Preserved Sheet Xorakk - Dul Krilge

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@Yurs Moved points around but kept total combat minimal! FIxed ranged to firearms(since I only use thunderlance icly).
Not really worth pinging but added more to appearance!
@Yurs App hasn't been reviewed in a hot minute.
- Got rid of firearms. Too much for combat anyways.
-Added 2 scholar packs. 2 is the start as Xorakk is transitioning back to a scholar urlan, more will be added under rp mentorship.
- added new ironheart training pack.
Thats all!
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Whoops, missed something major @Koyote . You currently have 16 total points invested, so, I would make sure you fix that to 14.
Total Points | « 14 Prof Points

«❅» « 9 Strength 7+2(Urlan)
«❅» « 9 Constitution 7+2(Urlan + 2 Free)
«❅» « 2 Wisdom
«❅» « 0 Dexterity
«❅» « 0 Magic
«❅» « 0 Charisma

@Tag me when you do so.
@ezalB There is 14 points invested. For constitution 2 free packs are per the Urlan kit which is why I listed down free in the ability section and only 7 packs in Strength as the extra points can't be spent on point buy. I fixed the points up a bit to show what was invested and the actual stat.
That's understandable, but you still have 9 Constitution listed. Free Point Buy Packs do not confer free Proficiency Stats alongside them. Because of that fact, you should only have 5 Constitution total, with a 6th bonus point coming because of the Physical Prowess special. Thus you should have: "5(6) Constitution 5+1(Urlan)", as opposed to:
«❅» « 5(9) Constitution 7+2(Urlan + 2 Free)

@Tag me when you've fixed that.
Aight yeah, that looks fine. You could still get rid of the "+2 Free" to avoid confusion maximally, but up to you.

@ezalB Not sure if a re-review is needed but per the strength update, I changed the abilities to their respective names and added a new Recovery pack from const
Re-approved! However I'm going to really suggest that you move the purchased Packs into bullets underneath their respective Proficiencies as opposed to the non-Racial Abilities section, for consistencies sake with the Character Sheet template.
@ezalB Woo finally able to implement strength without full melee build. App is up for review.
So, two things really quick. Can you fix the formatting so that Strength is above Constitution in this section, given that is how you have it written for the stats? I had to look at this like three times over before I realized I wasn't going crazy.
«❅» Constitutional Point Buy
(Training + Urlan Free Pack + Craft Buy)

Ironheart Pack
Wood Craft Pack
Earthenware Craft Pack
Recovery Pack
Counterplay Pack
Please indicate which two of these you are attaining for free with Wild Training.
(Training + Urlan Free Pack + Craft Buy)
Also just delete this little bit here. It makes it seem as if you are getting Craft Buy for free, which isn't the case.

Mark your changes in blue and @Tag me when all set.