murder, and sadism are normalized in her mind, though she's unlikely to participate in them herself.


Life Story

  • Zëlindae was born in Saivale on the 2nd of January, 288 AC to Daimelir and Ajeliä Fiyneij. Her biological father had no other wives, but her biological mother had one other husband.
  • Her family was of high status, and she was an only child, often spoiled by her parents.
  • Even at a young age, she was known to be a loud, extroverted mischief-maker.
  • At the age of ten, she began education in the School of Atraves.
  • She stayed out of trouble for the most part during her education, save for a few minor incidents here and there, and graduated at the age of 20.
  • While in the academy, her biological father had gotten into multiple heated arguments with the local Warlord's close allies. These disagreements grew in number, and shortly after Zëlindae had graduated, Daimelir had taken his arguments to the Warlord himself.
  • He eventually began spreading false rumors about the Warlord, which were quickly disproved.
  • House Fiyneij was eventually silenced and exiled.
  • Their family travelled for a while before relocating to Regalia.
  • Having lost their prior wealth, House Fiyneij is starting anew in safe, secure jobs, and members of the family are encouraged to avoid crime and political drama, though not all have listened to this warning.
  • Present day- Zelindae seeks to establish herself in Regalia, and to make as many new allies as she can.

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I'm going to replace mention of String Magic and change it to antimagic, since I feel that our noble family needed someone to resort to when confronted with a magic user. And who better than an inexperienced child amiright.

@Streako Let's take the opposite personalities a bit farther, eh? Alida can remain a string mage.

All mention of the alias The Puppetmaster is voided. Her new alias is Namazio dei Norelli. And yep, that's a male name.
I'm going to replace mention of String Magic and change it to antimagic, since I feel that our noble family needed someone to resort to when confronted with a magic user. And who better than an inexperienced child amiright.

@Streako Let's take the opposite personalities a bit farther, eh? Alida can remain a string mage.

All mention of the alias The Puppetmaster is voided. Her new alias is Namazio dei Norelli. And yep, that's a male name.
I very much dig!
I'm going to replace mention of String Magic and change it to antimagic, since I feel that our noble family needed someone to resort to when confronted with a magic user. And who better than an inexperienced child amiright.

@Streako Let's take the opposite personalities a bit farther, eh? Alida can remain a string mage.

All mention of the alias The Puppetmaster is voided. Her new alias is Namazio dei Norelli. And yep, that's a male name.
My granddaughter became slightly less edgy.
Added new art, updated to include her motivation for learning antimagic, added d&d alignment to personality expansion (Neutral Good), and an art database.'

Relationships comin' soon, but I've started them, for the most part.
Here is my review!
  • Having Nicoloan fighting at Practitioner and Anti-magic at caster by only 17 is a a min-max. It just barely adds up. It would be better if you could pad your age by at least a year or two or if it is critical to you that you remain under 18, bump yourself down to student antimagic. Either of these steps will portray a more realistic level of learning especially since pursuing both magic and physical combat styles is a very difficult challenge.
  • All three of your strengths directly contribute to combat prowess. For a better balance, replace at least one of your strengths with some sort of mental/social/emotional strength.
  • Reckless isn't great in terms of a weakness because it kinda just says "She's reckless, but not tooooo reckless" Just kind of a note on this but it doesn't really need to change. I find your other 3 weaknesses are sufficient to balance your character so reckless is just a minor bonus.
  • Language Barrier also does not need to change, but I will suggest that if you use this a weakness, it will be power gaming if you explain what you said to people OOC. You've got to go full on with the accent and if people don't understand then they just don't understand.
Make some edits and then tag me @TheOverseer__
Here is my review!
  • Having Nicoloan fighting at Practitioner and Anti-magic at caster by only 17 is a a min-max. It just barely adds up. It would be better if you could pad your age by at least a year or two or if it is critical to you that you remain under 18, bump yourself down to student antimagic. Either of these steps will portray a more realistic level of learning especially since pursuing both magic and physical combat styles is a very difficult challenge.
  • All three of your strengths directly contribute to combat prowess. For a better balance, replace at least one of your strengths with some sort of mental/social/emotional strength.
  • Reckless isn't great in terms of a weakness because it kinda just says "She's reckless, but not tooooo reckless" Just kind of a note on this but it doesn't really need to change. I find your other 3 weaknesses are sufficient to balance your character so reckless is just a minor bonus.
  • Language Barrier also does not need to change, but I will suggest that if you use this a weakness, it will be power gaming if you explain what you said to people OOC. You've got to go full on with the accent and if people don't understand then they just don't understand.
Make some edits and then tag me @TheOverseer__
  • Aged her up to 19. @Streako I knew she should have been older yikes I guess alida's 19 too now lmao
  • Removed Agile and replaced it with Educated.
  • Agreed; clarified that while she won't get in a fist fight with an orc or something over a simple argument, it isn't that unlikely given the correct circumstances.
  • I agree with your point about the accent. I typically never explain accents OOCly. I'll be sure to roleplay it out.
Edits are in pink. @TheOverseer__ Thank you for the speedy review.
Yeh, I had insomnia last night and decided to just live in characters apps, so we're all caught up to yesterday ^.^

