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Played Character Ylvi Du Roserei

This character is actively played.


the thottiest of them all
Aug 3, 2018
Reaction score


Ylvi du Roserei
| The Sacred Soldier |

{Basic Information}

Full Name: Ylvi du Roserei.
Countess (by birthright.)
Oathbreaker (by self.)

Alias(es): Maiden [Shapeshift]

Age: 24 years old.
[?? ?? ?? AC]
Zodiac Sign: ?.

Gender: Female.
Race: Ailor.

Culture: Leutz-Vixe, Sarnan.

Sexuality: PIOUS.
Eye Color: Blue.

Religion: Ylvi was raised by both parents to be Unionist, but in secret ceremonies, her mother passed on the oral history and faith of the Sarna. Now a full fledged Lothar Knight, she aims to cripple the occult menace by any means necessary. NEEDS TO BE UPDATED.
Identity: Ylvi is fervent believer in the Sarna faith and her Lothar teachings, hoping to crush any and all occult with her godgiven power and strength. NEEDS TO BE UPDATED.



{Skill Information}

Proficiency Points: 14/14

Proficiency Pool | To pray.

+04 Constitution; Ylvi is down to earth, literally. She has an iron will and grounded body.
Iron Will [Ailor, Free]

+06 Dexterity; Ylvi was trained by the Lothar not only how to shoot, but also to keep out of harm's way.
Fleet Footed
Soft Landing
Sharp Reflexes
Hook Shot [Firearms]
Escape Artist
Dirty Fighter

+00 Intellgien; Ylvi was taught the marvels of Hallowtech whilst training as a Lothar.
⤁ Safeguard
⤁ Puretek Wrath
Puretek Sanction
Puretek Evasion
Puretek Reload
Escape Artist
Puretek Antigmagi
Puretek Burn

+00 Faith; Ylvi was taught to commune with the spirits of nature, in secret ceremonies in the woods with her mother.
Unseen Prayer [Ailor, Free]
Cleric Talent [Unionism & Sarnan; syncrotism]

Special Skills | To bless.

Languages | To preach.

Common (Fluent, with a Lëtz accent, 10/10)
Lëtz (Fluent, mothertongue, 10/10)
d'Ithanie (Fluent, learned in court, 9/10)
Hellas (Rusty, learned in court, 5/10.)
Dressalo (Rusty, learned in court, 5/10.)
Réginyelv (Conversational, learned in court & touring as a Lothar, 8/10.)
Český (Conversational, learned in court & touring as a Lothar, 8/10.)
Calem (Fluent, learned during Lothar training, 9/10.)
Kriv (Fluent, learned during Lothar training, 9/10.)
Altalar (Rudimentary, learned during Lothar training and picked it up quickly due to Altalar being the base language of others she knows, 7/10.)



{Visual Information}

Mutations: None, she is completely mundane.

Other: Ylvi carries a few battle scars from her encounters with the occult, a nasty claw mark is present on her right shoulder.

Description: Ylvi has an athletic build due to her Lothar training, but the most prominent thing about her is her fire kissed hair that is kept short -- to prevent any enemies from trying to grab hold of her.
Height: 5'9

Weight: 108 lbs







{Life Story}

born, | .

Ylvi was born on an auspicious autumn afternoon, to a native of the pined woods of Tirgenwald; a Sarnt mother with wild fire kissed hair and a cousin of the famed du Poncaire. This afforded the newborn Ylvi a comfortable, leisurely life.

adolescence, | .

Her father was a busy man, a minor aristocrat with a distant noble relation, who spent most of the day at court. Ylvi was miserable whilst learning to be a lady-in-waiting, learning the proper etiquette and the languages of the nearby provinces of which they traded with; all incredibly dull to the spitfire. Yet, once the sun set, Ylvi spent her evenings and nights training with her mother. It was under her tutelage that Ylvi began to embrace the ways of her foremothers; the way of Sarna. How to wield Puretek, hunt the occult, and be prepared for what was to come. As she embraced this ancient faith, she was admitted to the Lothar Order as a squire of the Gaurwald Chapter — as a legacy admission, with her du Poncaire lineage playing a role as much as her Sarnt heritage.

early adulthood, | .

Life amongst the Lothar, the Gaurwald in particular, was rough. Her relatively pampered lifestyle was cut off as soon as she was picked up by the Order. Her natural aptitude with Puretek was quickly noted, Ylvi was soon taken away from the basics and was admitted to advanced training courses. It was here she would train with and eventually have two squires under tutelage.

to regalia, | .

She finally graduated as Confidant-Knight, and spent her first few years touring the territories where she came from. Her mother proud, father delighted to have something to praise -- everything was going well until news spread from the capital. Her distant relation, a certain governing official by the name of du Poncaire, had been ousted and accused of treacherous crimes of the occult. This slander to their name would not stand; and so, she marched onto the capital along with the army of Lothar Knights.
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Erwin the Hunter | of the Lothar Order.
a zealous Lothar of higher rank whom Ylvi purposely, or otherwise, sabotaged.
Antonia the Small | of House du Roserei.
a youngest sister of Ylvi, she grew up sickly, and was often assisted by and protected from their mother's strict Darkwald nature.
Moonshine the Bound | of the Godcursed & Demonspawb.
an Arkenborn and Marken, she was a childhood playmate, chambermaid, and later bound to the heiress by magic. the two have a strong bond, whether it is by the magic or time, is difficult to determine.
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✦ {Inventory}
Key Items | To require.
Pouch of regals (250-300 at any given time).
Utility pouch (see below).
Hunting Knife (black steel).
Whip [Hallowtech].

⤁ A utility device built by Ylvi, the individual beads actually being nanobots. It is capable of various task including but not limited to HEALING and TRACKING, but most importantly it can arrange itself into a WHIP.
Rifle [Pale Pinedaughter].
Utility Pouch | To learn.
Journal (of notes).
Books (of various topics, mostly pertaining to faith and anti-occult strategies).
Writing utensils (pencils, pen [THEOTECH], paper).
Extra Items | To yearn.
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Plot Hooks | regarding FAITH.
Ylvi is a devout pagan follower of the Sarna faith whilst posing as a dogmatic Unionist with her patron god being Ceren.
Ylvi is an avid Hallowtech tinkerer and minor inventor, and yearns to learn more.
⤁ Ylvi is a talented Hallowtech medical engineer and is proficient in making prosthetics.
Plot Hooks | regarding the LOTHAR.
Ylvi is a Gaurwald Knight, who was raised by a Darkwald. If you are occult, expect intolerance and bigotry; but outright attacking occult in broad daylight is not her style.
⤁ She is slightly more tolerant to mages given personal reasons and her chapter's ideology.
Ylvi detest the Occult in the following Order:
⤁ Sanguine; personal, cultural, historical, religious, and code.
⤁ Cahal, Geist, Archon, Undead, Spirits; cultural, religious, and code.

⤁ Red Hunters; allies, exempt from the above.
⤁ Marken; cultural, personal, historical, and code.
⤁ Arkenborn & Godborn (excluding Dogmatic Unionist); religious, personal, and code.
⤁ Mages; personal, and code.
Ylvi has collared one mage. She seeks out more to put under the Order's control.
⥈ Ylvi currently has two squires, one being her younger brother and the other being an Asha he trained during her years at the castle.




✦ {minor}
Plot Hooks | regarding....
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