~@ You'd Tell The Best Stories @~




The rain poured down outside, dancing down the panes of glass leaving streaks of water behind them as they rushed to the base of the window. The spring rains had been coming nearly every evening since the season changed. The tall Songaski entered her bedroom, ambling over with a faint stagger to her dark wooden desk.

The top, dotted with trinkets most of pink and gold she'd collected throughout her life along with a potted bright green plant that trailed along the edge of her desk crawling up the bookcase. One thing that seemed to have a place all its own, a sundial with what seemed to be a compartment underneath held closed by a small aged clasp. The woman sighed as she looked across the items, taking up the quill that set awaiting in the inkwell of dark black ink. She plopped down shifting, as her clothes touched the bench, into her Lesser Form. She downed another bit of her whiskey, setting it down on her desk with an echoing thunk against the wood. She pulled over a new notebook, cracking the pages open and beginning to scribble.

"I hope this helps. I need something."

Another sigh escaped her as she took the quill from the paper. Grabbing the bottle again, downing a portion, returning it to its place on the desk, she put the quill to the paper and started again.


(In a voice similar to this)

"Well, I set here alone, yet again. I am alone in this city while damn near everyone round me flaunts their happiness. I am joyous for them but my heart burns with envious hatred. What have I done to be cursed like this? Hm? Can you tell me that? Whoever you are mysterious person people write to in these things. Perhaps we are all writing to lover past, or perhaps those we've lost and long to share words with again. I'd love to know. You're the only one I feel close to any more. You know so many secrets. I'm sure you'd tell the best stories."

A few words smudged as tears fell with soft paters. Fathiyaa sniffed lifting her free right hand to wipe her face, setting the quill back into the well she lifted her head sniffing again laughing lightly. The rain was still pouring down outside, she could hear the drops hitting the roof of her home, the stone and wood outside, all creating a soft roar that drowned out any other sound. She sobbed softly, resting her elbows on her desk, both her hands moving against her forehead as if she were saluting holding her head up as she cried, her tears fell like rain.

"Why am I always alone?
The pain is always worse when I'm alone."

She seemed to plead to anyone and no one. Her home was empty as it usually was. She stood taking little care to not disturb the desk. Her thighs bumped the table, knocking it up, back against the wall causing everything to shift. The trinkets toppled, the plant nearly tore from its place and the sundial slid back against the wall slipping down behind the space to the floor. The sundial rolled a few turns before the clasp opened. Inside sat a worn engagement ring, the band was of pure gold with a single green emerald in the center. Fathiyaa finished her movement letting out a string of Sofaalian curses as she inched back resetting the table. She turned looking for the missing sundial gasping faintly. The Song. snapped a hand to her mouth as she held back a flood of tears and a lump in her throat seeing the aged ring. Stepping over, she plucked up the case laughing despite the tears running down her cheeks. Fathiyaa sat the case open on her desk, making her way to the balcony chuckling almost with every step.

"I swear..As old as I am I should know better than this but I miss you. You told the best stories."


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