Looks good!

okaokay ohboy here we go

Due to a lack of participation by members and stress on my part House Grimaldi was completely redone. And. They ended up becoming commoner Saivalthar, oops. My mom sorta stole my computer so the edits were done from my phone. As such I couldn't color them, but here's a summary-

Basic Info-
  • Complete redo here. Aged her down, elf-ified name, main ambition edited, religion changed.
Skill Info-
  • Redone.

Visual Info-
  • Hair colour, eye colour, skin colour, height, and weapon of choice edited to match her racial change. Also removed weight and added a body type from the list on the wiki.

Personality And Abilities-
  • Traits remained the same. Only changes in word choice when referring to her and replacement of things relating to discrimination against non-ailor to non-Saivalthar.
  • Replaced Antimagic with Pain Tolerance and replaced Nicoloan Fighting with Magically Adept. Educated remained the same except I removed the phrase stating she was nobility.
  • Replaced weakness Low Pain Tolerance with Self-Harm since,,, yeah. Replaced Short with Clumsy. Removed Language Barrier since I've no clue how to type an accent that doesn't exist irl. I would have replaced it with Physically Weak but I feel that her race and general backstory imply it already.
Life Story-
  • Redone completely.

How this will effect already sustained rp-
All relationships will remain unless they relied on her former antimagic, unionism, nobility, hatred of void worship, etc. those relationships will need to be discussed in pm.

@Streako @Seaaaaa @OwiverVan @TheSilverSpectre @Eternal_Wrath @ScaledSupremacy @DockedRelic
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I am actually going to pass on this re-review because with the change, my character Vulren may be interested in giving your character a nice home to Void worship in.

assigned to @TyrolleanEagle
I am actually going to pass on this re-review because with the change, my character Vulren may be interested in giving your character a nice home to Void worship in.

assigned to @TyrolleanEagle
lowkey laughing because he reviewed the char of mine whose traits were stolen for Zellie because I'm lazy asf and realized they had similar personalities

Also, yep, we have a whole family of Saiv now, so it seems that we should defo rp soon!
@SpamanoTomato Review complete!

I cannot find any lore inconsistencies or major grammatical mistakes in this sheet. Overall, it is well written, and the formatting makes it quite easy on the eyes. Excellent work. Approved.
Yoink! I'll give a mild peer review for this! Feel free to make some of these edits to give you something to do from here to the next official reviewing. Don't be too discouraged with what I bring you! I don't have much, but I think this will give you a bit of an edge:
Educated: As a highborn Saivalthar, it is unsurprising that Zellie was afforded a good education. While her hesitancy with common may cause her to appear uneducated, it is actually quite the opposite situation. Zëlindae's knowledge particularly lies in the subjects of geography and history.

Clumsy: Zëlindae is by all means a klutz, and she is very prone to tripping. For the young Saivalthar, dodging an attack would likely mean tripping and getting hurt much worse than she would otherwise. She is missing her left thumb from a nasty sewer fight, and this could lead to the girl dropping objects held in her left hand.
These two strengths / weaknesses appear to be a bit questionable. While her education lays in geography and history in particular, what else does she know? Will these other facts help her with navigation or identification? As important as history is, it's questionable as to when it will be necessary to know as an Outsider that often lurks in the sewers.

