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Shelved Character Yehor Mekrov

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Staff member
Jun 21, 2019
Reaction score


  • Ailor are masters of many languages. Even for languages they do not speak, if someone insults them in a their native tongue, they will know what was said.
  • Ailor are the preferential lords of the Regalian Empire, Ailor are by nature always considered more seriously for job applications and positions of authority.
  • Ailor have preferential treatment by the Knight Orders (excepting Argentum/Selenya), giving them more leeway to break their Code (within reason).
  • Ailor may spontaneously generate Divinium (either alone or shared with other Ailor) during Staff Events if they act within the ideology of their faith.
  • Ailor willingly can close their heart and mind to certain emotions or their conscience, allowing them to commit acts of great evil without feeling bad.
  • Unionist Faithful can be blessed by the gods by having a divine intervention and being cured of their Affliction or being cleansed of their Affinity through a divine event. Such a divine event should be orchestrated by the player themselves, does not necessarily require a pre-condition like "this character destroyed a Unionist Temple so the Gods intervened" or "this Character tore apart a painting of the Emperor so the Gods punished them", but can require one. This should generally only occur once per Affliction/Affinity, and is entirely up to the player's own consent over their character when and where it occurs.
  • Sudzhennya Knights can Point Buy 1 Pack from Radiant Point Buy with a Wisdom Proficiency, classified as Tech not Magic (Still costs Point Buy, not given for Free!
Plot Hooks
  • TBA
  • Ivanna. 68. She is both the Beast-Master's Marken and a reliable confidant at the same time, being Yehor's voice-of-reason when he is acting rash.
  • Puck Van Der Heide. 65. Yehor joined the Burgundies at age 16, having met the Van Der Heide siblings in the squadron. He is unwilling to admit (publicly) that he enjoys the siblings' company, bemoaning whenever Puck is around especially, but finds his company and skill reliable in completing the Burgundies by being a jack of all trades.
  • Evelien Van Der Heide. 66. Yehor finds Evelien the most tolerable among the Van Der Heide siblings, even if the triplet's incessant bickering amongst themselves drives him up the wall. He finds the eldest sister admirable for being the most skilled with the blade in the company.
  • Luuk Van Der Heide. 65. The third of the Van Der Heide triplets, finding Luuk to be one of the most agreeable surprisingly, if it wasn't for the antics he gets up to with Puck. Yehor remarks that he is exceptional with the rifle, and praises him accordingly so for it.
  • Elmaire Du Saintlonde. 64. Yehor finds the cleric to be an inexplicable eccentric, quieter as she may be. Of the bunch in the Burgundies, he finds that he argues with Elmaire the least (in his own opinion).
  • Volker Schneider. 70. The oldest and most senior amongst the Burgundies, Yehor looks up to the Grauwald. He aspires to keep as level-headed with Volker, as faltering as an attempt that has been.
  • Kira Jane Dajneko. 60. Though it is mentioned that Jane is as Lady-Protector Vaedra's 'best friend', he cannot help but find her an eccentric amongst all the eccentric he know, possibly rivalling the Van Der Heide triplets in that regard. That being said, he is 'comfortable being uncomfortable' and doesn't mind her company.
  • Khafra Talaat. 70. Khafra holds the same position as Volker does to Yehor; often times Khafra has to remind and tame Yehor's outbursts, and the knight can only be thankful (for the wrong reasons) that he hasn't been sat down for a proper discussion over his conduct (yet).
  • Estlin von Kepler. 62. Yehor admires any and all Darkwalds, and the von Kepler is no exception to that rule. Yet he expresses the idea that their methods cannot be properly adapted to Regalia without compromises, and is afraid to step on her toes.
  • Konrad von Kepler. 63. A Viridian he often finds company in, especially when the von Keplers are around. Yehor doesn't express it, but he praises Konrad as an accomplished sword and shield fighter.
  • Riftan Vaedra. ??? It is often remarked that one shouldn't judge a book by its cover, and the Lord-Protector Vaedra is the most exemplary of this idiom.
  • Lisbeth Lovette. 55. A squire of the Aelriggan Order that strangely finds company amongst the Burgundies semi-frequently; but because she is from the Aelriggans, Yehor naturally can't help but disagree with their views on magic. He doesn't express his dissent in favour of working together for the 'betterment of the city' however.
  • Markus Delmotte. 58. Count Delmotte was one of the initial few that were surprisingly accommodating to the Burgundies when they first arrived in Regalia, and Yehor can only be thankful to the Delmotte for helping him settle into the city and providing information where it was otherwise scarce.
  • Fernando De Leon. 51. Count Fernando is as someone he is recently acquainted with, so the knight cannot make much judgements out of the noble yet apart from the fact that 'he is very flamboyant'.
  • Wulf Grofsmid. 57. A dwarf that the knight met in Regalia; he doesn't know much of Wulf, but finds him agreeable and sensible in most cases.
  • Erwin Braunschweiger. 57. The recent skirmish with Erwin as an iteration of the Ravenlord makes the Lothar hold bitterness that he cannot rightfully accuse the Wirtem for, but he can only hope to work with the Braunschweiger on a clean slate that was besmirched by Coraveau.
  • 'Mother'. 96. Yehor was raised in a single-parent household, where his mother took care of him and his sister. He remarks that she is 'one of the only three women he will ever love in his life'. He writes semi-frequently to his family in a small providence of Zemlya Obitovana, frequently sending a majority of his earnings to pay for Layan's medicine.
  • Layan. 95. Yehor's baby sister, whom he cherishes and protectively obsesses over. She has become sickly from an incident involving a vendor and (accursed) enchanted trinkets, which the knight blames himself for his carelessness. She is the last of 'the only three women he will ever love in his life'.
  • Kateryna Mekrov. 94. As the Lady-Protector helped the Burgundies settle in Regalia, Yehor's gratitude for her eventually blossoms into amour since exposed. 'One of the only three women he will ever love in his life', so he claims.
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XX-YE-Droid Chembrawler Model


Building Scale


Puretek Blessing
Puretek Antimagi
Puretek Wrath
Tech Resist
Hook Shot
Shapeshift Pack (Mundane) (Mech Mechanic II)

Technique Parry (Mech Mechanic I)
Chem Mend

Shield Block (Free)
Shield Cover
Shield Wall
Shield Phalanx
Shield Deflect
Shield Brace
Rage Counter
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