Archived [yet Another] Massivetraits Idea

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Nov 30, 2013
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Just a small one, this time, people:
The MassiveTraits points system seems to be confusing a lot of people, and would appear to be backwards. Would it not make more sense to spend points on good traits, and spend debuffs to earn more points?
This just seems to make more sense to me personally, and there's been lots of people asking why they have 0 traits points in help chat today, so I guess other people are the same.
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I agree it doesn't take more than 5-10 minutes at the most, but that's 5-10 X 10,000 people, if you look at it from a staff perspective.
It took me like 2 minutes to figure out on my own. But i just experiment wiht stuff untill i find out how it works. Fot other people it can be really confusing.
It took me seconds to figure it out... extremely self explanatory as I played around with it.
Fine; the loud forum community may find it easy to work out, but have any of you seen help chat since the update?
It's not so much that it's bad as it is, more that it would be better another way round.
It's a new plugin to everyone, so obviously help chat will be like that for today... everything takes a bit more time for people to figure out.
No I haven't seen the help channel. I left it or ignored it. And I agrees the other way around would be easier to understand.
I thought it was pretty easy to be honest. I had no problems.
The man thing I see in chat is, brig back races, where are vampires? I know the traits are cool but I liked races.

This annoys me since they would not say this if traits turned to races. They would complain about races. So maybe in the future they will have race trait bundles, allowing to to quickly get the perks that would fit the race you want.
Well it took me a few minutes to learn the commands and a few hours to go through the traits, set a build up and stuff.

This should be fixed now
  • Cayorion: (Thursday) MassiveTraits – Improved the output of "/trait inspect" slightly. It now states "Points Used" and "Slots Used" istead of just "Points" and "Traits". This way people will not missunderstand and beleive they have 0 left when infact they have used 0 and have everyting left to spend.
That is from the website. So we will se changes to that in the future.
While yes, at first its hard to understand, it's also brilliant. I'm hoping anyone that understands it will agree. The current system allows a limit on the amount of points to use and in turn, a balance of good and bad. A person can't be OP without a few weaknesses with the current system. In my opinion the system chosen is perhaps the most genius management system for the plugin
The number of people who play on the server is wayyyy more than that. I remember there was a statistic about 1,000 unique players a day at one point? It's not the same 250 people playing 24/7 you know.

On topic: Of course things are going to confuse people at first, that's what change does. If it takes a couple minutes and maybe a confused question in help chat to understand, that's fine. Eventually people will work it out. There's no point making a big deal out of it so early into the plugin's debut on Massive.
The number of people who play on the server is wayyyy more than that. I remember there was a statistic about 1,000 unique players a day at one point? It's not the same 250 people playing 24/7 you know.

On topic: Of course things are going to confuse people at first, that's what change does. If it takes a couple minutes and maybe a confused question in help chat to understand, that's fine. Eventually people will work it out. There's no point making a big deal out of it so early into the plugin's debut on Massive.
10,000 =/= 1,000
Would you like me to go and get the total figure of people with MassiveCraft forum accounts rather than, say, doing something useful?
EDIT: 5, 605 > 1000
And that's just the people on the forums; I know at least a quarter of the people I know IG don't have forum accounts.
But please, can we get something useful done? 10,000 or 1,000, the point still stands.
The moment I opened my trait menu, I figured it out and got all the traits I need/want.
The only thing I don't understand is why other people seem to be struggling.
I could see why some people may get confused.. However I wasn't (Then again.. I play paper, pencil, and dice roleplaying game.. Which have systems exactly like this.), but that does not mean some people wouldn't be confused.. Here i'll give a quick demonstration of how it makes sense.. So lets say you have something that costs 20 points so buying it is +20 points in cost, and getting something that is -20 points deducts the overall value of the positive one. Also.. The whole 0 points thing; that was easy for me, it means 0/100 or 0/150 points spent.. So I was perfectly fine with that.
Only thing I'm struggling with is what traits I should use for my character... So many to choose from :o
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