Clumsy, on the other hand, worries me in that it might be a cop-out weakness or a step (pardon the pun) in the wrong direction. Tripping left and right are very common for characters that are all shyness and no character or are known as 'Injury Sue'. An Injury Sue is a character that, in order to escape Mary Sueism, will be loaded with weaknesses and accidents left and right to prevent being too strong. In the end, this will still form a Mary Sue character due to having too many of the aforementioned. Even if you do play out the 'clumsy' weakness correctly, it's a bit worrying to look at in that I don't really know if it's being used as a cop-out, a filler, or step one to having a character too broken to be a proper person. This is only made worse by the fact that the Saivalthar are a naturally physically-pained race, which only adds more to the uneasy feeling that you're making an Injury Sue in an attempt to be original (which isn't uncommon!). Although this weakness may still be acceptable to higher lore staff, I'd keep a close eye on how much of your progression is her being hurt in comparison to her gaining something, and what you can do to balance it out or tilt it to her gaining something.

colours of all kind
Absolutely fabulous, but this application is really difficult to read. The flashing colours and thin font make it a bit difficult to navigate without having my attention grabbed to where it shouldn't be, the pictures, rather than where it should be, the application. I'd suggest a different font and a less flamboyant header, especially when someone will come back later to do a more in-depth check of this lovely character.

i lub et. Keep up the good work!
Yoink! I'll give a mild peer review for this! Feel free to make some of these edits to give you something to do from here to the next official reviewing. Don't be too discouraged with what I bring you! I don't have much, but I think this will give you a bit of an edge:

These two strengths / weaknesses appear to be a bit questionable. While her education lays in geography and history in particular, what else does she know? Will these other facts help her with navigation or identification? As important as history is, it's questionable as to when it will be necessary to know as an Outsider that often lurks in the sewers.

Clumsy, on the other hand, worries me in that it might be a cop-out weakness or a step (pardon the pun) in the wrong direction. Tripping left and right are very common for characters that are all shyness and no character or are known as 'Injury Sue'. An Injury Sue is a character that, in order to escape Mary Sueism, will be loaded with weaknesses and accidents left and right to prevent being too strong. In the end, this will still form a Mary Sue character due to having too many of the aforementioned. Even if you do play out the 'clumsy' weakness correctly, it's a bit worrying to look at in that I don't really know if it's being used as a cop-out, a filler, or step one to having a character too broken to be a proper person. This is only made worse by the fact that the Saivalthar are a naturally physically-pained race, which only adds more to the uneasy feeling that you're making an Injury Sue in an attempt to be original (which isn't uncommon!). Although this weakness may still be acceptable to higher lore staff, I'd keep a close eye on how much of your progression is her being hurt in comparison to her gaining something, and what you can do to balance it out or tilt it to her gaining something.

Absolutely fabulous, but this application is really difficult to read. The flashing colours and thin font make it a bit difficult to navigate without having my attention grabbed to where it shouldn't be, the pictures, rather than where it should be, the application. I'd suggest a different font and a less flamboyant header, especially when someone will come back later to do a more in-depth check of this lovely character.

i lub et. Keep up the good work!
Thhhank you for this! Educated didn't really show up in roleplay, anyways. I have replaced it with calm. Additionally, thinking about it, clumsy didn't really fit an acrobatic Ghost Grip mage in the first place. Replaced that with naïve. Aaand, made the a e s t h e t i c s a bit easier to read. Changes are in green, any additional suggestions?
Thhhank you for this! Educated didn't really show up in roleplay, anyways. I have replaced it with calm. Additionally, thinking about it, clumsy didn't really fit an acrobatic Ghost Grip mage in the first place. Replaced that with naïve. Aaand, made the a e s t h e t i c s a bit easier to read. Changes are in green, any additional suggestions?
Making friends too easily isn't a weakness (which goes into naïve). Perhaps having her more oblivious to when people in general are aspiring against her or when a situation can be gauged as dangerous? It's tough finding weaknesses for an already produced character!
Making friends too easily isn't a weakness (which goes into naïve). Perhaps having her more oblivious to when people in general are aspiring against her or when a situation can be gauged as dangerous? It's tough finding weaknesses for an already produced character!
Agreed, and, yyyeah my wording was awful there. Thanks for the suggestion; should be fixed in a few.