• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Yet Another Letter


Who knows, maybe she is mabyelline
Jan 7, 2022
Reaction score
United States
Roleplay Guilds
The Pale Flame Lounge
Art by MathewHackArt on Deviantart


This letter can be found posted on as many announcement boards as possible.


Perhaps writing letters is frowned upon by some, perhaps seem pointless to others, but here we are. Another letter to be posted on an announcement board. One would hope that those in power do tend to such boards. One does know that most servants of the Empire certainly do. Either way, let me share some valuable information that was established at the gathering of the Occult and their supporters on February 21st, 311AC.

Should someone who is Occult or an 'Appeaser' run into trouble with the Lothar, they should:
  • Report the incident to the Metropolitan, Viridian Order, or Aelrrigan Order.
  • Send letters regarding complaints of the Lothar Order to His Eminence Markus Delmotte for him to take to the State Governess, or send these complaints straight to the State Governess.
  • If you must, act when legally allowed to.

We shall continue to have hope yet. Let us, including myself, nurture our relations with the State and the Bluebloods. We could see an end to this all if our complaints are taken seriously and we garner support. However, do not wander alone, travel with a partner– better yet, travel as a group. Let us hope that Regalia does not plunge into the thickets.

Stay Aware and Cautious

Aaliyah Al-Hakim
Loyal Servant of the Empire