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Played Character Yuliya

This character is actively played.


good evening
Mar 11, 2016
Reaction score


Character Information

  • Full Name: Yuliya tul Iskiv
  • Heritage: Slovenin Ailor
  • Age: Young adult
  • Gender: Female (she/her)
  • Religion: Orthodox Unionist
  • Occult: None
  • Occupation: Lothar Knight, of the Herebrand Chapter
Appearance Information:
  • Eye Color: Light green
  • Skin Color: Pale, though not uncolored or without blemish. Long afternoons and training scars have seen to each.
  • Hair: Flaxen blonde. Quickly cut, messy.
  • Height: 6'2
  • Clothing: Sackcloth and ashes, chainmail beneath.
  • Body Type: Strong and lean; a scrawny youth and newfound stature have given her a wolfish build.
Skill Information:
  • Hobbies and Talents: Athletic and Medical talents.

    Though unofficial, her self-penance emulates the Guided cult; a pilgrimage spent carrying a burden of misdeed. In Yuliya's case, her master's blade. Inordinate in size and impractical for combat. Traveling with its weight has honed her athleticism, rigorous martial training aside.

    Additionally, Yuliya acquired basic medical abilities from her Knightly training; mostly wound care.
  • Mechanics: Ailor Mechanics
  • Languages: Kriv, Common
  • An urchin noticed for her alms to Unionist shrines despite having little to give. For this, a young Yuliya was elevated to squirehood by an errant knight and given the means to better serve her faith and people.

  • An idealist whose better nature contends with the suspicion and hatred taught by her Lothar peers. Always seeking the best in others, Yuliya's naivety was accomplice to her Master's death at the hands of a Kathar cultist.

  • For her swift retribution upon his killer, Yuliya was anointed as a Knight proper, and given the land and responsibility of her former Master. Remorseful, Yuliya leaves this undeserved inheritance to her mentor's widow and departs into the night.

  • Now, a penitent knight weighted by a blade too heavy for her hands and guilt. Donning a pauper's garb, Yuliya seeks to honor her Master's greatsword, acquit herself of regret, and justify her knighthood; all while trying to stay true to both her patient self, and her harsh Order.

A Slovenin woman born to a destitute family within Zemlya Obitovana. Yuliya remained a staunch Unionist even during her hungry youth, and provided alms and tithes to local Unionist shrines, as well as to other empty hands in the streets. Her devotion was witnessed by a senior Lothar knight who would come to take Yuliya into his care.

Despite a harsh upbringing, Yuliya remains ignorant to the cruelties of the world, or still holds hope in spite of them. It was this trust that led to the death of her master at the hands of a cultist; redeemed, at the time, by the woman's retribution upon his killer. Honored for this momentary passion and hate of the afflicted, Yuliya was preemptively risen to knighthood so that she may fill the shoes of her master. However, guilt for her failure remained, and the squire-now-knight fled from the empty estate of her mentor in part penance, part remorse, when made to suffer his crying widow. Few things were taken but her master's immense blade bound in cloth and chains. By all accounts, Yuliya is a penniless, unlanded knight.

Compared to her knightly peers, and especially beside her fellow Herebrand ordermen, Yuliya carries herself with few formalities and only bare pageantry. The tragic circumstance of her anointment left the woman unpracticed in courtly manners, and for the most part, she remains a fish out of water in all things not taught by combat drills and study.

Most of all, the woman knows how to wield her blade, but not why. It's the teachings of the Lothar that oppose her trusting and patient nature, with little recourse yet taught by failure and experience. But within her guilt lies a small flame, smoldering till the time comes to honor her Master's sword.

Till then, she will suffer as she had before; clad in her sackcloth and ashes, wielding the arms of a lowborn, and refusing herself the indulgences of an undeserved knighthood.

Combat Information

Attack: Strength
Defense: Constitution


  • Strength: 7
    • later
  • Constitution: 5
    • Rebound
    • Bulwark
    • Iron Will
  • Intelligence: 0
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Faith: 2
    • Desperate Prayer
    • Faithwall Prayer
  • Magic: 0
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